Kra*ts, EU, and Russians BTFO
Kra*ts, EU, and Russians BTFO
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Please delet, we had like 3 Poland hate threads already
Please delet, we had like 3 Poland hate threads already
was this an advert of soviet surplus weapons?
Poland is the most pro-EU country in the EU.
Because of the gibs yes, they receive the most.
Cringy national propaganda thread? Cringy national propaganda thread.
Actually per capita Poland receives below the European average.
Man do I feel like breeding now
Such is life in the Ponzi Union.
While rich Luxembourg receives the most EU aid per capita xD
Stay away
>Hello, we kicked out all officers, recruited a bunch of airsofters, sold our hardware to wahhabis, ruined our military industrial complex, and now we manufacture MRAPs
Superpooper by 2050
Nothing can stop us, nothing will stop us
love when you talk dirty to me
This now a T-I-G-E-R-S thread
This SHIT again...
Although I must say that the polish cult of heroism has its good sides
Prepare Uranus 'cuz we goin' to space
PLOAND is a great country if they would only reject the EU. I think Trump should offer a free trade deal with any country that drops out and place tarrifs on the rest
You fucking cunts...
>t. I am an American and i have no bloody idea how trade and tariffs work
I have work tomorrow, so I can't repost them all tonight. Here is the latest most complete thread if you don't have them all Goodnight, Poleniggers
Hrhrh durhrh, just hear jew talk.
>letting your guard down
I'm on my way, prepare yourself
I didn't know that we make international propaganda, cool.
>video uploaded by the polish bureau of investment and trade
>features militiary man talking about being the best nation in the world interrupted by comic-book-esque montage
>dramatic music plays in the background
I find this extremely distasteful.
Can you picture general Mattis going out to a civilian location in full uniform, and talking about how his nation is the best? Do you see him accepting to be put in some cheesy montage where he jerks off the ego of citizens and potential investors alike?
Pic related is a taste of what (((the bureau of investment and trade))) will inevitably start pumping out soon. For shame!
Are you new or something?
Lots of them are whores & in porn though, got some big tits to rape when Yurowars start.
What's up with those threads lately? That honestly a bit cringy video has been posted today before. What gives? Did we do anything?
>do anything
I have no fucking clue.
This is on par with claiming that foreign Aid benefits foreign countries because it pushes people into consumption of their countries goods.
Cool... so when is P*land going to take all these Jews back?
>Jews trying to co-opt anti anti (((EU))) and other Jewry sentiment with anti National Socialist German propaganda, who fought exactly the same shit
>remember the enemy are other whites not the Jews on the lever who push this shit with all their might on you :^)
It's the German who pulled the trigger
It's the German who executed polish child during daylight, in the middle of the street
It's the German who bombed Warsaw
It's the German who robbed polish galleries
Do you know the oldest saying in Poland ?
>As long as the world exists, The Pole will never be German's brother
That "saying" is literally from some book.
That's true though.
>UNICEF sends European food to some African nation
>Africa nation, a rural society has to compete with free Euro food
>African farmers go bankrupt
>Now they are also dependent on UNICEF aid
Why is there so little farming equipment being sent to Africa instead of food, medication?
Why are they building wells, housing and primary schools, but hardly teach the people how to plant their own food and teach them trade skills?
Poland, first to clean your toilets
more like first to fucking surrender and give up their women to their numerous conquerors
That's you on the Mexican border, boi.