
We just got BTFO. Literally how can we even make a counterargument to this? I feel so humiliated and wrong...

Other urls found in this thread:

She can use her thoughts and prayers to take my guns away from me.

former trump voter here but seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes

Why not just ban women's rights and when people are upset about it, just tell them tough shit?

she's not wrong

You can't uphold the ban of anything without guns.
Banning guns is a logical fallacy.
It's like raising taxes so the government will stop stealing from taxpayers.



How about instead of taking refugees terrorist Muslims we send them hearts and prayers like these liberals do when these refugees Muslim go on a killing spree#notallguns

A counter argument to what? It's literal nonsense.

Bitch needs to take a look at her political statements. Replace a few words and you're talking about banning muslims or jews. She sounds like some asshole who would post on stormfront.

>somebody sends their respectful condolences in scenarios where nothing else can be done but they wish they could help
>vomit shade at them

This. Liberals are disgusting people.

Making guns illegal does not equal removing guns from hands of criminals.

Sorry I got better things to worry about ,kid.

Come and take them, shall not be infringed and so forth.


Little faggot who needs solid man love asap.

Cringy fucking thread

How will they even know who has guns, or what guns they have? As far as I know there's no registry for them to check. They could look up CCW holders and stop by their houses.

>s-sir, how many guns do you have in there?
>just this one.
>t-thanks, we'd like to take your gun.
>hands over a beater hi-point.
>thank you for your compliance sir

I have 7 guns. If I even so much as caught a whiff of a ban, all but one would get buried in a tragic landslide accident somewhere in the mountains.


Ooooh so edgy. I’m feeling so btfo


So how does this bitch plan to enforce the ban? A ban is just a decree by some bureaucratic dudes. How does the cunt propose to go door to door and confiscate 400 million guns? With thoughts and prayers I guess.


Go try to conquer someone else.

Don't ever forget why (((they))) want your guns.


>no guns leaf
How stereotypical

Why don't we force integrate every Khazar Jewish neighborhood with the darkest third worlder's we can find and shoot the Khazar's when they resist? It's what anti whites like her wanted done to white people in the south and turn about is fair play.

>we don't need guns because we have the police.

>the police are bad and can't be trusted.

Pick one.

She's going to need thoughts & prayers if she tries to take my guns away.

this has been said online by hundreds of different sources if not thousands, this probably isn't even the OP source. My point is, when we mindlessly repost the sentiments of those we think are noble, we lose the capability to make change ourselves, and should really STFU and return to League...

way to miss the point, shit-cunt.

Thoughts and prayers may not be good enough for you, but guns and bullets would be too good for you.

most of the so called "victims" of gun violence are worthless waste of life gangbanging pieces of shit who never had families to begin with, just heinous welfare leeching broodmothers. fuck them.

>her thoughts and prayers
she's gonna need thoughts and prayers if her nitwit party ever tries
>unironically hoping they try this shit before I die


Don't let these commies take our guns boys