America Hate Thread

Rev up those mutt memes boys

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh wait, they're not memes.

have fun on /bant/ with all the other terrible posters

>Bomb the Middle East again my Lord... we must make sure that those refugees go straight into Europe this time...

>shart noises increases



Huwhiter then u muh hamod xdddd


>Urrr duaghhhh eniwun who sez dat muh USA is bad is a payde shill!!!



That was fake you tard
But i understand most posters here are brainwashed idiots from r/Le_Dotard you'll believe anything you see hah

it's okay CTR and SB got hacked a while ago, we actually DO know who's paid and who isn't. it's pretty cool. we have addresses.

El Brazo de la atrocidad.....

the only way you're safe is if you're legitimately grassroots shilling this meme. if you're being paid, we know who you are and where your kids go to school.

America is the last hope for the white race. Europe and England have all ready been raped to 54% tier by Muhammad. People like me who are producing 99.8% genetically superior white children backed by literature, church archives, and genetic testing will save the western civilization.


>have fun on /bant/
who's idea was it to bring reddit to Sup Forums again ?

Go spew your nonsense somewhere else, you Shartinmart.

>America is the last hope for the white race




this was hard to watch

we need nigger bin boxes near the biogas powerplant

no need for burger action, your germanic inbred royalty already self-mutted

>Abdul Muhammad is jealous of my freedom and genetically superior offspring.

Why don't you join them user? So many more Americans are waking up each morning and deciding that four burgers is not enough.
Don't you want to enjoy the God given bounty that you have been bestowed? Don't you want to enjoy the fruits of your nation?
There's enough burgers for you... why don't you dig in?

Americans who hate America are the worst. but you keep up your little pissant parase, it's all you got BB

Like shill thread sage.

>only Americans can exist on American soil






It's not 2016 anymore dipshit
BMI does not correlate with good genes


>Be American
>Smell delicious burgers emanating from a hole in the ground.
>Lift the lid covering it and fall in like a slug on the edge of a slug trap.




lmao glad this future mutt womb died


we must not avert our eyes from the horror of reality



I always listen to this when browsing one of these threads.

el golem de judios...

>Americans proud of spreading his 56% face to the rest of the world.

Never change, Americunts.

a fucking grease pit, what?

la luz extinguido...

el demonio...

dios ayudame...

Mods delete shill threads please

Oh they're changing all right
Evolving, you might say...

Any source for that ?




El ogro de america...

>be American
>get shot
>go bankrupt paying for medical help

literally anywhere, USA


these are bretty gud :D:DD



>Through shart... and shit... From the smallest meth lab to the largest Walmart, I fought him, the Ogro de Las Americas... until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his burgerstained ruin upon the roadside. Darkness took me. And I strayed out of thought and time. Stars of David wheeled overhead and everyday was as long as a life-age of the earth. But it was not the end. I felt whiteness in me again. I have been sent back, until my task is done.

My 600lb Kino

El vacío de la oscuridad...

Holy fuck, Jesus!

El abominaciòn...

Here’s a positive mutt meme

la oscuridad sin esperanza ...

>It is not possible to describe! Mutt after Mutt poured through the portal that opened above Mexico City. It was beyond belief, worse than the blackest nightmare. So many people were snatched into darkened corners or horribly corrupted. It became more and more difficult to breathe. The stench was overpowering. It was dark and all of us tried to leave the city with inconceivable panic. People who had been drained of their whiteness and those already beginning the transformation were trampled upon, women and children were left or snatched up out of our hands by Los Ogros. The basket with our twins covered with white power symbols was snatched up out of my mother's hands and we were pushed into alleyways by the people behind us. We saw the defiled street, the falling ruins and the terrible shartstorm. My mother covered us with black cloth she found in a bin.

>"We saw terrible things: our fellow whites screaming as almost uncountable hordes of mongrels fell upon them, pieces of arms and legs, convulsing bodies who were turning into Las Creaturas as we ran, whole families covered in black greasy shit and being dragged into terrible portals that seemed to consume all light, terrible corrupted things that were once people ran to and fro, sticky, putrid coaches filled with twitching refugees, dead rescuers and soldiers, many were calling and looking for their children and families, and shit everywhere, everywhere shit, and all the time the stinking evil wind of the shartstorm threw people back into the greasy clutches of the things they were trying to escape from."

>"Insane fear gripped me and from then on I repeat one simple sentence to myself continuously: "I don't want to end up as one of them". I do not know how many people I fell over. I know only one thing: that I must not turn"

>Wife is 99.8% Mennonite German. Family can be traced to days of reformation. Literal Aryan.
>Be me. 100% Anglo

Both have iqs over 140. Both have church baptismal and marriage archives, and genetic testing proving our genetic purity. Both of us are extremely fast and athletic. We are the definition of human fitness producing more pure children.

You had this thread two hours ago. Are you this bored and insecure Mohammad?

>le flooding the country with illegals who have 8 children each face

gross spic language in a mutt thread, wew.

>Europe and England have all ready been raped to 54% tier by Muhammad.
>People like me who are producing 99.8% genetically superior white children backed by literature, church archives, and genetic testing will save the western civilization.

>Its impossible that euros just hate us for being insatiable cock sucking retards

why do you hate your own country so much

read at your discretion.
Dinner ruining Americontent is within.

dios mio...

La malévolo aberración...

San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y las asechanzas del enemigo. Reprímelo Dios, Te pedimos humildemente, y tú Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, arroja al infierno a Goblino y a otros muttos malignos, que andan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amen

La cinquenta y seis cabeza

stick your head in an oven, shitbag.
love it or leave it.

El horror cósmico...

La bestia sin saciedad....

>Spanish and Portuguese
>spic languages
Murican education

El brazo izquierdo de exodia...

grande padre, salvaguarda tu hijos de ahora en adelante da las creaturas infernáles...

le faccie da cinquantasei percento...

First day, Mutts come and catch everyone.
Second day, they blight and call us non-white.
Third day, the men are dragged off to their dens
Fourth day, we hate as our bodies mutate
Fifth day, they return and it's another whites turn.
Sixth day, their screams we hear in our dreams.
Seventh day, we go black as our genes are attacked.
Eighth day, hair is soon shed, our eyes glowing red.
Ninth day, we grin and hunt our once kin.
No longer relation, we're el abominacion...
The terrible changes that we underwent. We are soon coming to take your percent.

El fin de la esperanza...

nice shill thread.