What happened to Faith Goldy? Her twitter is like totally delted (or in the process of being deleted) then she wrote "if anyone needs me I'll be in the kitchen" with baby feet. She was becoming alt-right up to this point... Was she part of the thot wars? What were her sins? Also how old is this fucking bitch. She has GOT to be lying about her age (29). This pic is from 2014 she looks about 42 here.
Faith Goldy General
Other urls found in this thread:
She got called on twitter for cheating on her fiance and with reliable proof presented so she bailed. I'm guessing to try saving her relationship
Was she a trad thot? Always advocating for trad life but not getting married and just cheating on her fiance with random dudes? (that's the rumour from @partygoy). Obviously not www.tradthot.com level but she was a bit of a hypocrite. Is this her trying to stop being a hypocrite and actually live the trad live?
Do you have links. Nick Fuentes is the always right by the way. I don't know if you guys saw the thot wars... I missed a lot of it I would really appreciate a rundown!
*faith goldberg
Wow. Any screen caps? And are we certain she's really a kike? All that wine makes her look like a used up kike.
Just go through the comments to her last tweet you'll get the idea
Notice how all the German girls under the Reich were all beautiful and ladylike? Thots like her and Lauren Simonsen look burnt out. Too much booze and fucking.
Checked and thanks I'll fish for e-celeb keks.
She's not Jewish... but definitely a thot.
I don't see any info in the comments really.
wtf what does that prove. Who ever was talking to fag partygoy there was a full blown autismo.
>"her" standing next to real women
Illuminati tranny confirmed
The person who posted those has the jew nose
No she didn't you faggy shill. She is in South Africa making a documentary style video. Don't listen to meme flag shills that say shit with no proof.
Found the video
Is she? Why is she deleting her entire twitter then? Your expanation makes no sense.
40 year old looking ass
lol this is amazing.
t. Nick internet defense force
>that level of autism is Flat Earth tier
I really want to fuck your ass, then put a hot steel rod in there afterwards.