Well Sup Forums ?
Well Sup Forums ?
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sage, but lol
That's the way its going to stay
I don't think they had shitposting on the internet back then.
But I'm not part of a firing squad at the moment.
Do a majority of people actually believe this garbage?
so, sitting on my ass pondering about all the positive that came out of such things and how much the truth was completely BTFOd by jewish lies and propaganda?
I'm REALLY disappointed in you, America
You promised Happenings. Where are my Happenings, America?
If these people honestly believe they're living in the Fourth Reich, why aren't they having an armed revolt? Or creating resistance cells in the least
Even the French managed that.
By watching The Simpsons?
they J U S T can't meme
There is a resistance
By sitting around trying to decide on a new AR build?
They started it but then the alt right started fighting back and then Charlottesville happen and the left fractured between those who wanted armed conflict and those on the left who realized that trying to burn down Berkley only erased any PR win the left got at Charlottesville.
Massive fucking false equivalencey there
Also fuck kikes
That is all
Go shower?
We will resist, we will win, and we will take this board
I somehow always thought I'd take an active part in oppression inferior people. But this is probably right, I'd just sit back and cheer it all on. sigh.
>tfw you will never join the SS and make your mother proud.
which one of those applies to America?
I would be eating a teriyaki chicken bowl. Sounds about right.
But what if we resist your resistance
>you’re doing it now
Where’s my SS uniform, whip or noose then?
I always thought I'd laugh and enjoy the show. Guess they're not wrong
You can never defeat us, we are smarter, stronger, better looking. We can defeat any right wing opposition. We are even going to take this board, we are occupy democrats and white nonsense roundup and we will win
What's this about? It's not still Trump, is it?
kek....i love yuro bantz.
>implying I wouldn't have helped gassing jews
Id be a student. Awesome, but i wanted to kill niggers
No, I'd have supported Lincoln against the South for the Confederacy was malarious congregation of malcontents and traitors. I'd have supported the civil rights movement, those that opposed it were hypocrites and unworthy of the rights they sought to withheld from their fellow citizens. I'd have resisted the German occupation of my country first and foremost because it was a foreign power occupying my own, a totalitarian, murderous one at that which has been shamefully successful at bribing the spineless pieces of shit that collaborated with them and still harbor sympathy for their decrepit cause.
what? nothing? ok im fine with that
All trump supporters please watch
During Slavery I'd be conveying little better than animals to the future world power and richest country ever established for a pittance in shitty conditions on a nigger filled boat. During the Holocaust I'd be getting shot at by wops, krauts and gooks for a war that had nothing to do with my country and during the civil rights movement I'd be unemployed.
So when do we gas some Jews and enslave blacks?
I mean they say its happening, so when do we start?
Soros is still alive and user is concerned about catching the latest anime episodes.
I wish Trump was Hitler=/
It’s true! The democrats have enslaved millions of low-wage laborers and want to bring in millions of more slaves. What’s the difference between providing housing and food to a slave in 1850 and paying an illegal minimum wage to just get by on? We must free the slaves again and get this time, send them back home!
So I'd be smoking pot and playing on my mobile porn machine?
Lol there’s slavery going on right now still. Oh yea, American blacks are the only people we can care about. Go fuck yourself. Also if another holocaust, I’d do all I can to help.
>You can never defeat us
>we are smarter, stronger, better looking.
>We can defeat any right wing opposition.
>We are even going to take this board
>we are occupy democrats and white nonsense roundup
>we will win
>inb4 but r u leegun too?
I've often thought about this. I'd have a chocolate harem on a plantation. Hardest working female gets to be my bottom bitch house negress. A constant state of competition for my erection. Meant affection, but whatever. Phone knows what's up. I'd probably have them grow weed and watermelon to keep them placated.
Hey you didn’t even call him a racist this time. Very evident your propaganda is failing and you’re trying different things. I bet some blacks even find trump hilarious and respectable.
Yeah. I'd proudly do nothing. I have enough trouble doing what I can to help my own people. I don't have the time to care about groups of people who are nothing to do with me and who wouldn't lift a finger to help me in return.
Gotta love how you try to shame people because of things they had no part in.
As if you knew them, nonetheless.
You know? I've heard there are still slavery in the middle East and some parts of Africa. I'm looking forward to see what you're gonna do about that.
I'm gonna be truly disappointed if you just choose to ignore it.
>the holocaust is happening right now
if only
As if I care what women think about politics. They’re children.
