How do you feel about the fact that there is a very good chance either your grand kids or great grand kids will be brown?
How do you feel about the fact that there is a very good chance either your grand kids or great grand kids will be...
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This implies we like the world enough to have kids. You give yourself away, Mr. Sup Forums
nah, theyre going to have slanted eyes and will hate brown people
This is the future and this isnt brown.
If my own children are brown, I would feel blessed simply to be lucky enough to start a family.
tick tock tyrone
we are coming
My grandchildren will cut down your grandchildren. Like always when whites realize theyre being fucked over the consume all in their path.
Sorry to disappoint but my two gen z sons are blue eyed white boys that are red pilled as fuck.
>asianmasculinity threads
If my kid(s) marry niggers I'm disowning them. If they go the Asian route and give birth to Keanu Reeves I'll be more forgiving.
I think the chance is rather low, actually.
i feel like we're having a war between whites and jews to see who gets their dna deleted first. we need the biggest dicks to fuck these assholes out of the world
hate to break it to you but it's them who'll be bleached rather
Make two more for me.
sage. shill thread
>worrying about the colour of their skin rather than being transhuman brain-chipped zombieborgs.
it's cute that you think we'll make it that far user
feels good man. i'm already brown
My grandkids will be sandniggers or under a niqab
Reminder this picture was taken at the second Ariana Grande concert after the first one was bombed. The children don't deserve to die, but the parents do deserve to have their children taken away from them.
Honoring the victims with a song about getting dicked so hard you can't walk straight.
This is what's wrong with whites... no loyalty to anything
You need some standards my lad
If it wasn't for the gooks eyes. I wouldn't mind this. Unfortunately gooks have slanted eyes and they make them look retarded.
>you are on Sup Forums
>implying there is not already a greater chance that you are brown than not
This is also in the largest, most liberal cities in the US. Wow, this makes me feel better.
Maybe in youR once great country, but not in the US. despite the bullshit we're free in msm, race mixing is not a common occurrence in the majority of America. I work for a large tech company in a major city. There are 2 chicks I know that are coal burners. That's two out of hundreds.
Poor kid.
This. They can do that and not have anything to do with me then.
Why do young girls have to dress like such whores nowadays?
Damn those shorts
What is they marry a nice tall mestizo man?
She has a nice tummy.
it's about as big as having the kids, so i'm not worried
We are gassing them all before that happens.
>white women more likely to exclude Asian men than exclude niggers
>Asian women more likely to exclude and less likely to prefer their own raced males than any other race
>m-muh asian masculinity
Ill push them to marry white but if they're dead set on the light skin Asian route it wouldn't be too bad.
Nope still disowning. If they racemix and it's not the Keanu Reeves type mix they're not pissing away their inheritance along with their ancestory.
Americans: How do you think your European ancestors feel about you being 56%?
I feel very sad, angry and upset about it
Ps. Me and my wife are brown
Castizo is alright
chances are his IQ will be higher than yours any of your kids
>wanting hapa kids at all
A school will be shot up soon enough.
They are probably intrigued. Europeans loved living among non whites for some weird reason.
"Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle."
I'm also in tears. Such emotion.