Will latinas bring about the end of the white man?
I live out in the West coast and I see a lot of the white males dating latinas over white girls.
Will latinas bring about the end of the white man?
I live out in the West coast and I see a lot of the white males dating latinas over white girls.
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Nathan Damigo is really into latinas.
Never seen one in real life but I'd rape Abella Anderson.
Not with fake tits like that
Yeah Latinas chase white guys and put out easier so white girls are getting underbid.
Of all the ethnic bitches latinas look the closest to white.
There is a lot of blurring/overlap between latinas and southern euros.
The age of the white woman is over.
Wait, I thought it was azn girls that were going to bring about the end of the white race.
That's tomorrow.
That's because the term latino is not worth anything, castizo, criollo, mestizo and mulato should be the ones used.
Lmao, I could post an African and you would say the same shit. If someone has brown skin then they aren't white.
It's all in the plan, there are ancient races that no long exists. Things change.
t castizo
Hispanics are white, so just stop with the bullshit.
Look at a map of Europe. If you think French and Italians and Portugese and Greeks are white people, then Spaniards are too.
My bad im criollo, dunno how i mixed those
"The age of the white woman is over" should be made to go viral. Maybe then white women would stop supporting the damn immigrant invasion and would go full alt-right.
Cute brown girls are hard to beat. Especially Texan ones.
The white man is smart enough to not date Met*zo scum if we had to pick one it will be a CAUTIZO.
No, I would not in a million years call that anything close to white. Even Arab girls don't look anything close to southern euro.
But a lot of latinas can easily blur into the darker southern euro spectrum amongst Spain and Italy.
Lol you're just going to get a feminist shitstorm saying they never had an age and all of history has been male dominated. Why does nobody on Sup Forums ever think of the other sides argument first and make a plan from there to show there's no legitimacy in aforementioned argument?
You let these Latinos air out in England for a few months, and they'll eventually turn a pasty white.
Correct. White men and Asian woman make up the highest percentage of inter-racial relationships.
Latinos are not hispanic
>Mediterranean people don't look like other Mediterranean people
Okay my past friend, I believe you.
Latina fucker checking in.
Spain was under literal Muslim/African rule for a fucking eternity. Their woman are on average darker with light brown skin due to that fact. While Spanish woman closer to France are white.
is the one on the right related to richard spencer somehow?
Coutizo lol
Those same areas were under Roman rule, by your very own logic everyone from Britain to Egypt should look like Italians because "muh rapebabies". Meme argument from a meme flag.
At the very best Latinas are a 50 50 mixture, to say a woman with light brown skin like in the OP is racemixing if she married a brown guy is insane .
latinas are probably the white man's last hope to birth children that don't look like mutants.
>white women want nothing to do with white men
>asian women are soulless ants
>black women are ugly orcs
>poo women are weird
Latinas are:
>mostly christian
>have intact families
>look kind of like dark haired white women
You have not seen enough north africans
Except their skin is literally brown. You cannot say a person with brown skin is white.
Or you know, what makes else could make people go brown after generations
Pshhhh that was silly of me, us castizo almost never make mistakes now back to the farm you go to feed my arayn family.
Yes. Once you've experienced filling a Latina with your seed you know it's what nature intended
> curvy
> can cook
> raised traditionally
> motherhood ingrained in culture
> most likely bilingual
> works hard and respects hard work
> possibility of mixed race children with superior immune systems
what's the problem again?
They look like Spaniards?
Whoever wouldnt fuck that is a gay
Looks like Madrid when I went there tbqh
You really think Latinas are white woman who were in the sun too long? Are you mentally retarded?
While race-mixing is bad...
I'd definitely say it's less worse to race-mix with Latinas than Asians because at that point at least your kids would be "mostly" White and have less of a chance of being ugly as sin.
Latinas are nuts but they are women so thats expected
No, since you frame it as coming from feminist white females. It is framed that we are now in an age of the hispanic or black female while totally slamming white women. One could actually say this is in fact already happening if you follow the entertainment industry where minorities are always put on a pedestal while white women are looked down upon.
The jealousy anger from such blatant lies would be enough to flip these white women. We are already there they just need a little push.
Don't be such a defeatist leaf.
A half hispanic son and a half hapa daughter would be ideal if talking mixes
I didn't say they were, why are you setting up random strawman arguments?
The point is they don't look like that because of "muh Muslim occupation", they've probably always looked like that.
Would sully my genes if I ever found a qt brown girl like this.
You're saying we're brown because of muslim rule. We're brown because iberians have been taking more than the double of sunlight than the rest of Europe for thousands of years.
Stop trying to look for the "best of racemixing" you degenerate faggot
American white women are useless. And they will get fat.
Listen to yourself. It's absolute fact that the Muslim African rule over Spain had effects on the DNA which darkened the people.
I’d argue that white feminism is to blame more than any other race or ethnic group.
To paraphrase a close friend; “white women are proof enough against white supremacy.”
I said if you HAD to race-mix.
You need to bleach them then integrate them into the mutt race. It’s the only way to maintain a white majority in America. In 2 gens they’ll look Italian.
The problem with Asians is that the mongoloid facial features tend to be very dominant. White indo Europeans can overlap with Hispanics.
