What do the jews exactly get out of destroying the west?
What do the jews exactly get out of destroying the west?
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The west.
Game theory and race to the bottom. They can't help themselves. They are destroying themselves. We are too.
The satisfaction of revenge for a perceived 2000 years of oppression at the hands of a religion that sprung up from their own before whites wake up and realize what has been done and exact the final solution on their shit-stained asses
Jews no longer need the West since they've stolen most of the world's wealth.
Just one more war for Israel 2 take out Iran and they'll flush us.
It's about destroying whites not the west, they want cattle
Revenge on the children of Vespasian
Not sure they think that far ahead.
a global world population of 80 IQ cattle-race to rule over (Whites race-mixed and out-bred even in their home countries) while they retain their stolen European 100 IQ). God's chosen people.
superiority. you're meant to be a slave.
Good luck when 'gobal warming' causes the Sahara desert to creep southward into habitable Africa (it's real, look it up). Guess where these Billions that weve been feeding will have to come live? White countries, of course!
Watch "one of us" on netflix. The jews are actually more backwards than most cult religions. The only thing they have taken over is Brooklyn.
The west is their only competition. Once they turn the west into a waste land of low i.q. mudsharks, they will eliminate and replace them with robots.
Nothing. That's why this whole conspiracy theory is dumb as fuck.
In case you don't know what's going on.
Communism is Talmudic doctrine. It's allegory.
Substitute 'Bourgeoisie' for 'God's chosen people'
Substitute 'Proletariat' for 'Goyim (non-Jew).
Are these real?
>those retarded borders
Literally how can you look at that and go "yup, this seems legit"?
Have you read the Talmud?... It's a boring ass law book
>riding an Electra Tiger 3i
>20inch tires
>shortie girl riding the bike
Why dont I have a pocket sized gf?
I think the most intelligent/aware are trying for this, but most honestly do not know that they are leading the West down a path of self-destruction. They think they are making things better.
I've talked with my Jewish friend about this stuff at length, and I'm convinced that he really thinks he's doing the right by pushing progressivism.
>what do the jews exactly get about destroying the most powerfull race from within, standing in their way of comming out as supremacists, by exploiting their compassion and good will?
Most of the Jews don't even know why they do what they do, but it doesn't mean they should be spared the gas chambers.
It's actually very simple.
There are currently many races of human that inhabit this planet.
A good game theorist would see this situation and ask himself what it might take for one of those races to rise to the top, and be the winners. These are the Jews, they have thought about this. They want to win.
By destroying the West, and I use the word destroying very lightly because that's not really what they are doing, they are winning the game.
Very simple stuff here. Which begs the question, why isn't anyone else playing the game?
I've noticed that whites seem to be born asleep, and that they must be awakened by some means, while on the other hand Jews are born awake. This gives them huge advantages when it comes to playing the game of life.
revenge from the roman empire.
the jews hope to get war bonds. destabilize the economy through outsourcing that wont be stopped by the government and instead encouraged with tax breaks for doing it then decades later invite in a bunch of people from 3rd world countries who wont behave themselves. government subsidized outsourcing started with carter. he also took america off the gold standard
over 3 decades americas military has been slowly destroyed . removal of high ranking people through scandals and smear campaigns. the war on terror has depleted the flow of grunts we have.
they will want a draft in effect and warbonds to pay for continued production of military hardware. they will be decent yield interest rate wise and have long term maturity times. both we do not have in the current american bond market. currently a 6% return is beyond what you can get on a 2 year note. imagine a 20 year or 50 year bond. you could offload the 50 year bond at half its full value and the buyer could still beat inflation and be comfy
How to win game?
PR user THAT ALWAYS AX THIS QUESTION !!! long time no see. I thought the ocean ate you and shit. How are things?
>get war bonds
>in countries that would be destroyed
>and now unable to cash out war bonds >because nothing to pay it remains
Are you retarded?
I don't think you know what begging the question means
good conspiracy theory thread.
Depends on your goals. The important part is to play.
The simplicity of the scenario (king of the hill for humanity) begs the question of why only the Jews are smart enough to understand and engage with it.