>the Confederacy was malarious congregation of malcontents and traitors
cringey as fuck
You need a degree in a STEM field to be smarter
You don't get strong by eating soy and just by jogging
>Better looking
Not with MakeApp
>We can defeat any right wing opposition
Right wingers have guns. You have gun control laws. You'd get your nigger ass shot before your "revolution" could start
>We are even going to take this board
You've been saying that for the past year. The best you can do is come into a small thread and say "we own you now!"
This video stumps trumpers
Its a woman. She doesn’t know any better. She’ll come around once all you sneaky communists are hanging from every lamppost
Where exactly is this resistance? It's been over a year and all you've done is... Jesus what have you all done?
well, one of them got run over by a dodge, that was pretty cool
Lel I know right? They disappointed me on nov 4. I was looking forward to watching them all be brutalized. Pussy faggots.
We won a senate seat in Alabama and won the Virginia governors race, and we will take back congress in 2018
Then pick up your guns and let's get this thing going, we're all tired of listening to this circle talk.
Johnny Reb took to murdering kin and compatriot. Over an institution as morally bankrupt as slavery. Nothing you say will stand against the accusation.
Wow! You won back two seats from the however many you've lost in 2016! You managed to beat a pedophile! That's all you've managed to accomplish? No wonder you need moral victories
its almost as if this might happen
y'all lack the intestinal fortitude to take us on in a real fight.
We need a change. These fucking niggers, kikes, and women are trying to fuck up the country. Kill them this time.
>Implying Hitler did something wrong
We will take the country back! Alabama proved it
Do you mean sitting back or even participating in the scapegoating of one group of people for all the worlds woes and problems?
I bet you didn't, because you're a dense fuck.
>We beat a pedophile!
>We're taking the country back!
Wow what a resistance. I'm quaking in my boots
We’ve also been taking down confederate monuments, when we are in power, they’re all coming down
>We've been taking down statues of a war from over 150 years ago! Jlumpf is finished for sure!
The fact that the best you can do is take down statues if you get in power... That speaks a lot on how effective of a "force" you all are
>the holocaust
So they're admitting that white genocide is real?
>We are even going to take this board
Just remember, you're here forever.
why do these people take legitimate fears of actual problems with evidence that shows they are in fact problems and dismiss them as "muh fear"?
Id fight to stop slavery and send all the niggers back. Id show Thomas Jefferson pictures of Chicago or blacked.com and together we would end it and ship the niggers home.
I would have been totally cool with Germany trying to get the jews out of their country and would have lobbied that we fight the commie jews and not Hitler
I would have done everything in my power to encourage the niggers to move back to Africa.
She bears a strong resemblance to a later-life Michael Jackson
Oh and by the way liberals I am Mexican and thank you for letting my entire family into your beautiful country. We fucking hate muslims, we hate niggers worse than anything on the planet, we hate your abortion bullshit...thanks for letting us in. Please make my family citizens so we can vote against you on every fucking issue. Thanks dawgs.
Wrong, if I was alive during the holocaust I'd be participating.
>have a stable job
>live in my own place
>soon to be father
Feels bretty gud
Slavery still exists in africa and the middle east, what are liberals doing other then crying about Russia and Trump pointing out certain countries are shit.
I wish you luck on gaining citizenship friend
Who is "WE"? You are the only JIDF shitposter in this thread where are the others?
huh. I guess you leftards were right for once.
I would jump between John W. Booth and prez Lincoln so all the nigs would be returned.
Fuck off commie. We're not interested in Cultural Marxism. Also, Occupy Democrats are fags.
I’m not JDIF, I’m from white nonsense roundup
How am I supposed to gas myself Sup Forums can someone give me a youtube tutorial
Go ahead. Make your move. I’ve been waiting my whole life to fight commies like you.
>posting on Sup Forums
Seems about right
Kind of a shitty resistance if they can even call it that.
I would've killed the kikes
I would've beaten some niggers
I would've been on the front lines with the hoses blasting those honkies with high pressure water and burning thier homes down at night
The outcomes of all of those events were a mistake. Those people knew what was going to happen. We should have listened
Seething quietly, afraid to act, doubting my convictions, isolated.
... because this image is about white genocide and the migrant crisis, right?
If muslims were holocausted I wouldn't be wondering what I was doing desu
I would have went along with slavery but I wouldn't have been a dick to the slaves.
i don't own slaves and im not burning jews in ovens so obviously i'm not "doing it right now" you stupid OP.
Aren't you the Democrat who got a verdict for sending women dick pics?