Sup Forums, what's your first memory of a jew? Mine is watching Jurassic Park and thinking pic related looked really weird. I'd be asking myself what his nationality was (no internet).
I remember instinctively disliking his face. I thought it looked dishonest.
Remembering this after being redpilled has made me chuckle.
Other urls found in this thread:
The goblin banksters in Harry Potter.
First time I ever dealt with a Jew was when I was 7 and he was trying to subvert our gang by telling us we had to be more inclusive and let more girls play with us.
We bullied him for 3 years straight, and then when we were in middle school I called him a filthy Jew and incited him to attack me. He threw a couple of girl punches and then got in trouble with the teachers.
Been jew wise ever since, with a short time in between of being a neocon shill
Independence Day
Could you guys identify the characters? At least by naming the images like
This pic is priceless. Thanks user.
The same thing happened to me with "The Fly".
> not growing up in the 80s
Gargamel from the Smurfs and The Count from Sesame Street.
4th grade teacher mr. goldberg. typical massachusetts liberal hippie faggot, he had hair down to his ass kept in a ponytail, dressed like a lesbian and drove a subaru outback. he made us have pen pals with kids in ghana and at the end of the year we had a nigger festival at the town hall with real ghanan niggers playing the bongos. we had to make our own african "food" and bring it to the event and it all tasted like shit. he retired that year and moved to africa or some shit. pic related is him on the left
I'm sure I'd seen plenty of Jewiness before,
but in 1996 Howard Stern came on the air in my city and it was striking how someone could be so meticulous and careful about being such a dick and a deviant. He was also very malicious and at the same time played the victim and whined about his plight.
It was the contrast that struck me as really odd.
topkek i relate to much
Always thinking this guy looked and acted odd
not a jew, just ugly, jews have rattier teeth
Were you born yesterday?
Mine was Merlock from the ducktales movie, but how the fuck do you not recognize the count? Show your actual flag.
Also, pic related
Me, I'm part Jewish.
Worked with them. They all go to victim mentality to garner attention or outright manipulate. I never would have caught up to it if it wasn't for this board honestly. Looking back I'm sure I could name even more times where it was unnoticed. Now if I see a Jew I ask about his family. Their girls are easy to date.
He's a good man though. He stopped acting after his wife died so he could raise his kids.
Also Ivan Ooze
touched my weiner to the girl in that flick back then
If you watch destiny argue you can see all the hallmarks of a jew that hitler wrote about.
He was very good at following certain rules and certain norms, while at the same time was good at getting away with breaking other rules.
Most people don't have this combination. With most people it's either being a nerd or a 'narc', or letting yourself go and being a nigger or otherwise dirtbag slob.
This old jewish man from Rugrats.
Is the count a Jew? I thought he was just a Slav
Ill say my second since my first one I had no clue it was Jewish untill I grew up a bit!
A wonderful young man who lived in town with his family, always helpfull I remember him carrying the baskets for older ppl when they went to sell at the market to help and never took money. On day I found out he was Jewish because some people had cornered him and were calling him all kinds of names, he was sad I was very angry maybe 8 to 9 years old I ran home in anger and was explained why the muslimes some also neighbours did that!
> ugly guy becomes shock jock to surround himself with beautiful women and live like a rockstar without being one
Watch his movie Private Parts. He was actually pretty based and pissed off a lot of (((studio bosses))).
I went to the Imperial War Museum on a school trip. Me and my friends were laughing at the holocaust section. The most stereotypical looking Jew looked down on us like it was another shoah.
I grew up around them, but whenever I brought up the things they do people said I was a retard. So I ended up having to pretend like they were normal and because I was outnumbered I tried to convince myself that they were right and I was just being retarded. But that cognitive dissonance never ever went away and once we ended up studying the Holocaust in school, that was it for me.
