Who will you support when Israel orders Trump to invade Iran?
Who will you support when Israel orders Trump to invade Iran?
pic related likely scenario (minus China imo)
The people on the defensive side.
I will support Israel of course you think I wanna be on the losing side lol faggot.
drumpf ofc
maybe he can redeem himself
dictatorships in the 21st century are unacceptable
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reported for announcing sage
Trump. He knows what he’s doing.
Iran is responsible for the revival of Islam in the modern world, and if we smash their theocratic Islamic state into oblivion, then it is a victory for secularism against Islam and we will be one step closer to eliminating that virus for good.
>inb4 all the muzzies and 2nd gen diasporas call me a kike
>announcing a sage
spotted the reddit newfag.
enjoy your ban
Off topic replies are also a bannable offense.
Kek away!
>Shia Islam is responsible for reviving sunni Islam
Are you retarded?
When the international Jew sets its sights on an enemy they are relentless. The only thing that has protected Iran so far is their peoples sense of nationhood. A sense of community still exists there, they demonstrated this in the Iran Iraq war.
Saddam invaded thinking that the Iranian nation would fragment but they rallied hard behind their leade. In the first week after the invasion hundreds of thousands of volunteers were on the frontline.
Rationaly when Israel and USA are forced to resort to defending themselfs from iran muslimes I will support Israel and USA, logicaly!
there will be no war. best scenario: parts of the irgc and basij will topple the mullahs and create a new republican constitution.
Mullah Omar and Ayatollah Shams will never surrender.
israel. the israeli military guarantees my trade security and iran are worthless sandniggers
They’re the same thing retard
As an ex “Shia” Muslim, the “muh Shia/Sunni” that gets shilled on the internet is the biggest meme ever that doesn’t actually have any meaning at all.
How much “Sunni” extremism was there before 1979? None, because before Iran brought back radical Islam the entire Muslim world was secularizing
Join the Houthis.
You must trade in interspecies cuckold porn then. That's the only thing Israelis guarantee.
>They’re the same thing retard
No they're not. You're a fucking moron.
>How much “Sunni” extremism was there before 1979? None
Wahhabis ruled KSA since 1932 and the Muslim Brotherhood existed since 1928. I dont know if youre stupid or pretending to be stupid, both are weak trolls
What if Iran got the upper hand and took over Saudi Arabia and Israel?
Do you remember Georgia 2008?
Be careful what you wish for. These alliances are not as strong as you think!
P.S Jews did 9/11 and Las Vegas. Maybe during war time Trump becomes the Hitler you were advocating and this time actually eliminate the Jews (not like the holocast hoax)
muslim brotherhood was created by mi6 , they tried to assassinate nasser in egypt (suez canal and shit)
The Jew has ceased you, you are an agent of their propaganda and a traitor to your people.
Trump is a puppet you people are all fools there is no sense of fanaticism about any of you.
Israel is America's natural ally. Because its government will always be comprised of majority Israel backers. No matter what anyone says to the contrary or how it looks at any point, when it's time to act, the US will fully back them and nuke Iran if necessary. You can bet on it.
>announcing a sage
>le 34D chess magapedes
First day shilling for IsraTrump?
obviously Iran
iran. as much as I hate theocracy I still have to go for the underdog
>USA was Saddam's biggest supporter, until they killed him
>USA was Qatar's biggest supporter, until became its biggest enemy 3 months ago
>USA didn't got into WWII to attack Germans! They got in WWII to protect Germans from Jewish USSR
> USA was USSR's only enemy (USSR was the most Jewish state ever! even more than Israel)
Prescott Bush was a Nazzi! He financed Hitler!
(((You))) are being goyied hard! Just give it a 1% chance that Iran take the upper hand in an all out war between itself and 5 very small Arab countries!
Israel can't fight it's way out of a paper bag! they lost to 670 Hezbollah fighter in southern Lebanon
Saudi Arabia has lost part of its territory to Hoothi Yemenis
Be careful what you wish for!
Gas the kikes! A world without Jews and Blacks would be a much better world.
Qatar had deals with the Clinton's.
Saddam started dealing oil and buying guns for alternative sources
American jews were the most powerful men in the world
The USSR had to much white people in it
I'm sorry about the yemenis you are better without them.
They are. I actually had to learn about this shit in school you retard.
But keep talking out your ass you stupid /sg/ retard
KSA is ruled by the Saudi royal family who are secularists themselves, and KSA laws and society was secular until 1979.
They saw what happened in Iran and decided to do the same as well in order to prevent their monarchy from getting overthrown by brain dead rabid islamists like what happened in Iran.
Muslim Brotherhood is pro Iran so you’re quite misinformed. Egypt for example while under secular rule has been anti Iran since 1979. The only time they were pro Iran was in the brief time period when the Muslim Brotherhood was in power. I wonder why all their secularist leaders as well as the secularist leaders of other Muslim countries hate Iran so much? Really makes me think
The point is USA's national interest are the white people's national interest!
USA is a Nazzi State!
Everything is there in plan sight! we have got a little bit subverted recently! but when push comes to shove... you'll see the true color!
The Jews are being set up for a real shoa!
Getting to a war with Iran is not going to be as easy as you are led to believe!
Nukes are not that powerful, nor that effective!
Trump is reducing USA's foreign entanglement (putting capital in Jerusalem means USA's rull as mediator is over, ending funding for UN means USA use of UN as means of exerting power is over, cutting aide to Pakistan means, USA gave up on middle Asia, keeping it 100% full pressure on North Korea, means USA part as mediator in Korea is over) ... maybe getting Israel/Saudi wiped out of the map By Iran is part of his plan!
Trump it's just retarded, any warhawk can turn the situation around again, play safe.
A little curse on iran!
May you iran fall like a drop from the sky to the bowels of this land. May your deserts be turned to sand, your forests scorched and may no seed grow uppo them for this new generatio! May the waters run dry and may they be filled with salt to destroy all your sprouts, may you pekple deminish and run the lands cursing you iran.
Well fuck you too.
Jude! You are the brood of Satan and deserve death.