Asking because my great grandmother was a Polish immigrant and my mother knows little about her origins, except that she was a devout Catholic and had blue eyes. I know a lot of Jews came to the US from Poland at the time, and I'm afraid that I could have some kike roots. But since she was a Catholic, it's not really possible, right? pic unrelated
Were Jews known to convert to Christianity/Catholicism before the 20th century?
You're a kike. Resistance is futile.
I sure fucking hope not. Because if she was a Jew, that would make me a literal Jew because she was my mother's mother's mother
Welcome back.
bump. I'd like to at least know how likely it is she was Jew. if there's really no realistic chance, then I won't get a DNA test, but if there is a chance, then I have to get a DNA test. I have to fucking know if I'm a kike. help me out here anons.
bumping again. sweating beads here bros
read on crypto kikes. they're everywhere and they pretend to be locals. there are even lots of kikes pretending to be muslim in muslim countries
tldr: yes you're probably a kike
couldn't she have just been a white pole? what was the kike population like back then?
You are a kike and a mutt
It’s likely this is the case. There was a P*le Jerzy Zubrzycki who came to Australia as a WW2 refugee. His father was an exiled ‘intellectual’ in Poland and upon arriving to Australia Jerzy Zubrzycki dedicated his life to promoting multiculturalism and undoing the white Australia policy. He claimed to be Catholic but his actions sound Jewish as can be. OP, you’re a chosen one. Embrace it, infiltrate and undo their schemes
Around 20%, some cities were +50%
Wait so was it ever actually proven that he was a kike? My mom said her grandmother didn't look Jewish and she also came here well before WWII.
shit bruhs. What should I do? Should I get a DNA test and find out for sure or would it be better to just forget about it since I'd only be 1/8 Jewish?
uuh yes. Greece has been absolutely bombarded by Jews. Especially Thessaloniki. It was like 75% percent Jewish at one time. They assimilated/converted over time. Chances are your average Greek has Jewish ancestry.
The mother's blood is the only thing that matters. You are jewish.
If her maiden name ended in a Y it's more likely she was Jewish, if it ended in an I it's more likely she was Catholic.
It did end in an I, thank Christ. Probably not a jew then right?
>Wait so was it ever actually proven that he was a kike?
No, but how many Catholics were subversive intellectuals that were 1. exiled by the Nazis and 2. dedicated their lives to weakening the society that accepted and embraced them?
I’m sure his speciality in Poland wasn’t chemistry or physics or they wouldn’t have got rid of him.
welcome to the club. my grandma on my moms side is a jew too. she fornicated with an american indian and gave her daughter up for adoption. my mom was adopted by catholics and so I just consider myself a catholic.
Alright anons, I've decided to take the plunge and do a DNA test this week. If it turns out I'm not a Jew I'll obviously rejoice, but if I am, what should the course of action be?
Yes. Especially women who got Goyed would convert. In Spain a lot of Jews were forcefully converted and became officially Catholic but did Jewish stuff on the down low.
My motherline is Austrian Jew. I’m Catholic though and only tell close friends about my jewish ancestry. I don’t like judaism and atheism, so as far as I know I’m not programmed to be evil.
they were free to leave
but they were such rapacious jews they faked being christian just to stay around and scam the goy
idk man I was never full white anyway so I'm just into traditional christianity
Avoid the synagogue of Satan and become a Catholic like the rest of us. Also be openly vocal about hating jewry.
In Southern Europe, especially Spain, Portugal, and Southern Italy (Calabria, Sicily, mainly), partial Jewish ancestry is by now very common, even if that means the individual of present-day is less than 1% Hebraic descent. Lots of surnames have Jewish origins in Spain, Portugal, Sicily, and Calabria, and apparently, during the Middle Ages, these regions of the world had very high Jewish populations, up to a quarter percentage of certain areas. Many of these Jews left or were executed due to the Spanish Inquisition of the late 15th century, although many also stayed in the land and converted to Christianity, often as a false declaration just to preserve their livelihoods. These people, variously called Conversos or Marranos, have numerous descendants today that are otherwise just considered normal Iberians or Italians, the majority of whom may not be aware of having Medieval/Renaissance era Jewish ancestors.
Yes, because they were always prosecuted! My ancestors are barried like christians, some of their descendants dont know and some hid that they were Jewish!
>Many of these Jews left or were executed due to the Spanish Inquisition
this is anti-catholic revisionism
the inquisition never had authority over non-christians. those "jews" were baptized christians and they were persecuted for being heretics, not jews.
This picture is hilarious because it asserts that any groups of humans on Earth could withhold the planet from ancient reptilian extraterrestrials who have mastered interstellar travel before humanity even had steam engines.
That pic is shit.
What symbol is spurdo looking at?
Ripple, a cryptocurrency.
Jew coin.
That's true, but it's also true that Spain did expel the non-Converso Jews at some point. I'd have to look it up to give mlre detail.
Yes, when Jesus resurrected Lazarus, 15 of the Sanhedrin retired. 5 more were released for being sympathetic to Jesus.
The Jews then hardened and dug themselves the deepest pit possible, many are still in it today.
Yes, look up the conversos in Spain. They infiltrated the church and tried to ease the blood purity laws of Spain, as well as push humanism philosophies in the country.
ouch just picked out some
brain matter from muh nose
Yes, loads of them. A Jewish convert to Christianity redpilled Europe about the Talmud, and translated it from the Hebrew himself.
Does anyone from her side of your family have red hair? Jews in Poland were known for having red hair and they did convert
Read Kevin MacDonalds middle book "Separation and Its Discontents" about Jews in Spain.
Jews would """convert""" to Christianity and then continue the same in-grouo evolutionary stratgey as """Christians""". Catholic Church had to change the rules so that no convert could have a position of power for severak generations, then eventually gave up and deported most of them from Spain despite the """conversion""".