What's the Asian equivalent of a Jew?

What's the Asian equivalent of a Jew?

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A jew


God damn Mongolians


How dare you.

Tamilian Brahmins.


South Koreans

100% this

Third for Chinese.

There isn't one. Slide thread.

>What's the Asian equivalent of a Jew?

a jew.


Chinese are more like muslims IMO, breed alot and need to be culled

take your odd anitsocial commentary back to re∂∂it

I never understood this meme
Chinese are more like Americans
>make good scientific and technological advancements
>still pretty dumb overall population
>arrogant and cocky
>thinks their country is the best

>make good scientific and technological advancements
>still pretty dumb overall population
>arrogant and cocky
>thinks their country is the best
Isn't this the Jews you're talking about?

China, pic related.


America has always been a Jewish country. Every goy in power there is just a puppet of Jews.



The average Chinese is dumb as you said it's just the fact that they have almost 1.5 billion people living there as to why they make more scientific discoveries than most others. Also jew in Japanese is "chinamen".


>America has always been a Jewish country.
No America is a proud Christian nation.
>Every goy in power there is just a puppet of Jews.
This, unfortunately, is true.

fuckin mainlanders.


>No America is a proud Christian nation.

Christianity is Jewish invention. Goyim only started to adopt it much later than Jews.

>make good scientific and technological advancements

What a meme kek, Britain OR France OR Germany made far more scientific and technological advancements than chinks ever did.
Don't know where the meme of them being good at maths comes from since we are killing them on this matter btw.

Israel is in asia you stupid fucking double nigger

if your just talking about east asia then like everyone else has already pointed out so far, mainland chinese

Hong Kong chinks or Gujarati poos.

>Christianity is Jewish invention. Goyim only started to adopt it much later than Jews.
Yeah, you fuckers won't let us be Jewish. You want us to marry your neurotic women to be part of the tribe. Of course the rest of us will follow Jesus. He doesn't ask us to marry neurotic women. Face it schlomo, you got fucked for making your club exclusive. If only you had been more open minded.

Mainlanders are more like niggers than jews


Jews reserve the right to convert it's just difficult, and you really need to want to do it.

A tengu

>Thinks their country is the best.
This is not exclusive to China. Pretty much every country in East Asia thinks their country is the best.

Jews are Asian.
The Middle East is in Asia...

>Jews reserve the right to convert it's just difficult, and you really need to want to do it.
Those are fake Jews. When judgement comes, those Jews who were converts will be disowned by the Rabbis. True jews must be able to trace their ancestry through their women.

Also, kys, for knowing so little about the Jews.


True dat. We have our local Korean diaspora, 100% jewish mentality.

I've always seen this image... but what's it from? image searching is coming up with nothing useful as far as I can bother.

>An old, potentially overweight man
is probably the closest thing to an Asian Jew. Universal and generally portayed as lecherous, greedy creeps.

>Jews reserve the right to convert it's just difficult, and you really need to want to do it.

It's basically a process that weeds out subhumans with low attention span and ability to think more than 2 steps into the future.

With Muslims and Christians, every idiot can convert in 2 seconds.

thank fuck at least 1 other person has a basic knowledge of geography

Asians don't have advanced Caucasoid technology such as Jews. The closest they come are the Chinese who still fall several orders short of Jews in cunning though they exceed them in psychopathy and dishonesty.

There probably isn't a single Jew out there who isn't either heavily mixed or from converts. Heck, king david's mother or grandmother wasn't an israelite and it's in the bible.


The Japs...
Inb4 the "white nationalists" come to defend their waifu and anime.


Japan is more nationalist.

The Chinese dont really know "Jew".
They have something we Whites can relate to. The elite Oligarchs Shamed Europe for hundreds of years, the Chinese have "Century of Humiliation"

ADV china I think made like a 30 minute video on the subject, He was very respecful but its a touchy subject to the Chinese, softly speaking.

Jain. Look for them.

>There probably isn't a single Jew out there who isn't either heavily mixed or from converts.
Yahweh must be ashamed of Avraham's lot. He sends his messengers to impregnate Sarah so that he gets world-conquering offpsrings, and all he gets in the end are mutts who are soo shameless that they claim all jews are mutts.
Woe is you, you fake jew.
>Heck, king david's mother or grandmother wasn't an israelite and it's in the bible.
Man, that really screws up my opinions of Jews. Even the progenitor of the messiah may not be a real Jew? Fuck. Why did Yahweh go through all the trouble to get Sarah pregnant? What was it all for?

Koreans. Koreans control all of the porn industry in Japan and have the highest crime rate there. They are also spreading degeneracy such as jpop.

