What would have happened if she won?
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War between burgers and Iran right now.
Let's just thank god she didn't.
FEMA Camps for all!
She won. Honestly she's the legitimate president
Hawaii notification would be real.
immigrants & refugees putting strain on europe are given a ticket for the america boat
Boring standard neo liberal politics.
>State visit to UK
>Big speech against Putin
>Visit to Israel
>Speech against Putin
>Visit to Germany
>Speech against Putin
>Arms more rebels in Syria
>More soldiers go to Iraq
>Speech against Putin
that's not even a stretch. she would have totally done that.
Half of Syria would now live in America.
>She won.
Second place doesn't count
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WW3 would have started the next week, she made that pretty clear on multiple occasions. Iran in particular was on her shit list.
You would be in a fox hole in Eastern Ukraine.
Also Sup Forums would have been shut down
I would have been offered a 50,000+ dollar reenlistment bonus to go fight in another shitty pointless war with probably the same idiots we were just training.
Trump would of refused on concede even more violence would of kicked up as conservative attack liberals, Mexicans, blacks and gays.
All those Nazi and confederate protesters would of been a movement attacking liberals.
It sucks Trump won, but our country is just not positioned to be a serious world player anymore, we’re to stupid and violent
70% state income tax. 100% wealth tax. Death of freedom.
Why would Sup Forums be shut down? Do liberals hate this website?
We wouldn't be the laughing stock of the world
More women & children refugees coming into our country
Better healthcare as Obamacare would be extended
No tax cuts for billionaires like Trump is doing
Racism and sexism at a decrease, the alt right would've been dismantled after Trump's loss
No tensions with North Korea as she wouldn't be shitposting on Twitter about them like Trump is doing
No ridiculous 18 billion dollar wall, we would use that 18 billion dollars for something useful like education & welfare
And most of all, Bill would get more spotlight and do some funny antics.
desu it would've been a better, more peaceful world. Sup Forums likes spouting the WW3 meme a lot but Trump is pretty much setting the world on the verge to WW3 currently.
No they love it, show your liberal friends Sup Forums and Sup Forums
we'd be living in a socialist paradise by now
She's dead, she died live on tv on 911. Economic problems and a ton of international problems. Immigration problems.
Why did she switch from being a republican to a democrat?
Net Neutrality would not have been repealed. Meaning all ISP's would need an FCC licence to operate. The White House Commission to Fight Foreign Sedition authorized by the 2016 Defense Authorization Act would have been formed. The Commission would have had the authority to determine if content on a website was "foreign propaganda" and would have had the power to order the FCC to withdraw an ISPs operating licence of the offending website was not blocked. Trump has not formed the commission and repealing Net Neutrality means that ISPs no longer need a n FCC licence to operate. If Clinton had won, Net Neutrality would still be in place, the commission formed and sites like this one would be blocked. Of course that really doesn't matter, because we'd be living through the aftermath of WWIII.
All out Global nuclear war.
DJI would be at 6,000,000 because city people know what's best for the economy
you're way off base here faggot
Sand Niggers.
niggers, illegal aliens, entitlements for niggers and illegal aliens, weak America and Stock Market. Oh, and more anti-White, Pro Black propaganda.
A war, only that this war would fizzle out before the chance to usher in the great law! In other words it would delay law unity at least by 100 years!
Found the liberal nigger cuckfag.
And I'm Kenyan astronaut!
Imagine being this brainwashed.
Yes, it would have been more of the usual, rather boring Obama era practices and policies, and possibly worse could have been cultivated under Hillary Clinton, due to the extreme prevalence of the Social Justice phenomenon. The worst damage that Obama had done, in my opinion, is the embrace of homosexuality by the federal government. I can't blame Trump much for shrewdly realizing that some pre-Obama conventions may be unable to gain currency now, however.
>18 billion for welfare
Found the nigger.
global happenings
with donnie, only shitposts are guaranteed. fat faggot literally dindu nuffin
We'd be better off.
>"She won."
>she didn't win
What did he mean by this?
America would've finally become great
Her VP would now be president, the West Wing would be at a federal penitentiary, stock market would be in the shitter.
Word War 3 unironically
Sanctuary city network would be in overt control of the domestic u.s.
Many of us would have been subpoenaed and indicted under "anti-hate" legislation. Badthink censoring a.i would be overtly supported and backed by the government.
U would have to ask the only the only survivors of that crazed bitch's nuclear war with Russia, the cockroaches and rats.
it would be over by now
The 'status quo' would have been maintained, the cattle would have continued doing what it does best.
Turks and jews inherit the earth?
>Better healthcare as Obamacare would be extended
same shit thats happening now, only the the press wouldnt be talking about it. People wouldnt be ratting her out, and neo-liberal cucks would be defending her.
Sage goes in all fields.