Do you think Germany would be less cucked if we bring back the monarchy?
Do you think Germany would be less cucked if we bring back the monarchy?
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Do you think Germany would bring back the monarchy if it was less cucked?
The only acceptable future for Germany is the Swiss model with nukes.
Hitler said that as soon a monarchy ends the country begins mocking the concept and it becomes impossible to reinstate.
The only way I could see it happen is if you first had a dictator.
>The only acceptable future for Germany is [...] nukes.
You have to go back
doubt it, most Euro monarchs are among the best cuck-traitors of their nations.
easy to be pro-immigrant when you have your own Govt funded estates and armed security.
>The only way I could see it happen is if you first had a dictator.
Oh no. How horrible.
Do we have to do this all over again?
I think the Duch republic wants a word with Hitler about that
Germany is rightful Austrian and Prussian clay, and since the prussians have been eradicated they're ours now
The sooner they accept this the sooner we can this BRD meme
>most Euro monarchs are among the best cuck-traitors of their nations
Depends. Do you want to ally with Stalin and Bolshevism again, only to lose your Empire and have Sadiq as your Mayor and your royalty getting cucked by the Rothschilds?
Send Führer pls. ANSCHLUSS. Austro-Hungarian-Germany
Who would ever want to be king/queen?
When the people get angy in a democracy they burn few stores, riot get tiered and head home, when they get mad in a monarchy they tend to roll a monarchs head and then pun'head home!
Jews are very powerful people. You don't want to go up against them, Hans.
No. Germany is cucked because their monarchs were too much of faggots to maintain power.
I have zhe feeling, I am talking to one right now :^)
t. country who abolished the Kaiser and gave the power vacuum to the rise of Hitler
>Prussians are dead
It's impossible at this point. World would be a better place if Germany won WW1 but America joined the war for profits and fucked everything up.
All we can do now is bully American posters and jerk off
I think he is pretty much a beta owned by his cold, calculating wife. Probably not a good argument for monarchy. Unless you want a feminist queen desu
Real monarchs don't get abolished.
Yeah why didn't you guys restore your remnants and decendents of royalty? It's not like they were eradicated like Russia's or other countries that got the communism treatment. You already have a Parliamentary system, couldn't you just have a system with the royals as they have in UK?
Your nation is responsible for that after the defeat of Germany in WW1.
How do I know you're not one yourself, George?
Bismarck > Kaiser
Everywhere needs monarchy. Revolution was a mistake
Yes we helped in the war that led to the abdication, but after the wars and after the reunification I thought you would have opportunities.
yes give us our monarchy back finally
>Surrounded by enemies
>Selective pressure for hierarchical societies, loyalty, trust in your superiors
Countries like Germany, Russia should have governments heavily biased toward monarchy.
However, every government should have strong aristocratic elements with some elements of democracy.
>inb4 WTF
In the USA
Supreme Court = Aristocracy
President = Monarchy
What I'm saying would not be unfamiliar to the founders of the USA. The Republic of Venice gave no vote to the common man and lasted 700 years.
Sweden is a monarchy...
No. It's verboten by the law. And the USA would have never allowed it. Anschluss with Austria is also verboten by Austria's constitution.
Personally I want the Holy Roman Empire back. Great space. But still needs Ukraine grain for self-reliance
>File: Anglo_cuck.jpg (39 KB, 600x430)
Indo-european cultures are meant to have kings, so yes, it's actually integral to all european cultures with strong and glorious figureheads.
That's a unique case really, the elected office of stadtholder was very much dominated by the house of Orange, and after the napoleonic wars it was logical to replace the aging system with a more modern monarchy lead by the house of Orange.
Germany isn't cucked you fucking retard
>Doesn't know germans always overreach patience to a point of total and immediate white chimpout
Socialist Woodrow Wilson would never allow Germany its monarchy back.
Pic related describes how WW-1 was ultimately a war between liberal republics and monarchies. The Republics won, WW-2 and modern Europe is the ultimate result.