Tikkun Olam. Break the world to mend it.
It is at the core of their demented tribal superstition. That they are the Spaghetti Monster's chosen people, and he put the earth here for them, and it is their job to wrest complete ownership of it. To break every nations, and make everyone on earth the same deracinated beige bot, with no culture or race or nation or even identity to call their own, other than modern atomized consumerism. Like a plant with no roots, easy to rip up, not strong.
The filthy anti-human kikes are not intelligent at all, cunning yes, but not intelligent. I don't think they have any understanding of the fact that they are parasitical. They perceive themselves as shadow kings, not the brainworms that they are.
One thing that /pol and redpilled whites should do IMO is to WARN every Chinese and Indian you can, point out to them what the Jew has done to the West, destroyed it, ruined our blood.
Redpill these two peoples, put a spotlight on the Jew for them so it is exposed like the slimy pallid nocturnal parasite it is, and we will have deprived the anti-human parasites of two majot potential new hosts.
If whitey can do one thing right, it is to take the Jew with us to Hell when we finally go under, the kikes can have their pyrrhic victory over us, as they die with us, and the world going forward might actually have a chance to heal itself for once without them shitting all over everything, ruining nations, causing endless wars, enslaving people through usury
Nothing. Its all bullshit made up by niggers to get white people to kill one another.
Try to keep up.
Interesting to think;
Niggers, by themselves, are worthless and do nothing.
La Raza types, by themselves, would accomplish little.
SJWs, by themselves, would be laughed out of the every room they occupy.
But, with the international Jewry behind these groups and others like them....they somehow become reliant and dangerous to the West.
Hitler was right about the international Jew and the destruction of the West.
Nothing really. The irony of this place is that we call Jews parasites while simultaneously saying that they want to genocide the whites. But a parasite will never try to kill its host, it depends on its host to survive.
Jews think they are constantly in danger of another shoah if any unified gentile nation exists. So they subvert, which leads to gentiles getting mad and giving them another shoah.
Basically they are fucking retarded.
Not strong enough to defeat my enemy outright so I weaken him first.
Yeah , you're using the phrase wrong friend.
In their eyes, revenge for the holocaust. I had too many arguments with anonymous Jews on disqus where when they are anonymous they express nothing but contempt for Christians and blame Christians for the holocaust.
>We are too.
No. There is a stark difference between people being psychotic, and a normal person dealing with a psychotic world. This doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it does explain that Aryans were not ever meant to mix with the Globalist cabal that sees itself as World Judge capable of wielding Godlike powers
>When people lose everything and there's nothing left to lose; they lose it
>But a parasite will never try to kill its host, it depends on its host to survive.
your newfag is hsowing
Its all about money and power. Destabilized countries are the easiest to take advantage of. Once the wealth shifts from Europe to China we will see a lot less trickery
Okay, groups who desire some resource, territory or other object compete against each other. That's only natural.
Jews are in competition with us and everyone else, just like Chinese are in competition with everyone.
Our problem is that we can't easily distinguish a jew from one of ours like we could with Chinese.
Also jews are very hateful against every non jew, they are famous for it and they've been famous for it long before Christianity was a thing. (well known in Europe, the Middle East, Northern Africa and even Asia)
So you've basically have an element of seemingly white people in our society that has intense hatred for white people and you often will not even know it when interacting with them.
They might do almost anything to you they think they can get away with (the stuff in the Talmud says it all, not even Muslims have something like that) and it will hit you without warning. That's a big problem.
I've looked into this and decided that it is the english language that is wrong. Not me. The phrase was improperly translated over from the latin and when used properly is clunky.
You can never find a reasonable answer to this question. Conspiracy theorists (losers who can't compete in the real world) around here usually settle on "the white man is the only one who can defeat the Jews so the Jews are trying to breed them out with BLACKED websites."
Absolutely nothing for israelis, lots of money and goy slaves for the diaspora liberal elite. The kike run establishment uses the israelis as the target of their two minutes hate for mudslimes and sjws.
