Redpill me on it.
American civil war
south wanted slaves because their way of life (agriculture) depended on it. North didn't because they weren't as agriculturally reliant.
Overrated war.
First, it wasn't a civil war. It was a war between the states. Second, Lincoln was pretty badass because he shredded the Constitution to get shit done, the Confederacy was in the moral right, it was started very badly at Fort Sumter, it was never about slavery, it was about a people's right to self determination, and the only people who benefited was Jews.
A war commenced because (((they))) wanted it.
>Peoples right to self determination
people right to own slaves*
Republicans Won
Slave owners got BTFO
Ready for the sequel.
nigga it was about fucking slaves
>the Confederacy was in the moral right
It was basically setting the tone for America invading countries to enforce its moral ideology on someone else. An old version of the american invasion of Iraq.
Shut up nigger. Slavery was already very unpopular as machinery was being phased in to agricultural operations in the South. After a couple of generations, only a dumb nigger like you would ever invest in slaves when he could invest in machinery.
Second, the war almost happened in the 1820s because of federal overreach. I mean, a war between the states had been brewing since before the fucking Barbary War, you stupid goddamn burger.
Brainlets detected, Jefferson Davis tried to argue about state rights in the Constitution. The initial conflict arose over a Federal fort in the Confederacy. Back to plebbit boys.
Reading about the death tolls makes me sick. No more brother wars.
Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton...
Lincoln did nothing wrong.
Yankucks will blame our nigger problem on the southerners importing them, but when they did that, they never had any intention of letting them nig around or even treating them as humans. It was the yankshits that cucked out and demanded we pretend the apes were people. They killed America.
The states rights to have slavery be legal
They wanted slaves because their economy would have collapsed with out them (and it fucking did)
your just some fag from southern Arkansas who defends the war because grandaddy didn't want his niggers taken away
Gave me a good laugh.
Here's the only meme I have on civil war, quotes slightly paraphrased but meaning remains.
Doesn't matter if he wasn't personally in favor of any of those things, he still caused them all for all of us
Lincoln killed America and Liberty.
We've been on the decline ever since.
That's why you don't elect a devil worshipper as President.
>The states rights to have slavery be legal
Are you actually trying to say that slavery was illegal the whole time? Holy fuck I can't believe someone would actually be this dumb. Go read the Constitution sometime eenie weenie brain. They were trying to argue over Article I Section 10. You're just some faggot plebbitor who has brain deficiency problems who has to simplify an entire war down to "hur dur NIGGERS!!!".
holy fuck they didn't actually teach you english down there did they you fucking halfbreed?
>Judah P Benjamin
All youll ever need to know
Ryan Dawson explains it very well.
Fucking revisionist faggot. Stop trying to spin history to suit your agenda.
Slavery was a very significant factor in the war, albeit not the sole factor. But niggers like you always try to dismiss it as if it had no influence whatsoever, and you're fucking wrong.
Learn some history you useless cumbucket.
Does anyone who imports an invasive species into it's non-native habitat ever intend on letting that species run rampant? No. Bit that doesn't relieve them of responsibility.
The south did nothing wrong.
The South seceding was a (((Southern Aristocrat))) plot to destroy America.
Well what was /ourside/ then lads? Fucking hell.
abraham lincunt was a cuck and a jewish puppet
>Slavery was a very significant factor in the war
Utterly and completely wrong. check for the real reason why.
Liverpool UK cotton-merchants were big backers of the Confederates both financially and materially.
First shot of the war was fired from a cannon sent from Liverpool UK
Liverpool merchants sent/financed the Confederates first home-fleet including the CSS Alabama and Shenandoah
The Confederates European spy-ring, European financial centre and administrative offices were in Rumford Place Liverpool UK, Confederate plaques adorn those buildings/offices and an AMerican flag flys outside to this day
The final surrender of the war took place in Liverpool UK as the CSS Shenandoah sailed down the Mersey and Captain Waddell walked up the steps of Liverpool town-hall where the last official surrender and ultimately where the war ended
Uk couldn't officially supply the Confederates with shipping so built unarmed ships here in the UK under the Name (Enrica for example) where it it would be loaded and fitted with cannon in international waters and renamed the CSS Alabama avoiding any repercussions
UK government didn't become officially involved as they feared Russia would join the war despite France leaning towards the Confederates also,
Pic related the plaques of Rumford place, horray for Dixie
Lincoln won the presidential election by majority, without even a single vote of a Southern State, and this includes the "border States" of Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware, New Jersey, and Missouri.
Even if all the States that didn't vote Lincoln merged their votes for a single candidate, Lincoln still would have held a majority.
Understandably, a whole population of the nation did not feel they held the political influence for their rights and interests to be cared about.
Southern were devil worshiping Democrats who were funded by the Roth child's and (((fake illuminati))) and we're surprised they got fucked over.
Then after losing they shot the president and made this country a shot hole where they use slave labor globally and pump our food and water with bullshit.
Thanks for selling out to the devil once again Democrats.
>tfw you realise the American civil war was started in your home city.
