This cutie is a latina, which basically means you are all wrong

this cutie is a latina, which basically means you are all wrong

White is right

Woof woof. She’s a dog OP.

I could've sworn she was a Slav..

she's actually a hologram faggot

Weinstein has probably jerked off on her, I think I'll pass even if she is cute

Latinas are caucaziod, you stupid Brazilian nigger.


then why can latinos say the n-word?

I just said it to you.
Fuck, you’re stupid.

All that means is she will be fat as a pig by age 26.
I grew up with mexicans....all the women are fat by 26.

urgh.... intolerant much?

Race is deeper than skin color and where you’re born.
Having a caucasoid skull but black hair and brown eyes is white
But pic related is not white even with the color pigmentation

Truly, Latinas are incredibly cute and hot. They're the most fuckable category of females in the whole world -- much more so than white bitches who are always entitled and think they're special princesses.

but... your flag says american

Looks like your average ugly Brit to me.

Pretty castizo mongrels like that won't exist in the future they have planned for us.

>no 10/10 AI gf

why even live?

god please dont let me come back as a nigger.please.
p.s. especially not like the nigger in the picture.
thank you.i am highly intelligent and would be suicidally bummed out if i was as fuckin stupid as the ape in that picture.

Cuban nationality but she's of spanish descent.

Hi gipsy how do you feel living in a shithole country with a 300€ per/month?
1 hour ago I fucked a hooker from your country (90% of romanian girls are whore).

Pretty good actually, also thanks for ur wallet

You're welcome.

She looks white to me, or at the very least a castizo.

That's the problem with mutts, you try to pick out the best ones with a hope you can bleach them out like her, but the vast majority of mixing is just swarthy hordes that jump the border fence. Mestizo and lower is hopeless for racial purity.


Where do Asians figure in all this?

Yeah, but most don't look anything like her. Most look like this.
A 'latino/a' is nothing more than an admixture of European, Negroid and/or Injun.
The fact that every so often you get one that's primarily European and looks decent =/= RACE ISN'T REAL BRO EUROPEANS AREN'T REAL BRO JUST MIX INTO MUD BECUZ DIVERSITY IS STRENGTH

The desperation with which people want White folks to miscegenate speaks volumes.
Unfortunately, is pretty much every case, the best thing about any given example of admixture is the European component - in its absence, the specimen would be lackluster, and in its presence, the specimen is less than it could have been.

If she is of fully European descent then she is white. If she has native or negro ancestry then she is not

Woops, wrong image.

shes 31

White Natsoc mexican here. I plan on conquering central and south america. AMA

>preserve the white race preserve the white race preserve the white race preserve the white race

Somewhere in Asia, probably.

> Mexican
She was born in Cuba, but that doesn't make her atlantic/creole/latin/black/etc...

Just watched the movie yesterday.
Good movie. Is good as the first one.

Also, she is a cutie. Thought she was ucranian. Would love to have a virtual gf like that one. She is better than the one Scarlett Johanson played on She.

Oh yeah. Ryan Goslin is the new Keanu Reeves. Fucker has nothing going on on that face.


>leaf-nigger can barely control muh dik instinct when confronted with fat tits on an asiatic
Its cool bro, you're not really White anyway and your country is basically a Chinese colony. You might as well just go with it.

>Oh yeah. Ryan Goslin is the new Keanu Reeves. Fucker has nothing going on on that face.
Yeah it's like he was a robot or something

she's 29 and still this gorgeous, you absolute retard

So what?
Decker was a replicant, a model oldern than Gosling and he still have emotions.

Face of an angel, that one.


>Where do Asians figure in all this?
They come in a close second. A good Asian girl is trained to be submissive and obedient. Most of all she knows the importance of sexual service to her husband. White girls have forgotten this completely.

Latina >> Asian >> Black >> White

>pic related


Decker being a replicant was a decision of the director during and after filming. it was not written into the script and ford and the writer even disagreed with it for years after the movie came out.


You mean Nigger, Nigger


i cant wait to see your face when she hits her 30s nothing ages worse then a latina their inner native comes out and they become short fat trolls

Daaam das a THICC Korean?

whats wrong with you people

You'll burn with the rest of your kind.


Many Cubans are white, she must be one. Latin doesn't automatically mean non-white.

Didnt knew that.
I prefer him being a replicant tho.
A human fighting a replicant like he did it against Roy Batty was too much for me to believe.

The only scene where he shows any emotion, and is the easiest to portray: frustation.

Pol/ bitfoo

Nope, she's a hologram.

She still has to go back


If I watch blade runner 2049 too much will I get sick of it or will it become that comfy movie I know by heart but watch once a year?

burgerboy, she's 29 , you mean a year from now? as if white old bitches were the cream of the crop anyway, old people are ugly and useless in all races

That´s not how the average cuban girl looks tho.
But you already know that, Ricardinho

I want a cute white br gf.

White women age better than any other.
And by the look of her mother and father, she'll return to the Aztec soon enough.
She got lucky though, I'll grant her that - somehow, from her two mongrel parents, somehow those European genes managed to congeal together and make what LOOKS like a European woman... Even though its not, and never will be.

But, meh, she's like a 6/10 without Jew movie magicks.

I’m a gringo that lives in Miami and Cubans are hit or miss. Depends on their lineage. The Spaniards lightened them up, they also have a lot of Russian names and stuff. Weird mixes.

Most of Spain is a fucking dump. I spent several months there last year and nearly everywhere I went looked like Britain did in the early sixties.
Romania might be a shithole (I've never been there so I don't know) but your country is an impoverished shitheap with stupidly high levels of unemployment and a population of retarded militant leftists.

Only monkey soup can save them

too bad for you Maradona, they're all taken

You're trying to hide your soylent grin or what m8?

he didn't really fight roy. it was more running for his life

Latin doesn't mean non-white at all.

The vast majority of white women are grossly overweight and aggressively feminist

bring it on, you dont know how ready i am

That's a twelve year old lesbian tranny boy.


> Aztecs > Buggirls > Sheboons > Human Women
lel, that flag is such an indicator its almost not funny

>Castizo Latinas first
>East Asians second
You have awful taste user, and put the 56 in 56%.

Yeah it does m8, it literally means "White mixed with several different shades of shit".


>he knows