What are your thoughts on The Daily Stormer?
What are your thoughts on The Daily Stormer?
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Based, 14 points out of 88. Six million hits daily don't go wrong.
Best news website
Anglin's a good guy and a good writer, he's really funny.
Largest Nationalist website, shifting the overton window, still managing to run even though both of its operators are hiding overseas.
it's a meme website, the splc kvetching ultra hard just shows how hysterical they are about it all
I don't see it as anything other than a hilarious shit posting website
bunch of nazis
Sauce on this hottie?
Gay little website made to milk rejected losers of society for their NEETbucks.
this, truly our greatest ally
Anglin is capable of some of the most clever writing ive ever seen.
I dont read anymore tho cause I cant read the comments and I'm not trying to learn TOR and shit ;_;
Yeah, he's got a good tone. It's like the Onion for NatSocs, but it's all real.
Anglin is hilarious
It's entertaining and the humor actually makes me laugh.
Mainstream comedy is shit because you can't do nigger and kike jokes. Race humor is funny, especially when it's "not allowed".
Striker is alright
Anglin interview on Cantwell’s show this weekend was awesome. He had an interesting political development and mentioned pol as his catalyst for getting woke on JQ
good lads. fun forums
I'd love to write for them.
Funny as fuck, and every time I go past an apple store I set the safari homepage on their iMacs to it.
Anglin's a pretty clever guy. Funny as well. So are most of the other staff like Adrian Sol.
Whenever it's Australian or Canadian holiday and the shitposting on Sup Forums gets too heavy, I go there instead.
Good news site, but Anglin's pro-gook articles are cringey and tone-deaf as fuck. Gooks go into the oven with the rest of the subhumans, rice-burners like Anglin will just have to deal with it.
Did he really say race mixing with Asians is OK? That would disqualify him from the moment.
If a Sup Forumsack was dedicated to effortposting.
We need more Anglins.
I'd prefer something like 2015 TRS, Amren or Counter Currents.
He is a manlet who has a history of traveling Asia to fuck gooks of various sorts. He constantly implies that gook fucking is tolerable and makes fawning posts about k-pop gooks. Even today, he made a post normalizing white men breeding with gooks.
The Overton window has shifted, your examples are too moderate to be of any interest to most young white men. At this point, we need to be working towards exterminating and expelling all aliens from our lands and redistributing property to our fighting cadres. Moderate intellectual talk won't resolve what is fundamentally a conflict of blood and soil.
Echo chamber that is controlled by them.
Love it, go there about once a day
Counter-currents is great but a bit heavy at times. DS is my go to morning coffee website. Surprisingly accurate insight combined with dark, witty humor. What’s not to love?
They are entitled to their own opinion. They have freedom of speech and freedom of thought, just like everyone else.
The article said it’s okay to fuck them, but any child would not be white or have the same rights as whites.
The vast majority of WN males would bang a sexy nonwhite, you’re delusional if you think otherwise.
Hybridizing with other races will blur the line between us and them, and doom our people to eventual mongrelization and extinction. If we go to Asia, it should only be to completely exterminate and replace them, not to govern them for their own benefit while hybridizing with their women.