Sure, we all agree it would have been better if they'd never brought them here, but we wouldn't have to agree on that if you fucking yankucks never freed them.
If a villager brings a herd of oxen to help the village plow, and some hippie retard frees them out of sympathy, and they destroy the village, who do you think deserves the blame?
(((Benjamin P. Judah))
1st CSA AG
2nd CSA Sec. of War
3rd CSA Sec. of State
Now then lad
>despite France leaning towards the Confederates also,
France actually sent an army to Mexico, with the eventual goal that they would work their way up into the Confederate states and aid the confederacy.
Somewhat hilariously, this French army actually got btfo by the mexicans, which is where the mini holiday Cinco De Mayo comes from.
Genuine redpill lad
If the confederates won, then we would have had now northern Argentina, a country with a commodity economy, only with an even greater number of blacks, which the confederates were transported in large quantities.
The South got its ass whipped by a bunch of Yankees and 150 years later the South wants to get its ass whipped again.
No doubt Britain would have warred with France at some point had that succeeded
I don't really know much about the European angle during the war, apart from their desire to keep King Cotton flowing into euro textile mills.
And how Lincoln went to great lengths to avoid European intervention in the war as it would have ended with a confederate victory for sure.
...old times there are not forgotten
The North didn't want slaves to limit the power and wealth of the South even more, because only the wealthy southerners owned slaves as they were expensive to buy, house, and maintain.
Civil war about slavery seems fishy
The Southern States lost. They got beat so bad, it took them 100 years to recover.
There's your red pill.
>the civil war wasn't about slavery, it was about state's rights
the right to own slaves, retards
>"The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institutions--African slavery as it exists among us--the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization.This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution [...]The general opinion of the men of that day [Revolutionary Period] was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution [slavery] would be evanescent and pass away [...] Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."
Or is the vice president of the Confederacy just a low level staffer?
The CSA would have went the way of Argentina regardless since it was predominantly agricultural based, and no one, not even Lincoln, liked nogs. Also gave rednecks eternal butthurt calling it "The War of Northern Aggression" despite the fact they fired the first shots at Fort Sumter.
>The Chad Honest “No niggers in my nation” Abe
>vs The Virgin Rebel “Please don’t deport our bulls” Davis
Basically, without White Revolution , the ungrateful apes from Africa would still be slaves.
So you see the trouble these niggers cause.
Checked. He wasn't even on the ballot in Southern states.
Georgia is still howling to this day.
Walk into any redneck bar in Atlanta, mention Shermans name, and you'll see grown men start blubbering like little children.
I just went to Gettysburg this weekend.
Literally no Negros. Clean. White. Colonial. It was absolutely wonderful. Visited the cemetery and said none of these soldiers fought for international Jewry, and the brown invasion.
it was a big country, with a rebelious spirit. If britain and france fought pre 1800 a gajizillian times we were bound to have at least one
white people can't stand white people sometimes
also slaves would never have been freed if it wasnt for the steam engine. but at the same time we wouldnt of had so many slaves if it wasnt for the steam engine powering cotton mills in britain.
so... yeah. just growing pains
Blacks take it really hard tho. I dont complain Romans slaughtered my ancestors but meh
we all have our troubles
>>They (the people) are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
>>Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
>>That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
The southern states were following the ideals of the founding fathers, by rebelling against the American government and setting up the confederation. USA by that point and afterwards has continuously oppressed white southerners, going against the ideals that they fought my country for.
So many Unioncucks in this thread. The fucking Republicuck abolitionists in congress not only freed the nigger slaves but tried to force unnatural equality on the south. The South fortunately put the niggers back in their place for a time after Grant ended reconstruction, but we have the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments as a legacy of civil war. Those amendments are a blight upon the constitution and are fucking us over to this day.
Fuck off traitors
They had the right to secede, that's made clear in the Declaration of Independence which is actually a legal document (it was voted on by Congress like any other law and can be found in the US Code).
Retards will say the Supreme Court in Texas V. White did away with secession if it was ever allowed before then, but that's bullshit cause the court never actually said states can't secede just that the Confederate states never seceded per se because they lost the war and the main point of that decision was about bond sales so it only indirectly referenced secession.
But when they declared secession they basically were and Jefferson Davis and other Confederates were never tried for treason because they couldn't be as they were no longer US citizens when they seceded and it was feared they would prove secession as legal in the courts. In 1978 Jimmy Carter posthumously restored Jefferson Davis citizenship.
Did you know none of the confederates were ever tried for treason because their citizenship was nullified by secession which is actually totally legal?
You are aware that slavery was legal and practiced in the North as well, right? Up until the emancipation proclomation that didn't even free -all- of the slaves in the north? That in and of itself was also just a political maneuver to convince the British not to join the war on the South's side.
>British Flag
You're either an idiot or a hypocrite who didn't even read or address my argument that the southern states had a legal right to declare independence.
