>sex dolls are becoming more lifelike by the day
>competent AI and artificial wombs are lagging far behind
>shitskins are breeding like rabbits while white birth rates are in the negative
>we’re not even allowed to experiment with designer babies
Humanity is so fucked
Sex dolls do not look realistic at all.
Humanity had it's chance at salvation, and we squandered it.
Anyone else remember in school they said Hitler had brown eyes?
simple. we just move to colder climates that shitskins can't withstand.
>people still defend burger niggers rolling into Europe to kill their own people
Great. Fucking. Job.
>hurr durr we wuz americaannsss
>we wuz empire an sheeit
*loses Nation to every non-White on the planet
We could be living as fucking gods, peaceful but competitive, but noooooo, you cucks had to do the bidding of the kikes.
Only Race is.
We have a virus that will kill all browns. Just wait a bit more.
The Thicc one does
I want one.
>coming from this flag
you better be a muslim, user.
Doesnt work
No it really doesn't. Do you ever interact with women at all?
>Roasties are so fucked
>no smells
>no mood
>perfect shape
>sex dolls
Do people legit enjoy fucking a corpse? Because that's what it practically is. I have a feeling most people buying sex dolls and thinking they are the future frequently post on /r9gay/
it has to eventually there's no way sun niggers are putting up with -20. how many blacks are there in moscow or greenland
meant for
>Do people legit enjoy fucking a corpse
It's been known to happen.
yes they said he had brown eyes and he was a jew and he had only one testicle and scapegoated jew for no reason
Men will fuck anything desu
Only a matter of time till sex dolls fuck back. Then what good are women for?
Yes, I was also told that mengele did horrible experiments to the jews' eyes so that hitler could change his eye color to blue.
You fucking flew over to Europe when it was Japan that hit you, you dumb burger nigger.
>gets hit by Japan
>i kno i will Europeans because something about jews wanting me to
Anthony Wieners of the world can finally get laid!!
Idiot, the OP said "sex dolls are becoming more lifelike by the day", not "sex dolls look realistic"
And yea he isn't wrong too, have you seen an 80s version of a sex doll? It's basically like a blow up pool floatie.
Any more information on this thing?
Don't you have a trap thread on /r9k/ to check and a mgtow reddit tab to refresh?
Unfortunately they haven't made any significant progress in a few years.
If anything, they've done tpe research to make their material more resilient.
The underlying problem is the material and horrible craftsmanship with the skeleton. A college student studying engineering would get an f if these dolls were submitted as a project.
There needs to be much more research before the proliferation of sex dolls becomes a thing.
They should make a doll that can fuck, and pair it with VR, rather than making a doll that looks life like.
I agree with you user, but considering where we were not too long ago, there will be a day that comes that these abominations will undoubtedly be as if you are interacting with real human. Pic related.
Germany declared war on us you fucking retard. Not to mention if it wasn't for us, right now you'd be speaking german
I remember this as well.
>shitskins are breeding like rabbits while white birth rates are in the negative
You're going to so a big shift in this trend after entitlement reform. Tax cuts are giving whitey more money to raise families while the ape's gibs dry up.
Fuck up cunt.
Compare this one to the ones from 10 years ago, they look way better. Imagine in another 10 years.
how many times are you going to post this? Fuck off already
Sex dolls look awful and fleshlights only feel more like pussy relative to a hand.
Maybe in 200 years worry about animatronic sex dolls actually not being terrible.
yes goy, get a sex doll
let your real woman be fucked by a black bull. did i say real, like what is real anyway right? You're a smart goy, you know what i mean !! so don't worry the doll is just as real.
also don't forget it costs 5000
>we dindu nuffin
>you would be speaking German
So? Are you some fucking boomer? GET THE FUCK OFF THIS SITE AND FUCK OFF TO REDDIT.
Now I spread the truth.
Good thing studies have shown that men are also attracted to unrealistically proportioned women.
5000 shekels
Suck my dick faggot
Usually with beer and dim lights
Not a cold sober eye on a computer monitor
So what would happen if we donated hundreds of thousands of these too Africa?
Would they stop breeding like rabbits?
Would they stop attempting to illegally enter Spain & the Mediterranean countries?
I have zero problems fucking a corpse as long as it's only been dead for less than a half hour.
