Wew, Sup Forums ?

wew, Sup Forums ?

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try countering it with a valid logical like a prideful white civilized man plz

National pride is the basic level of social coherency.

Schopenhauer is right, the people who have nothing to offer tend to be outright nationalist, it's obvious and if you look at neo-nazis for example, you'll notice that they're sub average IQ, imbeciles.

That doesn't make national pride obsolete, an individual who has many atributes won't show national pride as his first, but he will show it as his last meaning that that is what binds people together.

In todays world where people don't quite understand that concept, societies fall apart which is why if I can I always stand on the side of those stupid nationalist instead of the educated leftist elites.

Funily enough I don't have to make that decision, Polish elites seem to have always been coherent and leftism didn't get to us yet.

Because pride in one's country and race make for a culture that doesn't fall to multiculturalism. It saves the community from degeneracy. It keeps the society intact.
We are not a collection of individuals. Humans are a social creature who live in social communities. The society is a real thing, and if you don't support the society, the society dies and the idiots who don't support it die along with it.

You're proud of who you are because you are the continuation of people before you. I understand that you don't know what that means, but as someone from a nation whose ancestors died so that I can speak Polish- I want to honour them by owning up to being Polish.

If I didn't, then I would spit on their shoes in exchange for the great things they did for me.

I wonder what he'd say about Islamists today


I wonder what he'd say about niggers stealing the history of nations like Egypt today

really activates those almonds, huh?

because the reverse is to submit to the will of the invader who has pride in who he is

Judging by the fact that his works later led Neitsche to the creation of "On the geneaology of morality", then he would call them inferior.

Nations are supposed to be one's families against the outside world. Imagine being such an individualist that you neglect your own family.

Such wise from coke head deadbeat dad

OP is a cuck who left to thread.


>living with the same ideals as a degenerate depressed drug addict/alcoholic

Doug is a funny guy, but hes not someone you should be emulating.

Argumemt based on flawed premise/baseless opinion.

>you can't simultaneously be a nationalist and also critical of your own nation
Wow, news to me!

>types in English.

>Speaks two languages

These quotes all suggest a very particular concept of pride and nationalism which can't but be condemned by anyone.

You have only to adopt a slightly broader view of the concept to realize there's no rational case against cherishing the your community, valuing your heritage and preserving tradition, for even the best man with the best qualities is doomed to die, and is survived only by the legacy he leaves his children. How can you not love and care deeply about the only part of you that will live on?

Same can be said about gay pride.

well said. But the problem is nationalism can be used by politicians for thousand of years to control the mass and people are sick of being used to do the sins. That's maybe why nowadays nationalism or white pride in western countries has gone down. Funny is, such kind of pride has continued to exist in another forms, like Black Lives Matter or gay pride. Pride of your origin and keep it as a reminder to keep improving yourself is not bad, but being prideful stupid asses are bad. The problem is, human tend to fall in the second category and has caused atrocities for centuries and has only ceased since the modern time. Was there ever a time like this ? Human living in such peaceful and smooth going time like now ? Human get massive international trade channels, everything is connected and transparent. Once nationalism gets kindled up again, everybody just get selfish and unforgiving that they stop being cooperative with each other, because thats their nature and they just need a cause. That's why the current leaders decide to support eliminating such a threat.
Sadly human don't work well without conflicts, they have to be fueled by hatred and vengeful feelings to improve themselves. In stable peaceful time they degenerate. So the shitty cycle goes on.
But as long as this method works - profits are being made and people are not killing each other - it is not bad.

If you can have pride in your community, or you family, you can have pride in your culture or race. Elites want to homogenize everything. They will force their Utopia on us at gunpoint if necessary.

God bless and keep the second amendment.

thing is, dude, you can't control what other people think. Human are treacherous in nature. You maybe so understanding, well educated and thoughtful, but don't expect another millions to be so. History has proven nationalism could be used more in bad ways to control the mass into violent mobs.

