Is Katy Perry an Aryan Godess?
Is Katy Perry an Aryan Godess?
No she a thot kys leaf
she looks like a jewish gutterrat whore
She's the human manifestation of Jewish corruption on white women.
She's just a kyke with money to buy bleach
odd how big tits and autotune can make that plain faced woman so succesful
shes a high paid, low talent whore.
nothing more.
and op is a faggot
no, she's an ugly thot who spreads degeneracy
Never a more obvious slide thread.
Literally poetry
It's pretty impressive how much of a normie bluepilled idiot she is. Empty platitudes and appeal to emotion seem to solely be what she bases her political knowledge on.
I’m just waiting for her nudes to leak. After milktruk arrive, that’s all I need.
ITT: people who don't understand makeup
Looks like she's got a bit of nigger in her bloodline.
She's a white nigger
She's as dumb as your average burger
pretty much this
She's da angliest.
jesus christ
>woman past the age of fertility
no, she's useless.
She literally said she sold her soul to Satan. She came from a very religious family and rudely believes that's the reason behind her fame.
She is just a Jew puppet that will do anything for fame and do any fucked up thing for power.
>bottle blond
nah, don't think so
she satanist who deserve rape
>She literally said she sold her soul to Satan.
doesn't she know this is just a jewish trick to turn you into a willing slave?
Some people are gullible as fuck.
fuck no
looks like an oil painting
Usually I don't find her hot, but this look makes me wanna fuck her tight little Project Monarch sex kitten asshole like an ape.
fuck off you stupid antesemite piece of shit
No, you fuck off you filthy fucking kike. Katy Perry is a kike infested filthy rat. She is the poster child for jewish bolshevik multicultural degeneracy.
What did she mean by this?
but is math related to science?
She's literally a 4/10. Not attractive. Pounds of makeup and big tits do not a pretty woman make.
yes. also her latest album is literally FULL of hardcore redpills