We wouldn't have to worry about low birthrates if we kept the sandniggers and poos out. They'd be more populous but in their shithole countries where they'd be busy murdering one another for honour. The only reason they are a threat is because we let them come here and ruin our countries
It was fucked since beginning
Inb4 landwhale sex dolls
Does it come with the g-shock?
Fuck up cunt.
Pretty sure there's more than enough thirsty whales to not have enough demand yet for that model.
they can't eat them so no
The on in the OP costs 2k
Hitler was a moslem, full beard and brown eyes.
I had a college professor who earns 150k a year teaching history tell me this last year
Suck my dick faggot
>yes goy, get a sex doll
>let your real woman be fucked by a black bull
>implying anyone with woman will buy sex doll
suck my faggot dick
Fuck up cunt.
*unzips pants*
soon women will re done. the closer we get to true sex cyborgs & male cloning, the sooner feminism dies & womanhood can be purged from this earth.
So why would you want to stick your benis into a plastic doll?
You some kind of nigger that must relieve yourself? Sex is about the emotional connection and the reproduction. The physical part is just a method, not the goal
Suck my dick faggot.
More like roasties getting btfo remember they asked for this timeline
Inb4 white knights from reddit
Women are generally a burden to society, they work less, demand more resources, retire sooner and live more, the sooner they are replaced, the better
Fuck up cunt.
Why not just get a flesh light with a bombproof incubation chamber built into it instead of having a creepy looking hunk of polymer lying around your place
I mean Imagine having your parents over and trying to explain why your girlfriend has 96F tits, two dicks and a fluffy tail
>piercings on a doll
why are we pushing degeneracy on sex toys?
>m-m-m-muh artificial wombs
reminder theres been human reproduction without male dna needed for a decade (invented by a female scientist)
reminder more automotion = more unemployed men
Yep, but Hitler surely had as blue eyes as you can get. I mean they are medium blue which is really rare. Most people either have light blue or dark blue, but not Hitler, Hitler's were simply blue. The truest Aryan to have ever graced this world with his presence. Heil Holy Hitler!
This is a great meme and all but when is someone going to actually buy it and post a hot glue video?
"sex dolls" masturbation dolls.
now it does looks quite sad right?
why dont you go around and fuck a chick?
is that soo hard on usa?
or are you guys too arperg to talk?
You've already won, Jew. I literally do not care if the rest of the female white race turn into coalburners.
More than half way there already, let 'em rot.
"hey user...i see you looking at me sometimes in class...wanna come over tonight? my parents are going on vacation..."
More tools to eliminate the reproduction of white people.
A 240lb nigger will be out gettin laid and spawning niglets while white guys are fucking rubber.
>Fuck a 2/10 fat chick when you can fuck a 10/10 sex bot
Literally why?
Talking about the bone marrow shit? It doesn't provide the right amounts of chromosomes. Lmao literally spawn retard babies.
i used one of those, its quite sad and strange trought.
i keept thinking in the back of my mind, shit this is not even fun nor fulfiling what i an doing with my life.
and finished out of hate, and sadness.
i finished for the first time one botle of jack an daniels that day.
So what's a dildo? The chopped off penis of a corpse?
Sell this shit To arabic countries and end of World rape.
looks more like a women than my hand does.
>you cucks had to
Bro, you're the cucks who started the whole thing. If not for Britcucks allying with Frogs to use Boland as bait to lure Germoney into a trap, WW2 could not have happened. You know it to be true.
The current fate of your nation is divine punishment. Mine too, btw.
I was told all this PLUS a story about him getting made fun of for being small, people called him jew as a child and that is why he hated the jews in some life long mission to prove he wasn't one.
Guys looked at everyone
>fucking a cold doll instead of a warm, participating fatso
youre the odd one here
the dolls dont have enought armpit hair and lack of male genitalia is not muslin friendly.
>Implying any normal people will buy sexbots
>Implying that sexbots won't almost exclusively be bought by Greasy Weirdos on the Internet, losers, /k/ommandos, perverts and that Swiss Billionaire Anime Nazi
Many men when describing their wife in bed compare her to a starfish anyway.
Checked for eventually you will realize that this place is utter trash, has been since the best of the userbase abandoned it, and that 90% of the threads on this board are the same recycled shill/shitpost threads made over and over and over again, which the mods allow because this board is literal cuckold/pol/ on literal cuckoldchan.