>They can't help themselves. They are destroying themselves.
So much this.
I honestly used to think it was a secret handshake tier covenant of all the world's Kikes. I've slowly come to think that It's just an extreme minority of super elite mostly "Kikes" that are only whatever ethnicity suits them to achieve their goals. The jews are just a closer rung to the inner circle and their culture more closely matches that of the elites and for a good reason. Just like they want diversity so that they don't stand out and get prosecuted for the shit that they openly do. The next layer of the social onion does the same to them. I think that culture is bred into them to A divert attention away from the actions of the actual cabal of power and to B give the lesser goys something to hate and target. It's like a rotten onion that gets progressively more evil and insulated from scrutiny as you get closer to the core. The western minorities hate white people and blame them for everything. White people are more secular than the minorities and defend themselves insulating the next layer of the "moloch" onion from the two next larger groups. The jews then play off of white people inflaming race relations as (((fellow whites))) and then scurrying back to being a jewish protected minority. This inflames and distracts the races while the social elite walk above them pissing down from their ivory towers. Each layer insulates and segregates the last from the next.
I used to think it was an upside down pyramid that could be easily toppled. Now I am begging to see it more as one big layered festering rolling ball of shit that is rotten from it's very core out. On the up side the jews are actually getting it worse than us. You just wouldn't know it because they have the self inflection of Niggers/women and they won't publish anything bad about themselves.
The destruction of God's ordained bride of Jesus.
Chosen of God is a sick joke.
They are the enemy of everything holy.
a lower average IQ of people that are easier to manipulate.
Also, by removing ppl's identies such as: race, religion, family, nationality; your identity is based exclusively on consumption.
Revenge. Simple as.
It's in their nature, they can't help it.
Jews fully believe that they're gods chosen and it really breaks their balls that we were more successful than them at taking over the world. They would rather rule over a mud race of dumb people than live with us as equals.
Summer child you are like a little baby. This of but a taste of what is yet to come on Mr. bones ride.
Jew here. The theory that white people are Amalek is prevalent in Jewish thought. The Holocaust cemented this idea. Amalek is an unknown ethnic or cultural group that is the eternal enemy of the Jewish people. Nobody knows who they are, only that they still exist. But the main theory is it is white people.
been telling you all this for years they are just brainwashed useful idiots, people are being played on every level to dot he work of those at the top I don't understand what is hard to understand about this, this has been orchestrated for 1000's of years create false divisions to keep you fighting each other and not coming after them
No one here would ever believe the truth, which is everything they think they know is all lies from top to bottom
and none of you have any idea what they are really hiding and no capacity to even understand it
this is not true though, I know it makes sense to you perfectly based on your knowledge and understanding but what is really happening you can never comprehend, but I can show you of you want but it not quick or easy
Your entire frame of reference and (((knowledge))) is highly engineered and controlled so can never fond the truth using these things, this is done by design
Things are getting better bro
Thanks for asking
Source legit?
no more people who can BTFO them for the umpteenth time in their history
What did the Bolsheviks get for destroying Russia?
Americans are so fucking retarded.
>destroying their own financial provider and war machine
The weakening of white people will result in more conflicts. Jews do not count on complete annihilation of whites. That's suicide for them.
>why isn't anyone else playing the game?
The Chinese are playing the game.
>To break every nations, and make everyone on earth the same deracinated beige bot
>deracinated beige bot
God damn dude
the source is literally right there in the picture you brainlet
Also outlined a hundred years ago in Kalergi's Pan Europa.
is that a beartato bikini?
Supremacy. They're pretty much already the masters of most white countries. They just want to further solidify this.
Even the elite illuminati jew families aren't even jews anymore.
Can't find that quote in the book you bell-cheese.
Thanks. Any other meaty sources?
I fucking hate this scary China meme. Chinese have insect intelligence. They don't have any creative long term plan. The idea doesn't even make sense to the Chinaman's mind. They have never been a threat to anyone outside their borders. Not even once in their 4000 year history.
>Also outlined a hundred years ago in Kalergi's Pan Europa.