Arthur Schopenhauer

>nobody respected him during his lifetime
>died unloved
>Nietzche is the only one to pay any notice to his works
>wrote that Schopenhauer was a useless fag

here da problem guv'nah

the west has given up nationalism. our enemies have not. we are at an inherent and massive disadvantage when our enemies are organized and cooperating and we're too busy fighting ourselves to defend ourselves.

It is wrong to make an idol of your nation. But you owe it a debt, just as you owe your parents a debt.

t. this guy

well then maybe find an another way to connect people, since this nationalism is outdated and nobody sticks to that anymore. Find something that is not based on hatred like common enemy.

Don't use the term patriotism either goy, that's another blacklisted word.

Why can't you be proud of yourself -- your individual accomplishments -- and your nation?

Yes, goys
You being here in this world means you are a blank slate that can easily be painted upon birth. You should never be proud of your kin, bloodline, and ancestors who have provided us with thousands of innovations!

I'm glad that retard is dead

I really hope you don't mean to imply that internationalism has been any less monstrous.

Internationalism (globalism) is currently being used by the world's economic elites for an opposite and equally damaging purpose: creating a passive, dumb, mass-consuming homogenous mob of sheep people. People who stand for nothing and who live in the world where the only thing that matters is money.

The excesses of nationalism may have been historically damaging, but underming the notion of nations, separate cultures and national communities has led to rampant degeneracy and hedonism.

Nationalist has become the new "racist" to leftycucks, that's why they try so hard now to destroy the value

well, if you ever realize, the only reason why the westerners can shit on the head of other races is we have have been working hard and working smart. As long as you all can keep being efficient and productive, our race are still safe.

It is my ancestors and their accomplishments that compels me to work harder than is otherwise rational for me to do.

If I didn't have that standard to live up to, I, and other generations wouldn't feel compelled to better ourselves.

Pride is sin. Jesus wants us to be humble.

>Idealism: The Post

what would you expect ? people of other races working harder and not gaining better grounds than you ? this world is overpopulated and it is now the survival of the fittest. You can be a bad and unreasonable jealous guy by talking shit and cheap, or accept the fact and keep improving yourself, or maybe accepting the reality and enjoy what you have, do what you can without being aggressive.

False dichotomy

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

Schopenhauer was the greatest philosopher of all time the reason he was rejected so hard was because he presented harsh truths without any sugar coating

I don't quite know where you got the control over masses for thousands of years from. The concept of a nation is a new thing as before people would associate themselves with their "little father land" as you may know it. Others would associate themselves with their family and some even their local parish(peasants).

Human nature isn't conflict, but rivalisation and that in turn creates conflict, but now always. The free market is also rivalisation, but there isn't any physical conflict there is there?

I don't know why you associate atrocities on nationalism. People did bad things waaaay before nations were born, and even then nationalists aren't the top killers.

Pretty much. You don't have to be "proud" of your nation to want to preserve it. We can’t do what we like with this country. We inherited it from our parents and grandparents and we have a duty to hand it on to our children and grandchildren, preferably improved and certainly undamaged.

It is one of the heaviest responsibilities we will ever have. We cannot just give it away to complete strangers on an impulse because it makes us feel good about ourselves. Our advantages depend very much on our shared past, our inherited traditions, habits and memories. Newcomers can learn them, but only if they come in small enough numbers. Mass immigration means we adapt to them, when they should be adapting to us.

So now, on the basis of an emotional spasm, dressed up as civilisation and generosity, are we going to say that we abandon this legacy and decline our obligation to pass it on, like the enfeebled, wastrel heirs of an ancient inheritance letting the great house and the estate go to ruin?

no soros wants you to be gay.
as fuck.
keep suckin that jew dick.