We wuz slavez
reminder that dumb shit Dixie faggots started a war over slavery and forever ensured that nothing could ever be done about the nigger problem without you being accused of being a dumbshit confederate redneck
I have nothing against the people of the South or those that are proud of their heritage, but any retard who defends secessionists and their twice-illegitimate successors that comprise the KKK deserves nothing but scorn as a useful idiot for Marxists. The fucking American Nazi Party, an oxymoronic title if ever there was one, is more respectable than Johnny Rebs.
And the MUH SLAVES cucks were just as bad antebellum. They nearly stopped the United States from even existing when Tom Jefferson put freedom for EVERYBODY in the Declaration of Independence. They were about to betray George fucking Washington just to keep their farming equipment.
What you're referring to was the Nullification Crisis and that was only about South Carolina. Also slavery wasn't dying by an stretch and it's not like they couldn't do other things then farm work. The South should have just been let go cause it would have meant way less niggers in the rest of the US and we wouldn't have the current shitty South. Not to mention a lot white lives would have been spared if the war just hadn't happened and they would have produced white children and so on so forth and there'd be more white American around today.
And to top it all off, they were as honorable as you'd expect in war - that is to say not at all. The armies of the CSA routinely took no quarter against the bluecoats, especially any regiment with colored soldiers - ex-slaves, freedmen, and whites would all be executed summarily. And then they had the gall to bitch when the black regiments returned the favor.
>Tom Jefferson put freedom for EVERYBODY in the Declaration of Independence.
No, "all men are created equal" was nothing more than a statement against the "divine right of kings" where they think they're handpicked by God to rule over everyone else and can just ignore established law cause I/God said so. That's what the "created" part is about.
Later one the likes of Lincoln started mandela effecting the idea that it meant shit like racial equality and that it's something to be worked towards over time despite there be no evidence that's what was meant by it. It's also ironic abolitionist even cited the Declaration of Independence as it contains strong language clearly in favor of secession.
Thomas Jefferson originally had a clause abolishing slavery in the Declaration of Independence. The delegation from South Carolina threw a shitfit, and North Carolina and Georgia followed suit - no vote to ratify independence (which needed to be unanimous thanks to a motion by Congressman Dickinson from Pennsylvania) unless the states were granted their slaves. Thomas Jefferson subsequently scratched the clause out of the document for the sake of ensuring independence from England at any cost.
Yeah it was about slavery but South Carolina had the same issue with tariffs 25 years before. It manifested into war over the slavery question, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't part of a larger issue on the role of federal power.
No he didn't, what he did have was a part speaking out against the slave trade that he blamed the Crown on. He detested the slave trade for the conditions it put the slaves in that made it a pain to keep them healthy and even alive when they arrived.
It was omitted to appease the more hardcore pro-slavery folk. When the Constitution was being made, a provision allowing the importation of slaves from overseas until 1808 was added as a compromise and Jefferson praised the 1808 banning of the slave trade, while still having hundreds of slaves himself until his death and only doing two manumissions.
>Traitor to a Jew-run nigger-enabling government.
Well I'm just a good ol rebel then.
Here's the original congressional document from 1776 you fucking traitorous sack of shit, scrapped and revised under pressure from South Carolina, and I quote:
>He [King Geoge and Britain in general] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.
End your fucking life you muslim nigger leaf tourist
You didn't even read it did you nigger? That literally proves what I'm saying. You said that Jefferson said he wanted slavery abolished when he didn't, just the slave trade.
All the Northern states abolished slavery within 20 years after the Constitution was put in place. There were some unionists in the border states with slaves but they were freed before war's end. Also the Confederacy already fucked up with getting foreign aid with "cotton diplomacy".
>people living in poverty fought so slaves could keep hogging up all the work
t. yank
It wasn't originally about abolishing slavery. It was originally about stopping the spread of slavery to Western territories. The Southern landowners felt threatened by Lincoln's election, so they seceded and formed the CSA. The war was expensive and destructive and went on for longer than expected, and eventually the cause of the Union became overthrowing slavery altogether. The North won, and chattel slavery was abolished in 1865. 1867-77 was Reconstruction and military occupation of the Southern states to enforce compliance with conditions of re-entry to the Union. As for the slaves, there were plans to give them independent patches of confiscated land, but that never materialized.
A bankers war
>UK banks owned by Jews
>French banks owned by Jews
>US is Jew free at this time, no central bank
>The Jews saw this as an oppurtunity
>Whether or not Lincoln was right is still up for debate, but he prevented Jewish invasion for another century
Round 2 is right around the corner.
Youre own government is selling you and your children out to non citizens because they dont like what you want to do with YOUR country.
You know what you call it when electred REPRESENTATIVES endorse replacing people with unskilled low IQ immigrants?
You call it tyranny and you do something about it before they do something about you.
The time is now faggots.
Lincoln should have been offed back then, fucking traitor. Anyone who shits on our constitution should die a horrible painful death.
you lost, now go back faggot
the civil war was not about slavery it was about taxes
There doesn't need to be another war, we can just get various states/regions to secede. AKA balkanization. All the SJWs and shitskins can go to California and be their own country.
Hey nigger, why dont you go back to africa then? Like, if your neighbor kidnapped you and then set you free, would you stay in his fucking house and live there?
You fucking niggers all need to die.
Okay retard