Churchill was trash and so was the British Empire.
Churchill was trash and so was the British Empire
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Oh look it's the buttmad kraut turkroach with another proxy.
The faggot doesn't even realise Hitler tried to avoid war with the bongs.
And Poland also
Fat cunt cost my Grandfather his life, my dad and two auts a father, and me a beautiful huwhyte country. I'm convinced he sold out to teh joos the fat cunt. Either that or he was a muppet. Nah, teh joos subverted the aristocracy from mid C19 and Churchill was a fucking dumb cunt shit I fucking hate what they've done to us.
(((British empire)))
bro you know your royal family are Rothschilds?
The answer to your question is...BOTH
they sold out long before WWII they used the (((British empire))) to try and destroy true Aryan history and knowledge, what do you think they were doing in India?
Are they? I thought they were just owned by them. How much interbred? Family trees plees.
everyone in this thread has to watch this
and know everything in it can be proven 100% convulsively on that channel
Agreed. Long before WWII, Churchill's role prior to WWI is worth re-examining. The fat cunt was a fat cunt who wasted British lives as easily as stuffing his face with canapes.
You just need to seek more knowledge, knkw the truth. Also England is a pillar of modern civilization I wonder how you would pan out in a 3rd world country!
Yes the british empire was sooo evil for oppressing all those poor shitskins.
Fuck off nazi SJW faggot.
well they married into it after the Napoleonic wars I don't have much details off the top of my head but can link you a vidya if you are interested
here it is long but crucial watching
>well they married into it after the Napoleonic wars I
That'll do as a starting point. I don't doubt it, desu, I know how they work. First they make money, then they seek entry to upper echelons. They're initially excluded because they're so decadent and degenerate, so they ganw at the outskirts. You get a few "socialites" making waves in the (((media))), nobody gives a fuck except some vain aristocrats, and before you know it teh joos are all the fashion at teh ball. Ohh they're so funny don't you know. A little rude, okay, downright vulgar, but isn't it refreshing. Say have you heard about this new play doing the rounds......
...oh, how wonderful! Felicia's marrying Mordechai er... I mean Michael.
p.s no suitable image so have one from the box
other videos specifically about the Illuminati and Rothschilds on that channel, I am telling you every person on Sup Forums should be required to watch every video on that channel if they did we would be more powerful than the "Jews" could ever imagine
Yeah nah. kys.
The movie was really good at showing how churchill was a complete dick and how if hitler hadn't left the english troops leave they would have been defeated like the french troops were. The only thing in the movie that pissed me off was when he shit talked mosley
Is Hitler claiming that he didn't put women and children into concentration camps?
it's a pointing meme nigger, I hate the fucker, gas yourself for being gay
>Started ww1
>had the balls to write bolshevism vs zionism, then
>sold out to the old talmud jew jacob rothschild
>an actor performed speeches for him, see above reason why
>wanted to use any reason to bomb Germany
>ignored all peace requests, banned getting any more
>Technically Judea Jews declared war first in 1933 but it was Britain (and France) that declared it next in 1939 which began the holocaust of German citizens by incendiary bombs for the old Talmud jew Queen
purty much this
I wish they could make a reconstruction of the war with Britain surrendering to Germany and watching German troops march through London. Pic related would probably be the headlines of the day if that happened.
Don't take it so personally, it's a shit meme. It failed to make your point
>Pointing meme
I mean, come on.
So it seems
Better still, we stay out of WWI, it's a mobile war lasting 2 months. France surrenders....
....80 years later Germany runs Europe, with Britain kinda sorta in/out ish in a way kinda. But lots more white people alive, and on history of immigration.
lol you homo I changed my mind now Churchill was right (lol just playing bong
I belly laughed.
Got to make sure to show how we (((hate))) "racists"
America and many other western countries literally did that at the time. Eugenics was pretty common.
>destroyed europe to stop evil hitler
>agreed with hitler on everything
I lol'd n 1
We need you, more than ever, come back
>British Empire
>attempted to civilized the savages
>explored the world
>ended slavery
Fuck off you retarded nigger
you are the retarded nigger stfu, you have no idea what anything means or what is true everything you think know is lies
we are the savages you stupid hick, we are devolving not evolving and the kikes are trying to speed it up using idiots like you to do their dirty work for the last 2000 years at the least
>calls me a nigger
>post some hindu bullshit
Go shit in the street faggot
There was a global Aryan empire after Atlantis fell and the kikes have been working to destroy it for the last 5000 years
you really should just kill yourself you are too stupid to exist
Nice un-sourced pic pajeet, did you just post that from the call-center?
holy shit you are stupid I linked evidence and I can prove it conclusively but you have to actually be smart to understand it so that leaves you out obviously
I'm a NatSoc
But the reason I like the British Empire was because it shows the superiority of the White Race and of course they BTFO subhuman shitskins.
What I don't like was the wars against the boers and of course listening to the kikes to go to war against Germany.
But we have the claim of the biggest empire in history.
Britannia Is not my enemy.
I want British people to save their country and restore honor and prestige to being British.
that's probably the fastest, most condensed redpill I've ever seen
>ou really should just kill yourself you are too stupid to exist
Except my degree is from a top university, not the university of Hyderabad
> I can prove it conclusively
no sources except retarded youtube shit
fuck you are an idiot, link to some academic papers
C. was an alcohol addicted freemason , a criminal madman .
"I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits." - Winston Churchill
(((university))) yah good job all run by free masons, you are nice and ((indoctrinated))) ever look for information outside of what (((they))) taught you? Of course not, they taught you what they wanted you to know to make a good worker bee
only the beginning
this is what the Germans discovered, this is what WWII was really about keeping them from showing the world all of this can be proven conclusively but people will never look because they are so deep in the matrix like this dude
brainwashing doesn't work if people actually know they are being brainwashed hick now does it?
yeah, and engineering degree which is 99% math is totally jew lies. You could just kill yourself at this point. BTW I graduated back in 2000, before your jew shit went into high gear
This thread is full of fake-British cucks.
We will defend our island, whatever the cost may be.
they teach you this in math class genius?
I'm a computer scientist with a double minor in anthropology and business, former college professor, thermo dynamics researcher for Georgia Tech and author and researcher for the last 20 years, you really want to try and compare credentials big fella?
you have no idea how to do real math or even what real math is, you should go ahead and kill yourself bro you are pretty worthless even dangerous
>you have no idea how to do real math or even what real math is,
welp, I'm out of this thread, you are delusional. There are people on the board that actually work fucking retard
you are either a massive imbecile or shill either way fuck yourself bud
I am going to go with shill since you immediately comment without looking at any evidence and use ad hominem attacks with subtle mind contol tactics
>people on the board that actually work fucking retard
>goy stop exposing all of this just be normal and part of the matrix or you are a loser
fuck yourself bud with an iron rod
Your family members were faggots anyway; Churchill had the wisdom to cull the weak and useless from his great Nation.
Daily reminder that
>Muh Joos
Immediately identifies you as a poorfag loser worthy of zero consideration.
Good movie, Oldman deserves an Oscar for sure.
nice pic
>“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish”
>-Vladimir Putin, The Jerusalem Post, June 6, 2013
k sure but could yo do that without being a bunch of thick skulled retards and get half of europe handed over to the soviet union?
I love this channel
Angelic-isaacsons are foolish people
It's thanks to the British Empire that your nation exists, I wouldn't be so ungrateful if I were you.
you slope have obviously never heard os SS;GB, or watched TV show of same name.
Kill yourself now you fucking fool!
Website is up