Was but a child, but I still remember:
Mother trying on dresses in dept. store, finds one she really likes, tag says her size, but looking several sizes too large. Jewish salesclerk sees her coming out of dressing room to look in the triple mirror. As she feigns brushing/straightening the shoulders of the dress with one hoof, she snatches another cloven hoof-full of fabric, pinching the dress until it conformed to my mother's slender figure. "See?!?!" as my mother finally gains access to the mirror, " Poy-fect!! Absolutely Poy-fect fit!!"
"Poy-fect" became a catchall phrase in my home for a years after that. It could mean good, bad, snowy, sunny, happy, sad.
You never forget your first Hebe.
"Hey, can I borrow $200?" -Jewish friend since childhood
"Sure, as long as you pay me back." -My naive 18 year old self
He never paid me back. Furthermore, his Jewish mother convinced me that it was actually ME that owed HIM.
Genuinely the most horrifying posts ive seen all day.
I find it hard to believe youre all even real people.
I had heard this place was bad but i genuinely had no clue it was THIS depraved here.
What happened to you in your childhood?
Just... wow...
Accidentally hit BLM on my phone but
>What happened to you in your childhood?
jews happened
>mfw did one business transaction with a Jew and outJewed him
>mfw after realising how close I came to being Jewed myself I never dealt with them again
he's not fucking based at all, i used to like him but as soon as someone brings up jews in a negative way, he throws a hissy fit, even though he claims to be half jewish.
LOL if true
Spielberg desperately tried to make Goldblum the Jew A-List hero.
>Goldblum then becomes THE FLY
We were born before 2005.
His last name is von Count. Probably a kraut. Of course he sounds like Dracula so who knows
>his Jewish mother convinced me that it was actually ME that owed HIM.
how is that even possible
He has a big nose and is obsessed with numbers.
Take a lesson from him and put two and two together ffs.
Do you get pissed at eternal Anglo memes?
This was the hero of Jurassic Park.
Fucking kekd and Czech’d. Ivan ooze was the quintessential Jew.
Same. Definitely Gargamel. He was obsessed with murdering peaceful villagers and turning them into gold.
chosen people superiority complex
That's why the cardassians in star trek are isreal jew proxies.
I'll fuck you til u love me faggot
Aaron Schumacher and I was 8.. We were all making cassette copies of our CDs for eachother and Aaron made us all copies(with our tapes) of his Last of the Mohicans soundtrack. After he gave us the tapes he told us we all owed him $5 for the copy. He even demanded it from our parents to their faces. My father laughed at him and asked his dad if he expected all of to pay his son. The dad said yes so that was the last time I got to play with Aaron. What a fucking kike.
When I was in grade 1 and hung around some of my friends/classmates playing dinosaurs. There was one bitch that was just insufferable and always acted better than anyone else. Glasses, weird face, aggressive attitude. She was always entitled to be the best dinosaur and put down any kids less rich than her.
Now, there was also this weird sticker market back then for the kids. Like we'd all buy stickers and keep them in these binders with clear plastic pages and trade them. I don't know why. It was before pokemon cards and shit. Anyway, she'd always offer shit trades and ripped off the retarded kids. I remember feeling this big sense of injustice for them and wondering how she could do that. For all her flaws though, she was a good talker and could avoid getting in trouble.
And of course, later she bragged about being a Jew and how anyone that hated her was just jealous.
For years I didn't think about that, and was a good goy who didn't even understand what a Jew really was until I was like 13. I guess I lived a pretty sheltered life. I assumed the very few black kids I knew in real life just happened to be retarded assholes and that my anecdotal experience was just too little because television always showed black people as just like everyone else and racism as wrong. Anyway, I didn't really think about her until many years later when someone asked me if I've never known an honest or good Jew in real life, since I moved into an industry with a lot of them. I couldn't, and she's my earliest example.
Is that a pentagram with pedo symbols on his neck? And that nose desu...
He lived in the book. He also killed a fucking T-Rex and kept nerve gas handy for raptors.