Chinese are extremely nepotistic, greedy with no concept of laws/morals beyond what they can get away with and what they cant.
I dont think its a problem with the race as I have met plenty of chinese americans and taiwanese who dont share these values but among the culture of chinese mainlanders, greed, cheating, deceit, theft and fraud is absolutely pervasive.
For the low rates of violent crime and sex crimes china has probably the highest rate of white collar/fraud crime in the world by a huge margin. The government is one of the few governments who will execute people for white collar crime because of this.
Unfortunately the government is corrupt as fuck too so whenever someone gets caught its just because they didnt bribe the right people.

Oh also, I dont think this is an inherent part of chinese culture because historically, they did have extremely moralistic dynasties in their past at times but they always fall to corruption.

Much of their current situation is a result of the cultural revolution which destroyed any identity, culture and history much of the chinese had.

Compare the bell curves and keep in mind that it is the geniusses who bring progress and the intelligent who recognize and spread these new ideas.

The chinese have a very high average iq, but very few idiots and geniusses.

Not true, but it takes thousands of hours of dedication through prayer and study.

I really like how Israelis like you have become more comfortable telling the truth here. Prophecies are carrying us through. I don't think Islam is going anywhere, honestly, I feel like I like it because they worship one G-d. I respect what the Torah says about Ishmael I know that much. I advocate for Orthodox conversion to Judaism for those who want the origin of it which has much more information.


No, Koreans are QTs. The bug people known as Chinese are the Jews of Asia.

Good question, so actually Judah ended up impregnating a Goy women and the line if Messiah is in Judah.

>if Messiah
of* Messiah

The edomites are also descendats of sarah (from esau).

Jews are thought to be the descendants of Jacob. And Jacob himself had kids with some slave wives.

>Not true, but it takes thousands of hours of dedication through prayer and study.
So you're saying your thousands of hours of study makes you an offspring of Yahweh? You do realize that Jews are the lord's children, literally. Yahweh impregnated Sarah and all of Avraham's offsprings are essentially the children of God. That is why they think they're God's chosen. Do you not know this basic stuff about the Jews? That is why no one can "convert" to Judaism. Just cause the Jews today let it pass doesn't mean they think converts are real Jews.


Sorry for messing up there. I was excited to answer a question like that.

>Chinese are more like Americans
Case in point, the jews of Asia.

they're liars and cheats and will do anything to get ahead even if it means to undercut you


I understand what you are saying, but if you knew the stories of converts, you would understand. The Book of Ruth is a perfect introduction to the legacy of converts.

Also, you trigger people when you use the divine name.

>The edomites are also descendats of sarah (from esau).
Yes, and your point is?
>Jews are thought to be the descendants of Jacob. And Jacob himself had kids with some slave wives.
Yes, but judaism being passed down through the mother was instantiated during the captivity of the Jews in babylon after the destruction of the first temple. I don't think it was always matrilineal and surely during the times of David, the line was passed down patrilineally. Otherwise the whole thins is a hoax, which I don't think it is.

Chinese here, Chinese really don't have the creativity Jews have, though have the money before morals behavior. I think Koreans would be more so. Chinese are like Slavs.

This 100%
Just look at what they are doing in Japan. The zainichi Koreans owns most of the media outlets there and does some CNN/BBC tier libtard fake news coverages (I.e TBS, Asahi, Fuji TV, etc). Also to mention the yakuzas being mostly composed of them and the illegal pachinko parlors which funds the NK nuclear programs.
Not only that, they do some nig tier stuff over there as well (such as pic where a Korean man vandalized japanese shrine statues)

the rohinga. nobody wants them around either.

It's not a hoax, but the thing to understand here is that converts are real. In fact, one of the main reasons that Jews accept converts today is because of the lost lineages, during the Babylonian Captivity.

Edomites are white people. "Edom" means "red" in hebrew because esau was described as having red hair.

Yes, it only became matrimonial 2000 years ago. But even before then and after there were always converts.

>I understand what you are saying, but if you knew the stories of converts, you would understand.
Converts who tell other converts that the lord will not judge them poorly for LARPing as Jews. Thanks. But now I know you're an idiot.
Do yourself a favor and make sure your kids marry real Jews if you're so interested in converting to Judaism.
>Also, you trigger people when you use the divine name.
Are you a real Jew? No? Then your claim on the name is no more than mine. Besides, do you even understand the translation of Yahweh? The lord has no mortal name. Yahweh is the name given to him by us.

>There probably isn't a single Jew out there who isn't either heavily mixed or from converts.

You should tell that to Israelis against race mixing.

