Got my dna test back today after a month and a half of nervous waiting

Got my dna test back today after a month and a half of nervous waiting.
-Europe south 52% (to be expected, since my parents always said I was mostly italian)
-Europe west 24% (mostly expected since my mother is mostly german from the rhineland)
-Europe east 10%(not surprised to see since my grandfather was polish)
-Scandinavia 6% (confused the shit out of me to see such a big percent since I never heard from my parents that one of my great grandparents was nordic)
-Great Britain 3% (wasn't expecting this but I might as well since most burgersharts are more english than they might think)
-Iberia 1% (this is where things start to go downhill)
-Middle east 2% (wasn't expecting this but insecure stormfags fed me some nonsense saying I should be proud of it since aryans originated there or something)
-Eurojew 2% (I saved the worst for last. When I first saw this I felt there was some kind of mistake, but upon closer inspection it said it was probably from eastern europe since alot of polish people were jews or jewish converts, so apparently dna companies think changing religions changes your dna)

What does Sup Forums make of all this? I can already see the replies from a mile away saying "how can you be 4% not white your entire life and not know?" but frankly, many people don't trust these companies to begin with as they're notorious for adding trace amounts of non white dna to make nazi larpists insecure.

>inb4 italians aren't white
>inb4 all italians in the us are from sicily

Maybe, but my entire life my relatives all said I was nothern italian and my last name is literally a city in the north (mantova), so naturally, I am disappoint. I also have brown hair + eyes so I was fucked from the start. Where were you when you realized the amerimutt meme exists?

Other urls found in this thread:

Southern Europeans aren't white. So, congrats. You're as white as Wesley Snipes.

Did you read what I just said?

The "genes" from Southern Europe are.

Don't feed him.

I can not remember the last digits of my percentages but mine went something like.
70 scandinavia
20 scotish
10 Ashkenazi jew

Will I be killed if the enthostate forms? Blue eyes, blonde hair, 5 11

>52% europe south
>believes in amerimutt and unironic white nationalism
Not even surprised.


You're a fucking moron. Sicily was a Muslim emirate longer than it wasn't. That's why your DNA is Jewish-Middle Eastern mixed.

And what was the Sicilian Muslim emirate constitutes the majority of Southern Italy.




christ is that what Sicilians look like?
or is he an amerimutt larping as one?

>everyone for me is from Central/Northern Europe with some Brit
I may be a mutt, but at least I'm a white mutt with blue eyes.


Nothing wrong with being a euromutt.
Euro Mutts built the world's largest economy and most advanced society in history.


Amerigoblin confirmed

El Gordo.....

Wops don't belong in America


>partly broadly south asian
One drop is enough.

man these posts just get more butthurt and butthurt
hilarious that Europoors have to make shitty drawings just to feel better about being an American vassal state
I guess that's what you do when you can't have guns
man Europe is such a pathetic land

Op is a shill
sage this shit

Gypsie blood

tbf, i miss the day when cucking and blacking was the designated antimerican memes

El goblino...

Can't be gypsy as I have no MENA
Also if I'm not white then neither are Romanians

You have to go back, Jose.

Where did I say I was sicilian?

That's too bad. Your country's named after one.

I miss the days when my country installed military bases to keep the vassal states of Europe in line...
oh wait you can't miss something that isn't over yet

My name is tim you shitskin.

Gypsies are south Asian
That’s what that is

Better question, how is Italy not the Mexico of Europe?

>Also if I'm not white then neither are Romanians
That's cool with me. Romanians are not white.
hey man, whatever lets you sleep at night

Tim Gomez lmao

because Greece is

>meme fag

Kid, do you or do you not understand how many important people in history were italians? Are you really willing to move anything an italian did or invented from the "white inventions" column and put it over in the "some italian did this, not white" column? Americans have no culture to unite under so they unite under a skin color instead.

Yay muttheritage thread.

Attached is an artists rendition of you.

they have more mena than south asian retard
if i had a gypsy ancestor, i would get mena but i dont

Fucking disgusting mutt. If you are not over 95 in one category then your genes are tainted.

Nice trips.

Also, I'm sorry your fragile ego got shaken by me making a Gomez joke. But all that shit you wrote was from me saying "more like Gomez lmao". I promise you're the best boy in the whole world snowflake.

