I have never understood why the typical American does this and probably never will?
Why do Americans Vote Against their Own Self-Interest
Except, you know, 90% of people are getting taxed less because they voted repub this time around.
Yeah, and they are losing healthcare benefits and repubs are eye to make cuts to social security. They voted for an administration that wants to make corporations and rich people richer at their own expense.
What are you doing with your life?
When is the last time you had a cook-out?
I vote for democrats because I like slaving away all day to hand my money to jews so they can give it niggers who rob and murder me.
That is so ignorant to really believe that though. You taxed money mostly goes to road maintenance and construction, policemen and fire fighters, water and sewer infastructure, and national parks.
Very little of it actually goes to forgien aid.
If you enjoy wage slaving yourself for your boss, then you should vote repub
That picture is bonefied proof the Left can't meme or make a point.
>The left can't meme
That is where you are wrong kiddo.
>social security and medicare are free not my tax money
People vote for their own interest
So they can do what they want with THEIR money
And the Democrats have this white guy's best interest in mind...of course.
Voting for anyone who wants to increase your taxes and give your money to someone else is voting against your own interest.
Americans voting for Democrats are voting for the interest of illegals and for continuous theft of their hard earned money through increasing taxes and larger government. Anyone voting for dems is voting against their own interest.
The fact that your elected government isn't ordering the murder of its own ambassadors. That's important to you. Got it.
healthcare bennies were better before niggercare, you retarded faggot shit-eater
>yes goys don't vote for moral reasons or to strengthen the nation as a whole, instead vote for what benefits you and only you.
Also why do democrats bring up benghazi so much to "mock" republicans when it was a very real act of evil committed by them
It's not all about me, y'know.
Oh wait you wouldn't because you're a gommie leech.
So the amerimutt memes are a leftypol shilling tactic? Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
If you cuck for nonWhites you might be a Leftist cuck
Anyone who takes Occupy Democrats seriously should do the world a favor and kill themselves
It’s you again. Fuck you’re a monotonous shill. Put some effort into it. Sage
>because of benghazi
>cut my social security
yeah, if you're an illegal immigrant
>cut my medicare
you mean end Obama's forced tax if you didn't need it?