The Jew has no defense except for discredited psychology
Bullshit philosophy of the subject
Like all philosophies of the subject; DISCREDITED
it's a good way to make you stop hassling about the 200$ since its not worth the bother and you dont want to be tricked into losing 400$
...they were all jews
First time I specifically associated kikery with "bad people" in my mind was my old landlord. He collected like wheelchairs and crutches and weird medical supplies and would kvetch endlessly about not being able to get laid (he would also tell stories about prostitutes like he was speaking about old flames and ex-girlfriends). Always tacking on fees for having fucking pinecones in the yard (with notes like "I noticed about 20-30 have fallen recently.") Just...such a fucking weird pathetic man, like a big fucking spider.
We had an overt jew in our school. He had those long hair things. Someone sitting behind him cut one off one time.
The disney jews that got removed alongside the nigger kid doll in that one disney christmas thing we watch early on in Sweden. Santa's workshop. cartoon thing that gets viewed alongside Donald Duck among other during christmas.
not at all, nothing offends me here
I was basically retarded as a child, so the first time I noticed a jew was a family of orthodox kikes in an aquarium. Thought his hat looked silly, and wondered how the ugly cunt had 5 kids.
His interviews are more real and no bullshit than the late night hosts. He also has been known to out other Jews on air like Gilbert Gottfried recording his actual voice and not the nasally Jew character. Another interview had him talking to David Spade about Madonna's weird kaballah gatherings for showbiz elites.
You bullied a nice, innocent kid for 3 years just because he wanted everyone to be friends.
Yeah, good thing you taught that evil jew a lesson! If everyone was like you I'm sure the world would be a great place.
i had one jew friend in elementary school and don't remember him being very jewish. in highschool though there was this one jewish girl we would sometimes throw pennies at in the cafeteria (edgy, i know). i never had any classes with her so i didn't get to see her in action
Turnabout is a common tactic, watch out for it. I'm serious.
I didn't know my teacher was jewish but I drew swastikas on some coloring books in 2nd grade. Didn't know anything about ww2 besides the aesthetics.
>He had those long hair things. Someone sitting behind him cut one off one time.
Hahahahah that would have been golden, I bet his whole family freaked the fuck out about it
Anyone with a narcissist parent would know about this tactic. It's called gaslighting. Course, the jooz have perfected it.
first irl jew was a middle aged guy in Taekwondo class who would try to sell gatorade and bottled water to us, without having permission from the teacher. The guy was shit at taekwondo, left the school and a year later we encountered him at an event wearing a fucking black belt, turns out he was financing another guy's school.
who else here early 2000s kid?
Except for Angelica, who was evil and WHITE.
Classmate, i would compete with him who got the highest grades. extremely smart guy
When I was 15 our Jewish landlord raised the rent to stupidly high amounts, refused to allow us to fix the drainage so we tried to take him to court which was a bad idea. The next day bailiffs came and forcefully dragged us out. Suffice to say I've working to this day just to one day have enough cash to buy the whole neighbourhood and kick the Jews out.
We didn't know what Jews were when
I was a boy. The ultra bitch head of house at my school hated and persecuted me because she didn't like my father who in turn hated her. Her name was as distinctly Jewish as they come, call her Mrs. Goldberg.
I remember my friend who lived near her telling me she was "married to a paki or something" in confusion.
He'd seen mr. Goldberg in his Jew uniform and the confusion will have been due to white appearance.
Ah... the good old days. Carefree, wouldn't know an arse from an elbow, but then we didn't have interwebular devices at our disposal. Phones, hilariously attached to walls, people still had B&W portable TV sets as their bedroom tellies. And you could wank off in a sock and really, truely believe you were the first person ever to think of it.
Them were the days. Am I right? Over 30's? Am I right?
Can't forget the ferengi.
>these are bad people, mommy!
fucking lol, virtue signalling faggot
Everything might've remained under control if he wasn't too busy shitposting while Needry Jewed over the park.
After realizing this I had to look up who created the goddamn animation. Imagine my shock.
When I was a kid I grew up in a heavily jewish area in socal. My little brothers jewish friend Jordan invited him to go to the movies. His dad dropped him back off at the house later and while talking to my parents he pulled out a receipt and demanded exact change for the movie. keep in mind this is the mid 90's so a matinee is still cheap at this time. they didn't want to argue so they just gave him the money. I knew something was up every since.