>t. """self learned""" scientist


This desu.

less than 95% of one ethnic group = gassed.

I got 96% Western European and 4% South Asian, I identify as afro-turkish though

race isn't determined by accomplishments
we are not "white", sorry to break this to you

Just got mine back.

christ you're a disgusting goblin

thank god there are actual white people in this country

All these Amerimutt memes recently are some top quality stuff. Credit where credit is due, eurotrash.

Don't worry, as globalists we will succeed in making sure EVERYONE in the world is mixed.

......this isn't real is it?

>1.1% Finnish

ching chong ling long ting tong

I'm assuming you're upset Emma Watson loves Asian cock?

Eastern and Southern Europeans should have never been alllowed into the Us... it’s why Jews ended up here and destroyed our northwest European homeland


>Not getting over 99% white
The fuck is wrong with you

that kind of percentage guarantees your dick is tiny

>Got my dna test back

Congratulations, they'll be engineering human pig hybrids with your genetics in five years.

You didn't realize it, but you just gave a corporation ownership of your genetic material

Idk man. I'm half italian and my dick is still only 4 inches.

jews and NW euro protestants are like bread and butter, don't blame us

>tfw you're afraid to do the genetic makeup testing because you know the results will reveal you to be a human mudpuddle

Are you:

>tfw I don't have 100 bucks to do a DNA test

Globalization is the future. Get over it.

By pol standards you're not white unless you have a fetish for watching your home country be overtaken by niggers.

I’m 50% Europe west, 6% Europe North, and 44% Afro-Latin-Irish-Cherokee

is there any Hungarian here who wants to post their results? I'm really interested what kind of mutts are we

Makes me feel better about my results

Fucking kike

Well you are much Whiter than the average Amerimutt who is just 56% White.

Once again, why am I the only one who notices that this meme attacks white nationalists and natsocs rather than those who actually support racemixing?

Just 5'11? You're a manlet

56-IQ shareblue kike detected.

depends on what you mean by real

[Citation needed for your kike bullshit]

You're NOT the only one who notices that. This is shareblue. This is the best they could come up with for eighty fucking million dollars from Kike Soros. They consider this their masterpiece.

I've never seen one that wasn't 2-5% Jewish. Do they just sprinkle a little bit in each one?

italianer than you muhammad

This is the American average. 56% White

So we're destined to become this hivemind of 52% American shitposters? Lol nice

>Whiter than you, Muhammad Van den Berg. Your shitty Caliphate wishes it could join the United Amalgamation of America

I would take anything under 5% with a grain of salt, those tests arent 100% accurate. And even if they are, so what?

No they don’t idiot
The only Gypsies who would have significant MENA admixture are the ones living in the Middle East.

>What does Sup Forums make of all this?
I find it funny that you think they gave you genuine results.

Congrats m8: You paid some likely-jew-owned company to make up a list of numbers in association with geographic areas.

God damn, some of you people truly are retarded.
America the country is 56% White, not Americans the people.
I mean, Christ lad.

It doesn't user. It only attacks mulattos LARPing as Whites

Mulatto-in-denial detected

American here. AMA

>Unironically thinking the Jew Soros would pay that much for posting

No, it attacks the single largest White population in any nation on the planet.
It only appeared after Trump's victory and the apparent gains by American White Nationalists - its quite-literally anti-White propaganda, and you shill it everywhere.

Post your hand, palm down. I'll happily follow suit, but you go first.

I don't see how it's not real if people are posting there's and it says 99% european when mine is 95. Granted my friends still think I'm white but I live in jew york so who knows.

European isn't that ethnically diverse. I'd guess German covers Scandinavia and Great Britain. Italian could also lend some Scandinavian and Celtic genes (Iberia) as well as Middle East. Depending on the Jewish tribe the jews in German (rhineland and free cities) might cover that. You could also be getting fake data but overlapping genes explains a lot more. Founder effect in play.

i want one of these mcdonald’s shirts. anyone got a link?

>Lies and says Americans are not Mulattos
>Anothet Mulatto enters thread
>Amerimutts confirmed. Le 54-face even

>Yes "White"

show your flag

Why you no speaka wid you accenta no morrrre, Momar?
Ayyyyyy fungool bibbadooo, letsa all go visit nonna anda eeda spaggeddyo