Jews ruling over people with low IQ? That plan is shit.
Nobody answered correctly. They gain the profit of rebuilding destruction, not the destruction itself.
>They have never been a threat to anyone outside their borders. Not even once in their 4000 year history.
Not just the west, but the entire world. Their NWO with the one world government and shit.
Also I don't think it's just Jewish people doing this shit, The Vatican is the most Catholic country in the world and The Vatican is totally a globalist controlled country.
And yea mass immigration is just one of the ways of collapsing the west. It's funny how the pope preaches about taking in 3rd world refugees and walls are racist but the entire Vatican is surrounded by a giant wall and they do not take in boatloads of refugees
A weak, easily controlled society of consumers.
>Nobody answered correctly.
Greater Israel Plan
>They gain the profit of rebuilding destruction, not the destruction itself.
So they keep pouring in money, and tons of it, into trying to get the west to destroy itself, only to try and profit off the reconstruction? Really? That's assuming the reconstruction will be profitable. If the west is destroyed, who exactly is it going to be reconstructed for?
A safe worker population to exploit without risking another Holocaust when enough of them realize what they're (the jews) doing to them (the population of the white country that they're maliciously exploiting).
The end goal is global government, specifically Jewish Monarchy under descendants of King David. All prices are stagnant ie 1 lb of meat will always cost the same amount of sheckels. Goyim are converted to Judaism and aren't really second class citizens but obviously you can't become a descendant of King David so you're fucked.
It's all in the Protocols of Zion.
Unfortunately for them Jesus Christ really was God in the flesh and God is pretty pissed about what they're doing.
>And yea mass immigration is just one of the ways of collapsing the west.
Mass immigration is just a consequence of implementing the Greater Israel plan. Empty Syria, Iraq and other countries surrounding Israel so that Israel can claim their lebensraum. The west is not collapsing because Israel is out to collapse them. They're collapsing because Israel needs all the ME people to go somewhere, and the only place that needs population replacement right now is Europe.
>It's funny how the pope preaches about taking in 3rd world refugees and walls are racist but the entire Vatican is surrounded by a giant wall and they do not take in boatloads of refugees
The catholic church rose to fill the power vacuum left by the Roman Empire. They existed as power brokers whose influence has declined. They never really had the good of the people in mind from the beginning.
Total world domination.
The whole point is to kill the octopus that has it's tentacles entrenched around the world.
The elite habe found the means to exist beyond the habitual live of being basic slave owners. With machines they will proceed to push tension across the world so that the US will be dismantled.
Allowing the world to come to a new conformation beyond that of one will, or individuality.
People think the NWO ended when really they have found a way to brainwash people into it's conformity beyond what they might actually feel.
Communism is the NWO
Greater Israel has been debunked, the real end goal is to end all nations and to create a world government.
>A weak, easily controlled society of consumers.
So they destroy the west only to ensure the west is filled with consumers? Really? Does this even sound right to you? They don't need to destroy the west to get people to consume goods and services.
>What do the jews exactly get out of destroying
Exactly what they want. Nothingness, without end.
not being genocided
also revenge
lol, there's no way that's a real quote
Nothing, jews are just doing some ethnic nepotism: Jews in a good position help others Jews to get a good position, this is a normal attitude of each ethnic group, Jews are master in this because they've been doing it for centuries.
this can certainly be unfair but it's not more than this, all the rest is just irrational conspiracy.
>Greater Israel has been debunked,
By whom? Aussie shitposters?
>the real end goal is to end all nations and to create a world government.
Think about it. Many world governments find their population hard to control right now, and yet somehow it's possible to create a world government? At best they'll achieve world trade. World government is far fetched. Majority of the population would lie outside the direct control of such a government.
Besides, to achieve a world government, you need racial homogenity or cultural homogenity. Neither of which can be achieved due to evolution of species.
>Mass immigration is just a consequence of implementing the Greater Israel plan.
>Empty Syria, Iraq and other countries surrounding Israel
That still wouldn't explain the mass immigration of Hispanics coming into America and the mass immigration of niggers coming from all Africa and the Islands.