Femininity and Lesbianism are the future. It's inevitable.
Prove me wrong.
Femininity and Lesbianism are the future. It's inevitable
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I have to agree
The future is a purely female Aryan society, sustained by science-babies. They Hitlerdakimasu during feasts.
Can girls (male) be lesbian?
>Prove me wrong.
you're right, but they will be traps, not females
>Femininity and Lesbianism
pick one
Hons out.
Femininity can't win wars.
Not as long as my black dick has anything to say about it.
Once reproduction can be done artifically both gender and sex can be eliminated. I think you’re wrong.
Females are bisexual by default.
Males are bisexual by default too, but only tops can claim to be straight.
War will cease to exist in the new world
>Prove me wrong.
You are 90% right. You make such statements and no one wants to kill you.
Femininity is not the future. It's already here.
Simple: a female can kick a male in the balls but a male can straggle a female. Who lives after that?
There will just be a bunch of countries not talking to each other.
That would be nice, but this world needs at least my dick in it. Women can't survive without strong and smart men to do all the dirty work like farming and construction.
Oh yes it will.
It will exist when we go to war with other civilization out in space, whether or not femininity takes over- which it won't.
>Lesbianism is the future
You are not a real woman you retarded tranny
Women can´t trully get off out off rubbing cunts, like mens with sexbots. they become frustrated to the point of becoming a threat to public safety
Sage all fields and report post
So feminine :o
I see you're a Jewish woman in dire need of muh dick.
Girls loving girls is the future, stop being a bunch of faggots.
After seeing what happens when males can pick any body they want in VRchat, I'm sure you're right. I mean, when men will be able to become real girls instead of men with fake vagina which doesn't even work.
Robots. If you want to ask "but who will program them?", we have singular percentages of female programmers who can. Also, robots will program robots.
I love you JIDF
Wrong, Sven. Girls being blacked in front of their white husbands is the future. We're gonna have so many cute brown babies and not going to pay for nor raise a single one.
Your fear proves my point
I wish it were easier to invoke physical transformation in living organisms without it being fatal. Then you just figure out how to tweak and add values to provoke human metamorphosis and release a virus that turns every human into a tall, athletic, healthy individual capable of both roles in reproduction. All of mankind turned into robust, genius-level hermaphroditic athletes, well-stacked and hung like horses.
>2 posts by this ID
>wymyn kissing
>Sup Forumss fall for it 'cause it's full of fapping faggots
>rabbis continue
>shills win
Why are you doing this Sup Forums?
Men who like lesbianism are cucks
Just sayin
what a shitty larp thread
dont forget to sage
Why don’t you reply to my post?
No such thing as lesbians, only bisexuals and bulldykes who are too ugly/insecure to try getting a man.
No no no no
yes yes yes yes
That’s somewhat already possible...
I fucking wish I got paid to post cute girls, would make me set for like desu.
Is that actually jidf?
Girls cannot into true love though, OP
This is why i stopped visiting this subforum filled with untermensch garbage.
Wars requiring physical strength are fast becoming obsolete. With the rapid development of drone technology there will soon be a day where the infantryman will be a thing of the past. For the present however yes, a 5' tall 90 lbs woman would make a horrible soldier.
Says the cuck who doesn't want two girls kissing between his dick.
But what are you going to do with all the women that crave that bbc?
You are retarded, user. You do not know anything about biology.
>pic related
Life* teehee
I beginning to wonder who I hate more, yurifags or furries. The only thing yurifags have going for them right now is they are small in number.
Lesbianism keep daughters pure too, you (the father) can raise their childrens and not degenerate
kelly is number one
Who are you quoting?
slum dweller pls
>implying lesbians would do that and not just have you castrated and force you to work in their dildo factory
yea no I'll rather dominate my girls
LUG culture is not anymore representative of the future than your leftist/Marxist/socialist/communist phase was
Go back to Sup Forums you sad little queers
>post cute girls
You know what you are doing, you are subverting Sup Forums for the kikes
nah, jidf is run by jews, and jews don´t work or make any wealth, they outsorce for the goy to do it and then charge the goy somehow
You're not Chad enough to even have a threesome with two girls. Poor white boy. You're better off being a trap.
It'd only last a generation lel
>being this mad
Pure faggotry.
Well, since we're entering on a ginocentric world and being constantly exposed to female traits... Some of us are being constantly morphed to adhere and surrender to our "female side". That's why we see more and more faggots and less manhood.
It's like a consciousness erasing.
Stop replying to this shit. It is brainwashing to encourage white men to become "females" so they can look like qt anime girls. DO NOT fall for it. Sage, report, hide, move on.
Kinda ironic that you call them gay when you post stuff like this
>a mutt not even trying to hide his darkness
have fun being a useless burden to everyone nog. I'll give your wife a few blond kids
it's totally normal and pure fucking snownigger
Yes like Sodom and Gomorrah all over again. Homosexuals should repent,
Technology suggests otherwise.
It's not gay when girls do it.
What in the fuck is this? Not only is this not political at all even a child knows its wrong. Sage and report.
there you go hans
Hold up, is this thread full of female homosexuals or male homosexuals?
What did (((he))) mean by this?
Has she ever done any other scenes?
This user is completely correct, yuri is in no way homosexual. Saying othewise makes you a massive cockloving faggot kike.
>anime images
>AGP garbage
what a coincidence!
>posting an annoying MOOOOODS post without there being cheese pizza posted
FFS, first day here from plebbit?
thank you rabbi
she looks like that hapa whose parents is some rich jew guy and some chink woman
>The jew corrects his minion´s flaws, so he can better integrate in his role of subversion
>Little does the "goy" know, he will be trown under a buss after his role is done and he isn´t needed anymore
>page 2
>almost an hour
mods are niggers and kikes
Das rite!
>it's normal
obseity is also normal. dosen't make it good
why are you advocating for people not making white babies
If it's now a man and a woman then it's gay
That story in the bible didn't even have anything to do with homosexuality. It's about inhospitality and rape at most.
>americans in charge of religious studies
Weeaboo queers will be the first to go during the Day Of The Rope™
i am telling this to the Sup Forumsacks who fall for this bait
How is this off-topic? Every part of my statement was political. You're just too scared to accept the truth.