Did the false nuclear alarm affect anyone here?

Pic related.

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Fake and incest


I masturbated to the thought of hundreds of thousands of Hawaiians burning alive but the climax was weak.


no way this is real

just from the fantasy of some user

i would only believe it if you upload a video with your sister where she explained the story also

and record in in hawai

I bet a few families were destroyed on that day.

>Blokes calling their concubines
>Mothers telling their kids they ruined their lives/vaginas
>MAGApeedes mastubating in public
>Waiters flipping all the tables
>Uber drivers muster the courage to poo in loo

The veil was torn and the true nature of the community exposed.


Check em


need more stories about stupid shit people did. Oh god I bet TONS of people did HORRIBLE shit


I wonder how many people committed suicide in Hawaii.

Not enough.

Why the fuck would you commit suicide when you could just go outside and enjoy the show?




>Didn’t die in nuclear fire

What is the problem here? Sounds like a win-win

im dying

disgusting if true


Dude anyone have the archive link this is too good

It's commonplace here so what's the big deal right?

>free opportunity to get fuck of sister
Wtf this is not fair
why does this never happen here

Rest of the world is behind the times

Reminder that /x/ predicted it


>Pretty soon nukes will fly and "aliens" will shoot them down

Please never post again

This. Thank you

Yeah, I would've rather not do any of that shit. If you're about to die, have some fucking dignity and have a smoke instead or something.


no nukes flew though
Japan would have said something

I can think of two times it happened there.

>>Be me
>>Live in Hawaii
>>Doomsday preper
>>All of my friends and neighbors make fun of me
>>Message comes
>>Get wife and kids into bomb shelter
>>Friends and neighbors want in but not enough food, water and room for all of them.
>>Retards don't understand and break down the door to shelter
>>Gets message saying it was a false alarm
>>Neighbors sheepishly apologize and offer to fix the door
>>mfw I learn that my neighbors would have gotten my entire family killed if this was a real attack

Lel, still pretty vague, if NK launches nukes and the space lazor shit shots it down, you could say the same. Without time and place predictions doesn't have much value.

Yeah but what if your sister is hot?



Gotcha there faggot.


bump good thread

I’ve seen that twilight zone episode you larping faggot

That was an episode of the Twilight Zone.

Get the fuck out with your plagiarism.

Nice """""""""""""shelter""""""""""""""" you have there if people can smash it open

>reddit spacing

If your neighbors were able to break into your bomb shelter, you didn’t do a good enough job

MFW Now we're stepping into the twilight zone

its happened like 4 times there idk what you're talking about


Nigger if someone can get through the door, it ain't a shelter.

Now you know you need a better door you LARPing faggot

>designed to withstand a disaster
>they actually broke down the door

You need a stronger door

This desu, In the event i'm going to be nuked, I will be livestreaming the event directly to Sup Forums with a case of beer and a joint. Screencap this, because that's what will happen.

>Supposed to survive a nuke.
>Can't survive some angry neighbours.
If you're going to lie on the internet at least make it believable.

>no nukes flew though
>Japan would have said something
sure, just like the us government is saying anything

The Episode You Plagiarized: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shelter_(The_Twilight_Zone)


>Live in Hawaii.
>Roll over to the sound of my phone being shit.
>See warning.
>Shrug it off and go back to sleep.
>Wake up 7 hours later and check phone again.
>Same warning.
>How did I sleep through this.
>Nothings outside.
>Its just a false alarm.
>Eat a bowl of fruitloops and go back to bed for 3 more hours.
>Why am I so sleepy.

Please be real!

Heres the pic of his sister. Yes i would kill myself now!

>didnt build in shooting angles in front of entrance to clean crazy people
>breakable door

Kill yourself

>Having holes in your nuclear bunker

>Not wanting to fuck your sister before a fiery everlasting ball of glory annihilates you



I honestly doubted the veracity of this story but the digits do not lie.
However, I'd like to take a moment to point out that whoever capped these is a phoneposting faggot and should neck themselves with haste.


What's the matter nigger? You would be running? I'm going to enjoy the show and let you all enjoy it too. Is it jelousy in your post?


The post number is right there you fucking clown

Make holes sealable,if his door is shoddy enough to be broken how he didnt expect desperate people to try it

Simpsons too. Good episode. About a comet hitting though. But almost the exact same shit happens.

want the fuck

>get fuck of sister

Did i roll in to an alternate timeline? What the fuck happened?

what not want oops

apparently false nuke warning i havent heard about it really yet either

>larp fantasies being reposted to Sup Forums

>implying anyone would live through being crushed by that
confirmed for no incest

fake and gay

We've all seen JAV, it happens all the time.

When i worked in the oilfield about 3 months ago a debate arose on the jobsite
Would you fuck your hot as hell step sister if she came onto you?
We kept it in our company so other companies didnt think we were weird, it was 1 - 22, everybody said yea, and the one guy said it was incest and said no

then we started asking other companys employees on site like water transfer guys they all 3 were like hell yea.

No you just sound like a homo. Id probably smoke too but I wouldn’t watch some fuckin loser go
>hurrrr woaaaaaah broooo pot and beer!!!!!

Anybody notice how the media has been blaming trump for this?

Aren't you dinks required to fuck your mothers or something?

There are hardly any Hawaiians left. Filipinos and other Asians went there and are breeding them out of extinction

That's not the point, faggot. I think you're afraid of nuclear fire. Who wouldn't want to watch the first few secconds of a nuclear explosion.
>implying you would hear my voice
>implying i'm not mute.


>implying implications were implied

Except I am mute. My only goal is to livestream the begining of the end.

I'm on Maui

> just waking up, get this
> post shot to Insta saying goodbye
> text a few family members saying it might be the last time
> hop on motorcycle ride to beach
> talk to some random kook about surfing and motorcycles
> get false alarm message
> belly laugh


I was asleep and not in Hawaii for it.
If an actual nuclear war breaks out while I'm asleep I'm going to be so fucking pissed.

So fucking CLOSE.

>tfw on a plane the entire time
>tfw wudve just evaporated in the air and not know what happened

Fuck off back to buggering little boys in the public pool sand nigger

>going out with one final motorcycle ride

Fucking kino

Dude what shame, he should fuck her a 2nd time to make up for his pathetic performance.


Yeah what fucking board you faggot

Not him but the post number indicates that post was made on Sup Forums so check the Sup Forums archive.

Poo in Loo detected.

Daily reminder that a hawaiian Sup Forumstard shot an antifa communist while you jerked off to Japanese cartoons.

This site is still old enough to recognize twilight zone you niggerfaggot.

OD on drugs/sleeping pills/CO2 since it'd be better