No it doesn't, and Doug Stanhope is a nihilistic retard for edgy faggots to laugh at thinking they're intelligent. Fact of the matter is that national pride is a normal and healthy thing, and if you want to see what happens when people take retarded advice like this seriously then just look at modern day Germany. Only a faggot wouldn't be proud of his ancestors, it's like saying you shouldn't be proud of your parents or children's achievements


He presented raw truths, that didn't catch on with the whole truth.

Hope you understand.

That's a whole lot of retarded leftwing nonsense. What do they indoctrinate you to believe in German schools? In fairness I used to believe that hullshit when I was an edgy militant atheist teenager so you probably don't get taught anything different to British schools

Schopenhauer warned against letting Jews become powerful, you stupid fucking idiot. He was also a White supremacist. He's just saying having pride in being White is retarded.

>He was also a White supremacist

>>wrote that Schopenhauer was a useless fag


you realize nationalism is how hitler led germans to conquer the lebensraum, including Poland right ?


"The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races..."

He also criticizes Jewish nepotism there.

The 3rd Reich lasted 13 years if I'm correct. That's not even close to a thousand.


To be frank, I never agreed with nationalists (I’m from the UK originally). The visible ones, act like complete retards, waving fucking flags and acting like thugs. The worst two lots are the Brits and Yanks and the worst of all are the northern irish. You will rarely find an articulate nationalistic average IQ. They are the flip side of the same coin as SJW’s, irrational, full of vitriol and cognitive dissonance
. The northern irish are in fact THE best/worst example of what nationalists are
>have mc surnames
>Irish accents
>live in Ireland of Ireland
>worship dead Dutch king
>more British than the English
>considered the thickest paddies of the lot by the English
Now having said all of the above, a new form of nationalism is arising. One that functions out of self preservation. I am not too fucked about British achievements or crimes of the past. I, like many other Europeans and whites across the west, only give a fuck about our future, a future we see all too clearly is being turned to shit. The new nationalism, is less about pride and more about preservation. Less about “white power” and more about stability. Stability that clearly people from third world cultures cannot create or maintain at home, so how the fuck would they do likewise here? We already see repeated proof they can’t, except for rare exceptions. But most of all we don’t need to be importing people, who are a burden in every way. It’s fucking madness.

before that, napoleonic wars, mongol invasions, ottoman campaigns were led by leaders with great ambition of expansions, using nationalism as a cause to justify their invasion.

Sup Forums BTFO

>using nationalism as a cause to justify their invasion
Nationalism was born in the 18 century.

>napoleonic wars
Imperialism and Napoleons aim for hegemony was the cause.

>mongol invasions
Tell me how.

>ottoman campaigns
Religion was the cause of expansion. Ottomans were also a monarchy. Nothing to do with nationalism.

well, give them a chance to be civilized and make sure you vote the right leaders, who deport the bad apples. The western society has its own mechanism to shit out the inefficient ones anyway. Muslims are yeah, a disease. They will either have to change, or get fucked later in an upturn because people are sick of them and come to realization. Now what to do best is keep being efficient and productive, because complains to create unneeded hatred give out nothing of value and may disturb the good ones, while not soo-ing the bad one out.

They were raw but you can't deny his fundamental argument that all suffering comes from blind seemingly irrational desires that we have no control over is one of the most crucial and important statements that has been made. And that the satisfaction of desire does nothing but bring about temporary happiness. It's the core of Buddhism and Schopenhauer wasn't the first one to say this either but he expanded upon it much more than anyone else. Schopenhauers philosophy is the final level, being able to overcome the "will" and find genuine happiness is the last stage of existence.

I don't even how you post with the tricolour and claim nationalism is bad.

>It's the core of Buddhism
It's all about Buddhism these days. What about Christianity?

Which part?

The original teachings of Jesus at the sermon on the mount? The shit in the old testament? Or the new-age GUNS, GOD AND COUNTRY redneck shit.

Fuck all that noise

I'm not denying his thought. He indirectly stated human nature, even biologic studies confirm this.

