Why are gooks so ashamed of the way they look
>Koreans and japs get eye surgery to look white
>use skin lightening cream
>Chinese people literally hire white people for their companies just to stand around and make them look good
>anime characters are UNDENIABLY based off of European facial features
Anime characters are white
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Imagine being an ugly fish faced gook.
Now imagine living in a planet with 2 billion other fish faced gooks that look exactly like you
Now imagine on the other side of the planet there are people with beautiful diverse features like different skin tones, different eye and hair colors, etc
This is what it’s like to be asian
These countries (Japan, South Korea) have been conquered by whites. It is only natural for a society to at least subconsciously respect strength. To test this theory, does Chinese animation reflect an Asian phenotype? How about North Korean?
We have conquered their women also
Wait are you fucking telling me i can literally get payed just for being a good looking white guy? Where do i sign the fuck up?!
Every character in anime had plastic surgery
Don't be a bigot
Where are all these coming from? Ass mad jap/goom sjws or people trying to argue aesthetic superiority?
The Asians know what they like and are not afraid of it even though it has its implications. Unlike the nazis the asians have no need to feel like they are the superior race in all aspects.
Hey bigot! Asians can have blonde hair blue eyes, point noses, huge eyes too!
It still amazes me that there are weebs who act like anime characters are meant to look asian.
Thais are now bleaching their dicks also:
We wuz anime characters n shietttttt
They can’t into skull shapes
It's funnier when they draw joke or unimportant characters looking like them yet the important characters are always, at minimum, whiter looking.
they don’t even hide it
They just deny it instead
It's pretty common, actually.
you make this thread every day faggot give it a rest
Unironically my favorite animes are the ones where the Japs actually look like Japs and all have black hair and black eyes. Perfect Blue, Paranoia Agent, Amagami SS, Erased, all of these are great animes. Wish I could find more of these realistic style animes. They tend to be way more interesting than generic multicolored loli vampire mecha fantasy animes
>My cherrypicked examples of plastic surgery asians will debunk all of these other pictures
>ywn have an asian goth gf
Imagine getting a blowjob from her
Muh dick
As much as I agree that anime characters are drawn to look white (based on skin tone alone), the previous pictures are just as cherrypicked.
The absolute state of insecure gooks
The gooks in these pictures have their heads turned so far you can see their eyelashes giving the illusion that their faces are flatter and their noses don't stick out as much.
>using a Jew as an example for white people
She is a pure Japanese.
Who wants to see an average girl in anime?
Everybody wants to see a good looking girl.
>the soulessness in its eyes
>imagine sex acts with it
>its all you can really get out of a flesh automaton.
>but its ok, because Im one too
pure japanese
Explain the round eyes, light skin and multi color eye and hair.
they are pure japanese
totally adorable
This is almost as bad as dudes with jungle fever that subconsciously cherrypick the best looking black girls as the ones who look the whitest/have the most European admixture
>an actual fucking demon
wrong most anime characters aren't fat as fuck
Anime is a fucking style you retards
Anime is modeled after the most attractive groups so their merchandise can sell.
Do you think American media or any media is a representation of the demographics of the nations.
Anime characters has flat noses or even no noise when you look at them directly, the beautiful Asians in your yellow fever dreams look like the average anime character because the are the precieved standard of attractiveness in Japanese society
fuck off and stop using this as justification as to why there’s nothing wrong with anime or why it’s ok for you o fuck some gook
Assblasted asians, sjw's who won't admit that asians are envious of whites, plus angry permavirgins from r/hapas
>cherrypicking this hard
Holy shit
At least japs can actually draw
because alearly anime was inspired by disney, who liked to draw his princesses as lolis with big eyes.
it is just a style, and anime characters are supposed to look universal, not white. not asian.
I mean look at pic related, the face is basically a 12 year old, go look at non stylized, actully from the movie clips, they all look like that
>use good looking white person
>take ugly Asian person
What were you expecting. This is just cherry picking by retards. Japanese have their handsome and ugly just like white people
*early anime
Anime characters do look white, but it has nothing to do with Japanese people intentionally drawing their characters to look white. You see the modern 'anime' look began with the Mighty Atom [Astro Boy in the US] which started in 1952, by comic artist Osuma Tezuka. Tezuka based his character's appearance, especially on the eyes, on two main sources. The first was the wildly popular "Duck" comics featuring Scrooge Mcduck started by Carl Barks. The second was Walt Disney, which was wildly popular at the time, since Japanese animation effectively began out of American animation. Osuma supposedly watched "Bambi" over 80 times while creating his characters. From there, other manga artists would take Mighty Atom's characteristic large eyes which he inherited from Scrooge and use them in their own works, and eventually we arrived at the modern style where the characters have large expressive eyes, small noses, and mouths that are small except when being used in exaggerated expression. Or to put that another way, every time you jerk it to a cute anime girl, you're jerking it to Scrooge McDuck. You sick fuck.
>anime is one style
Looks like a peruano
Come on, don't bash asians. If there is a race who is definitely not the problem, it's them.
Whites don’t have big noses. You cut that shit out right now faggot.
>4.4 billion asians
>not a problem
those niggers are overflowing and reaching places i never imagined seeing them, fuck them all.
they’re only not a “problem” if you’re blissfuly unconcerned with total terrestrial domination. There’s nothing else capable of standing up to the white race.
>scottish arent white
Gooks BTFO, how will you ever recover you disgusting looking chimps?
japs love huwhite people, sadly they think amerimutts are huwhite though.
Yep asians are carbon copies of each other although I admit the flips you can tell because they are the retarded gorilla nosed midgets with shitskin and asians are eternally jealous White men could create harems out of asian women without effort.
We will end our civilisation before that.
>Mexican talking about niggers overflowing
Fucking kek
what a pathetic thread
literally what I said
Get out of my continent you fucking immigrant.
I argued with someone on /ic/ with every image macro posted in this thread disporiving they look like asians.
this pic, the artist is being DISHONEST as he drew the asian face as if it's at a side view. But if you overlay it in photoshop it's not at the same angle.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums having a war
this. Literally every girl desirable is European or as 70-80%+ European admixture but have a different skin tone. We should categorize these people different than gooks and niggers because they are slightly above those two subspecies
Ive never been to Sup Forums
Do they all claim anime characters are Asians? I would expect a bunch of fat self loathing weeaboos to do that
they all dickride gook culture
Ya it must be weird for some chinese peasant to see some tall aryan couple. Its just a physical display for beauty and diversity not found in the asian gene pool.
Well yeah it is Sup Forums on Sup Forums, a Mongolian Stonecutting Forum.
This is the WE WUZ of whites.