Guys, accusations totally means he did it!
Guys, accusations totally means he did it!
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Oh the "child" is 12 now..i thought "she" was 13. I bet Trump used tesla's inventions, went back in time and raped her at age 12.
Also never trust a kike
jews are crying wolfs again, and wonder why nobody cares...
>Yet no one cares
Correct! Finally a Krassenstein on twitter hits the bullseye.
Brian raped me when I was 12.
>12-year-old child
Wasn't she 13?
what's up with all these (((steins))) that hate Trump?
he's giving the Jews everything they could possibly want.
are they afraid we know he's a jewish puppet and they're trying to distance themselves from him?
And if they were, Who cares.
These guys are under investigation for fraud.
They know social engineering.
>If the name echoes
Into the trash it goes
You can rape your wife? What the hell.
Hey look at this, he has a Youtube channel that seemingly hasn't been discovered yet by us.... most of his videos have 20-30 views.
>millions of SJWs are perpetually hysterical over any rumor
>no one cares
>it was real in my mind
He has no ear lobes
jewish feature?
Yeah but Hillary and Podesta are DEFINITELY running child sex rings in a pizza shop.
Fucking ...stein making a claim.
I can smell the bullshit from here you jew motherfucker you
That means youre most likely a pedophile
12 in korean years
"Trump raped a 13 year old girl! 12 year olds can't even give consent. Its really sick Trump would rape an 11 year old. He should be impeached for raping that poor 10 year. Who knows how many 9 year olds he could have raped aswell.He needs to be stopped before he rapes another 8 year old."
He has connections to child traffickers. Figure the rest out.
no one cares because you are a jew.
>comments disabled on the trump video, yet strangely not on the kiddie videos
really makes me think
Oy vey.
>accused of admitting
>Just a reminder that all of the usual dirty tricks we use to get rid of our political opponents have not worked against Trump.
Every time.
newsflash,according to your own people,you arent white.and i agree,fuck off nigger.
>raping his wife
This. If we're going to regress back to third world witch trial tier justice systems let's just start accusing everyone we hate of everything. Think pizzagate but it doesn't have to be grounded in anything questionable.
Brian Krassenstein is a fucking rapist and I stand strong with anonymous internet poster #156724979 code 6bwssOeg with his or her unverifiable and unsubstantiated claims. Evidence is sexist and racist and will not be tolerated any longer.
Virgin detected.
You know, heterosexual men grab women by the pussy during sex.
Who even is this guy? I always see him in my dreams but can never figure out wtf he's from.
The Krassenstein boys are so fucking lame. We need a permanent troll squad to set notifications and yap at them the way they do Trump everytime they post.