If your land is conquered and controlled by an African Muslim people then they are going to dilute the shit out of the original DNA. It's not even an argument. Those closer to Morroco are darker and those closer to France tend to be white. It's not the sun turning black people into whites and whites into blacks.
I guess you're baiting, but let me give you a lesson of history.
The muslim armies (that were berbers with muslim generals) came in two waves, 30k in total with both armies. The population of the Peninsula in that moment was between 5 and 8 million people depending on what author you read.
How many women did they rape to accomplish such feat?
>It is framed that we are now in an age of the hispanic or black female while totally slamming white women
Anecdotal at the very least and complete bs at the very most. Nearly every well known 'feminist' is white, not a minority. The only reason you think they are is because you see angry brown/black girls on Twitter which isn't representative of anything.
>Don't be such a defeatist leaf
Lel, not even a leaf and I'm fucking a white girl. If you think white girls are going to come back to you because coloured women rejected them that's stupid. If anything they'll just fuck brown/black guys to get back at them, do you not know how the female mind works?
It's the ass
0.5 percent of the world population is related to Genghis Khan. You'd be fucking surprised how many woman an opposing man if not a force can rape.
>shapeless skinnyfat cunts
Whats this girls name please?
>If your land is conquered and controlled by Roman Pagan people then they are going to dilute the shit out of the original DNA.
Jesus, how are you not understanding what a stupid argument that is?
>It's not even an argument
You're telling me.
>Those closer to Morroco are darker and those closer to France tend to be white. It's not the sun turning black people into whites and whites into blacks.
No way, you're telling me those closer to the equator are darker? Wow, totally not the sun or anything.
I have some shapeful Aryan woman for you right here, more curves on her face alone than all of China.
The top tier Latinas are basically just white women with brown skin.
>Hispanics are white
>The top tier Latinas are basically just white women with brown skin.
basically le 56% nothing more
>The percentages are literally the border of asturias
That's actually an urban legend, similar to the one of Charlemagne in the west. Meme flag, meme argument still stands.
Get out of California, dumbass.
Wait, on second thought, stay there. We don't need any more of you faggots shitting up the rest of the country.
Lmao, I'm talking about Africans ruling over Spain for a very considerable amount of time. You think brown Spanish woman are white. Look at a brown Spanish woman and compare her face to a blond blue eyed German, they're different fucking people.
Maybe because white girls have become insufferable. In the 3 years I've lived in this town I've met TWO white girls that I can regularly be around and not want to knock them out and I'm dating one of them but it took alot of work. Latina and black girls aim to please, white girls usually want you to pull the weight
You have it come from white feminists. There is only so much self hatred people can swallow before they wake up and reject it.
Your defeatist attitude and contribution to the destruction of the white race only confirms my belief that you are part of the problem, should be denied the right to vote and be barred from holding public office.
Still, popularizing white chads with Asian and Latina women would be amazing propaganda. Especially in the context of leaving a fat white girl
Prey on the more conservative cultures leading to faster engagements than they get too to really put the fear in them
>that light bulb head,
No thanks user.
It's not a meme to say millions of people today are related to him, maybe not 0.5 percent but still millions. I've yet seen one paper denying that.
t.Carlos Esteban Gutierréz
Latinas are the very best in bed, right? Latina waifus are the true destiny of humanity.
The Spaniards don't have have significant subsaharan admixture. They would look like Brazilians if congoid Africans really invaded their land for centuries.
They also didn't commit rape in most of the cities here because they allowed them to surrender to preserve themselves from getting plundered. Also the concept of yundas, which were military camps that muslims used to relocate their soldiers outside the citis, because they didn't want them to mix with the native population (mixing meant more muslims, and they needed the taxes they were getting from non muslims). This concept of non forced mixing prevailed until the 11 century and by then half of the Peninsula was already in christian hands again.
Galicia is light brown there and is the part of the peninsula with the biggest north african admixture along with west andalusia. The ones with less admixture are eastern andalusia and catalonia.
>You think brown Spanish woman are white. Look at a brown Spanish woman and compare her face to a blond blue eyed German, they're different fucking people.
that is because all spaniards with black eyes are nigger tier. and so most of browns spaniards. same apply for portugal and greece.
who deny that is not white and i dont give a fuck
you are not white miguel
The Spaniards you're thinking of are clearly white from vision. A significant amount of Spain has dark eyes, dark hair and light brown skin.
>75% white? Descend from Spain or Portugal?
I dated a Latina/black girl once. She destroyed my dick in the best way possible
>I'm talking about Africans ruling over Spain
Ffs, what shitty country are you from that you're unable to comprehend this?
By that very logic, of Africans ruling over the Spanish resulting in darker skin, Africans should have light skin since the Romans ruled over the first and for longer. Of course, that argument is moot however since neither example works out.
>Look at a brown Spanish woman
>South American
Jesus, you retarded nigger Spanish is a language not an ethnicity. Also half the websites on Google image search say she's south american or Indian. Instead of using random people that cannot be confirmed or denied use someone that we know is from Spain.
>Mexicans aren't whi
wtf is the racial difference between a castizo and a criollo
She just looks spanish desu. Or Portuguese, I can't tell them apart.