There is always a second side to the coin and to that side he forgets to look into the consequences of.

and what do you think that fuelled up imperialism, beside believing your nation deserve something more than other nations ? mongol soldiers do have religion to die expanding their land and spread their DNA ? On Ottoman I don't know much, but turks nowadays are pretty prideful with their ottoman heritage.

>GUNS, GOD AND COUNTRY redneck shit
What's bad about that? The antagonization of rural whites in America is a disgusting liberal city bourgeois phenomenon mainly pushed by Jews in media.

fucking r cucks
>why should you be proud of what your fathers did
>why should you be proud to be in the greatest country of ALL FUCKING TIME

>and what do you think that fuelled up imperialism
Human nature did.

I can't remember the Soviet Union being nationalist. Yet they were expansive. People believe in things or wants things that they then go and fight for.

Nationalism can be the "casus belli", but that doesn't mean you have to annihilate it because anything can.

Oh please fuck off with that whig history bullshit.

>I can't remember the Soviet Union being nationalist.
It was in it's weird twisted way especially under Stalin.

>why should you be proud to be in the greatest country of ALL FUCKING TIME
Don't make people laugh, please.

But your nation is the people who share your characteristics .. It's those qualities that I'm proud to see in other people.

What way?

Because it goes against everything Jesus actually said

>Turn the other cheek
>He who lives by the sword dies by the sword
>He who is without sin shall cast the first stone

I mean yeah whatever if you want to be all GUNS, GOD AND COUNTRY that's fine but don't pretend Jesus who was a known pacifist would approve of your bible thumping bullshit.

>There is always a second side to the coin and to that side he forgets to look into the consequences of.

And what's that

And now we have the (((free))) market justifying invasion for natural resources, under the guise of world protection because sadam hussein had nuclear guns. And the funny thing is, no one else profited from this war except the (((free))) market that endorsed it.

Atleast nationalism that justifies wars for invasion actually benefitted the whole populace of the nation if they won.

He goes on to say that people who take pride in nationalism are inferior, but does he say that national pride is the common denminator among people?

I'll a piece of my previous post:"That doesn't make national pride obsolete, an individual who has many atributes won't show national pride as his first, but he will show it as his last meaning that that is what binds people together."

He never cared to look into the consequences of the lack of cohesion among people. It's normal to associate yourself with people like you whether they're your friends, family, neighbourhood or if you take it to the maxomum- the nation.

It's just petty elitism of the same sort that sent WASP America to the trash heap and saw their institutions hijacked by kikes. A lack of appreciation for the vulgar and popular forms of identity leads to elites siding with foreigners against their own stock in order to status signal. When your class supersedes race in your identity other races can set your elites against your commoners and divide and conquer you. The Harvard Man thought he had more in common with a Jew than with a Redneck, and now the Harvard Man is extinct. Do not forget where you came from, the lumberyards and fields are the basis of the library and not the other way around.

Mate you reek of a plebbit fedoralord.
>Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

>The lumberyards and fields are the basis of the library and not the other way around

Pretty much this.

Nationalism is about carrying on what your ancestors have built and maintained. Pride in nationalism is pride in your history. He's right, it's our job to carry it forward and make it even greater, and that is where I pride should come from.

I think national pride is bullshit these days at least. Schopenhauer as known for the hedgehog problem though.


>The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs seek to move close to one another to share heat during cold weather. They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur, for reasons they cannot avoid.

All in all I think Schopenhauer was a misanthrope though who just hated people and that came through a lot in his writings.

I don't agree with Jesus, I'm just repeating what he said. How about you suck my dick faggot, that passage you quoted wasn't even from Jesus.

If you have no drive to empower yourself derived from a personal conviction (as opposed to the cultural conviction you hold), then you wouldn't be doing anything to better yourself? All your eggs are in one basket; if you didn't have that standard to live up to, what would you live for? You have nothing else? They're dead, your ancestors, they had their lives and they aren't a part of this world anymore. Life and all prospects for the future ends at death. You're not your own person if you live to uphold standards people hundreds of years ago lived by and killed by. You might flatter yourself on your "cultural" and ethnic identity, but really, what else do you have, as a person? What of your personal identity?