A legendary tale from my hometown: After $1000 bills were taken out of circulation, the town Jew kept a note (early 60s) ,which he would always offer for payment. For reference, in those days, a lineman for the electric co., one of the better jobs in town, paid $57/week, gross. Needless to say, no business in that town could make that kind of change, so they'd have to bill him.
His argument was that he was trying to pay you in cash, and all currency should be accepted, but you were unwilling or unable to accommodate his payment. He did this everywhere. He always paid his bills, but sometimes only after several months, which could hang a small businesses out to dry.
Finally, a local merchant (Italian restaurant guy from up north that had seen this act before) got a $1000 in $1 notes and waited for the Jew to show for dinner. Imagine the Jew's shock when as they performed their hollow ritual for the nth time, the Wop not only relieves the Jew of his M-note, but sends him out the door with 997 $1 bills in a to-go box. The Jew could never get his hands on another M-note and everyone in the town lived happily ever after.
Until the niggers moved in....
Everybody celebrated. There is a big plaque honoring that Dago now that he's passed and his restaurant is a registered historic landmark. Mussolini would have been so proud.
When this nose goblin forever killed Star Wars
When I was about 10 I got into MC Escher and the tessellation drawings.
I drew one with symbols that looked like swastikas, (but not quite), and every adult was aghast about them.
I found it very odd that the Jews, who were obviously repulsive, ugly people were an ascended class.
I couldn't get an explanation for their special status. It was just "because".
Eh, probably my old elementary school's principal. He was an obese Jew with a dark complexion, curly black hair and an obvious hooknose, hobbling around the hallways like he was the shit. I always found his appearance strange, like that of a goblin, and knew even then that he wasn't white.
The show was basically jewish propaganda. Even when I was a kid I remember wondering why the fuck they were pushing their gay religious shit
Italians seem the best at diffusing Jewish tricks. Perhaps it's because they lived alongside them in NY for so long.
Earliest one I could remember was when I was in fifth grade and being taught what the holocaust was. Didn't even know what the fuck a jew was or what made them different from regular people. There was little to none where I lived.
No such thing
kek. Was Star Trek based? Weren't they trying to push multiculturalism tho?
Holy fuck, no Wonder the jews hate the goyim so much.
Wow, did he used to wrestle under the name The Revolting Blob? Hauntingly familiar to Billy Madison.
O'Doyle Rules!
Multiculti with aliens, yes. Not with traditional races.
>Move school as a kid from a Christian school to a public school
>meet a muslim guy who's pretty cool and we become friends despite our religious differences
>go to his house one day and watch Family Guy together
>first time watching Family Guy
> didn't know what to make of all the adult jokes
>cut away gag is about Jesus and The Passion of Christ film getting an action based sequel or some shit
>the gag was basically Rush Hour but in Jerusalem
>muslim friend and his older brother are both laughing hysterically at this
>was still a good God fearing Christian boy at the time so i was quite angry about everything going on in that situation but decided keep cool as i was a guest in their home
>doorbell rings and another boy turns up i hadn't met before
>comes in and joins us to watch more family guy
>for some reason i always used asked what relgion other kids were when i first met them
>"oh, I'm Jewish "
>my bottled up anger of my lord and saviour being ridiculed in a cartoon while 2 muslims laughed combined with the anger of me meeting a person who was the same race as the people who merciless killed Jesus on a cross for the first time made me lose it
>"you know you and your people will be consumed by eternal hell fire for when you die"
>continue to make more comments like this with nobody saying anything
>felt as if i was upholding my duty as a Christian by saying all of this and feltvgood about myself the entire time
>everyone is silent
>continue to watch more family guy to break the silence
>"yeah i think I'll go home now, have homework to do anyways..."
> jewish boy leaves
Mine was when I was 9 years old and my foreskin was cut.
Things that never happened / slash / Jewish propaganda