>Chinese aren't Jews


>but the thing to understand here is that converts are real.
I'm not saying converts are not real people. I believe they are. I'm saying they're not real Jews.
>In fact, one of the main reasons that Jews accept converts today is because of the lost lineages, during the Babylonian Captivity.
So you're saying the Jews lost track of people in Babylon, and in order to compensate for that, they told modern people, well, you know what, you can convert to Judaism because who know? you must be one of those people we lost in Babylon.

Does this even sound right in your head, or have you drunk to this so many times that you believe this?

True Jews don't take converts seriously. You want to be a Jew? Marry a Jew. That's the only way the blood of the lord is propagated through you. Till that time, stop LARPing as a Jew.

Iv studied Chinese culture for years.

China is a Huge mass of land and they have Many cultures and even different Languages.

The most striking thing that truly boggles my mind about China is how Vastly different the Culture is when comparing Rural China in general to 2 citys Beijing and Shenzen.

The Chinese are a very interesting people, A very closed group of people that You have to put allot of effort into truly studying.

chinks are pretty jewy
can we all just agree on their nigger arab spicnigger sandnigger faggots over there?
they have them, and they are mudslimes
time for ded

There are no israelis against racemixing. Maybe against marrying non Jews. You'll never find Jews protesting against marrying converts.

>Edomites are white people. "Edom" means "red" in hebrew because esau was described as having red hair.
I'm sorry, I'm still not getting your point.
>Yes, it only became matrimonial 2000 years ago. But even before then and after there were always converts.
Are all Jews on this board converts who think they're Jewish just because they converted to Judaism?

>You'll never find Jews protesting against marrying converts.
Yeah, but all of them bitch about it.


>Jewish Mom
Yeah, that can be a duty of a male convert if he can find one who likes him enough.

Tldr of the whole thing? I'm saying Chinese are like the Jews in many ways but do not manipulate the media to be pro China and Chinese in non Chinese Asian countries.



I agree with you there. It is annoying, but I just heard an Orthodox Rabbi the other day in a conversation with someone else (I was nearby) that the main problem is Reform converts, who have been told they are Jewish but they don't learn Hebrew, or follow the laws long enough to be accepted, in the Orthodox environment.

>Jewish Mom
I'm not Jewish, and it seems my basic understanding makes you think that I'm on the same level as Jewish moms.
That should tell you that your understanding of the faith sucks donkey ass.
>Yeah, that can be a duty of a male convert if he can find one who likes him enough.
Don't think any self-respecting jewish girl is going to marry you anytime soon.

>Are all Jews on this board converts who think they're Jewish just because they converted to Judaism

Don't know about the others but all of my ancestors as far as I can trace have been Jews. However there have always been converts throughout history.

>I'm sorry, I'm still not getting your point.

You said sarah was supposed to be the vessel of all Jews when there were others descended from her.

because they are native to asia you ...you.... american

Reform converts aren't Jews. Same way that Christians aren't Jews. Because it's too easy to convert through reforms. Christianity was also a Jewish thing in the beginning that started accepting goyim easily.

No you’re not Ahmed
China is trying to invent to flush out poor genes while euros are trying to start the next caliphate

Basically he's talking about how every Chinese person he has worked with tried to Jew him over by giving shitty and dangerous products. I guess you could say they are like Israeli Jews, not Western Jews.

>It is annoying, but I just heard an Orthodox Rabbi the other day in a conversation with someone else (I was nearby) that
It's not only rabbis. I've heard multiple Jewish friends bitch about converts. They are looked down upon in the community.

It's the same with Ivanka. Even though the whole world thinks she's Jewish, pretty sure Jared's family is disappointed in him for marrying a shiksa.

Jews are proud of who they are, and it makes sense because they believe they are the blood of the lord.

I don't know of any serious self-respecting Jew who takes converts seriously. If converts marry real Jews, then perhaps their offsprings will be taken seriously.


>Don't know about the others but all of my ancestors as far as I can trace have been Jews.
Stop here. You're a Jew.
>However there have always been converts throughout history.
Don't promote shit. Tell people the right way to convert to Judaism - marry a Jew.
>You said sarah was supposed to be the vessel of all Jews when there were others descended from her.
My bad. I meant Yahweh wanted Avraham to bear children who would give birth to many nations. I get what you were saying now. My mistake.


No isrialites against race mixing?
Did You want to restart the Copper mines up in Syria Again?
This is where Judaism was founded and Now You dont want the Iranians there.
What about the Africans Israel Just evicted? What about the Palistinians Who are clearly marked for Extermination?
What about Russia, 70-200 million plus just before ww2.

Somehow everytime millions die the Jews are always around to reep the profits..... What a cooncidence..... 6 million CNN live...