First of all, a monarchy isn't a panacea for cuckery. Secondly, all european monarchies are completely
neutered in almost all ways possible and have no pratical power, other than to cut ceremonial ribbons and such.
Thirdly, the current monarchy in Sweden is the descendant of a frenchman and a house that never has been to
war or done anything of significance, beyond the first one that is.
>strong and glorious figureheads
so basically anyone that bends you over and cucks you
stalin, hitler, shitskins, literally anyone who orders you around
If there's one thing 43892 hours of Civ V taught me, it's that golden ages never last long. Cuckzer wilhelm here made the mistake of trying to invade shit at the drop of a hat.
It can't be changed? Theoretically if everyone said they wanted the monarchs reinstated couldn't the law be amended out?
depends on the monarch. all i know is that the filthy germans should not be allowed to control their destiny. they arent as violent and stupid as the negro but they are somehow more destructive. let them exist and quietly contribute to humanity, but never turn your back or offer them friendship
And remember kids: Crush the anti-fascist mob!
The restoration of a monarchy is no guarantee that things will become normal. Just look at Spain and England.
Franco's successor basically turned a brilliant, functioning and prosperous fascist state into a liberal shithole.
Queen Elizabeth has sat on her arse and approved of all the immigrants. Also, her personal investment bankers are Rothschilds.
Pic related is the destiny of Europe whether you faggots like it or not
The Fourth Reich
The Holy Aryan Empire
Where the Holy Aryan Emperor will be crowned in Rome and in Constantinople.
The greatest civilization that will ever exist
The natural order of governments is:
Democracy -> Mob Rule -> Monarchy -> Tyrranny -> Aristocracy -> Oligarchy -> Democracy ->
If you really want a monarchy in Germany, the best way is to accelerate its collapse... meaning subhuman welfare-nigger Varg might actually be right by accident.
Theoretically a lot of things can be done. Theoretically Germany could leave NATO and form a defense coalition with Russia. Then the USA would unleash everything it has in its nation destabilization pocket on Germany which Middle Eastern nations get to experience.
Personally for me that is an argument AGAINST being in NATO, but such is life.
> I have to wake up in the morning and that's bad!
> I wanna smoke weed fuk u mom
>Using terminology of one of the most failed ideologies in history
If your movement is this bad at branding, it will never succeed.
Sorry about that.
>Being invaded by 4 countries means the ideology is bad
>you will never live in 1910 with a qt and faithful waifu while wearing a picklehaube
This. Fuck monarchies. Muh divine right to rule, muh natural leader, muh heritability of power. Bismarck should have been Kaiser, not that limb armed Willy.
>Using terminology of one of the most failed ideologies in history
If your movement is this bad at branding, it will never succeed.
>Bismarck should be Kaiser
Why would a Saxon be Kaiser instead of the. Prussian?
Good image user
Dammit. It really pisses me of when people say shit like "ewig gestrige" or "von vorgestern". Is it that hard to believe how much better the world was before 1914. I mean, look at this. How can the generation of my parents look at the past and consider it inferior to their cultural wasteland of the mid to late 20th century? Where does this "everything was shit in the past and things are only improving and never regressing" meme even come from?
>"everything was shit in the past and things are only improving and never regressing" meme even come from
a combination of Anglo liberalism, Americanized consumer culture and Cultural Marxism. They were pretty successful in our case at creating a people with no history except for HITLER AUSCHWITZ HOLOCAUST, GERMANY MUST PERISH!
Fucking anglos, man. Gott strafe England!
So, you're saying that, there is no difference between the 2?
Not enough colored people in that photo delet plz
Well, they got punished already enough. They lost their Empire, which they would have kept with Mosley, and about the demographics and Islam I do not need to add much. All of Europe lost in the 2nd 30 years war. And the greatest profiteer of it, Murica, is facing decline as well.
The only constant remains death.
Makes ya think of Bioshock Infinite which (((Levine))) turned into a RACIS dystopia with commie heroes. Although I guess you could say he painted both as equally bad and the hero escaped into some pickerick tier """"quantum physics""" mind fuck