I think Schopenhauer was right. Taking pride in other people's achievements is stupid. For all you know you're the descendant of some peasant who didn't live by anything. Tracing back your life to thousands of years and pretending your ancestors lived by noble standards (when all they did was survive their harsh environment) is nothing short of blind idealism.

Human beings are born alone. You have your own thoughts, your own personal space. The more you tie yourself to other people in your head, the less independent you are. You will always be dependent on your own kind, be it for better or worse. You won't ever be as deep and productive on a personal level as people who were able to disconnect themselves from what society has imposed. This idea of a pre-established standard isn't your own. It is no different than indoctrination on a fundamental level.

>I'm too stupid for philosophy so I just use ad hominems to attack famous philosophers because they hurt my feelsies

>I'm not a Christian but let me tell you how you are Christianing wrong

You aren't your own person and you never will be unless you die alone and forgotten. Individuals are corpses and nothing more.

But I am my own person more than you are. I have no connection to my birth nation, my ancestral nation. I don't care for my family, I don't care for friends. I don't care for world news, I live in my own bubble. I come here and on Sup Forums when I have nothing to do to try to understand people better. My ideas come from my observations and my thoughts. My morals come from what I feel is right and wrong, not what my parents or my society has taught me. I still live, I still have passion, I still have the will to empower myself and overcome my own issues.

Individuals are more than corpses. You don't need to tie yourself to other people to be someone. You do need others to be powerful, but you can be a lot. You don't need to establish your presence for other people to exist. You don't need to be remembered, because once you die, all your life simply disappears. You won't be there to know how it feels like to be forgotten. You don't need to be tied irreversibly to people to be a person, unless you're a slave for attention, in which case, you are very vulnerable to being hurt.

Human beings have a well full of water, but their eyes are fixed on other people's wells, as if they needed more water in theirs. Maybe they drained your well, but they won't drain mine. And it's possible to exist in an independent manner.

>>I'm not a Christian but let me tell you how you are Christianing wrong

Yeah all these Christians disagreeing with the main figure head of the religion are the real Christians. I'm sure the faggots at their huge corporate mega churches know more than the guy most of the religion is based around. American Christianity is bastardized commercial bullshit.

Cute false dichotomy. I can have pride in more ways than one. No to mention, such pride does not cloud my judgement from my nation's shortcomings, on the contrary, it inspires me to maintain the aspects of my nation which I have already deemed worthy of my pride.

Typical kike subversive and intellectually dishonest tactics. In the trash it goes.

>if i'm proud of my own nation that means that i'm shitty at everything else and has nothing else to be proud of

into the trash this argument goes

So you aspire to be a forgotten corpse, cool. Get on with it then.
> American Christianity is bastardized commercial bullshit.
Yes, it is, not least because they believe in hippie pacifist Jesus instead of expeller of kikes Jesus.

You have never read Schopenhauer. I did. Almost all of it. He would DESPISE the leftists and the current social climate.

Read Michel Houllebecques book on Schopenhauer who is also his mentor.

You say "deserves more" as if land and resources were perfectly distributed before people started fighting. It's a ridiculously stupid and naive viewpoint that ignores the scarcity of resources and drive to excel common to every successful civilization. That is what drives conflict. Nationalism(tribalism) is merely how we determine who our allies and enemies are. There will always be losers, and it is not sufficient to leave it to a bunch of jews and communists to decide for the rest of us who those should be while we rot in a multicultural hellpit.

You mean the frog who wrote "Submission"? I doubt the 2 met unless there were dark rituals involved.

What are these cycles exactly?

>Mother Russia
the Motherland, which Stalin was Papa Joe to.

I read his crap too, deep and depressing, i liked his view on mate selection.

The less sexy shit i ever read.

Cool cycles, I'm not at all surprised by selfishness.