Can we all admit Allsup is a beta faggot brainlet and Nick Fuentes is a chad big brain 200+IQ? They separted today... Does anyone here like Allsup over Fuentes or are Allsup's views all bots?
Allsup vs Fuentes
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am i supposed to know who this is
Fuck off Shawn, you ironybros are a cancer to the movement
Allsup is just more in line with other shilled alt righters. You can hear the things he's going to say come out of any one of a dozen people. Fuentes has made an honest attempt at setting himself apart from that crowd. I feel like he's more in Jared Taylor/JF cluster but just too young to forgo the memes entirely.
Nick is more like Cernovich
The memes are funny and fresh. He doesn't look young and he's pretty far right. The catholic thing is kind of cucked desu. I mean the pope is a literal faggot and the religion basically says hes God. You have to get into some real mental gymnastics to try to explain how catholocism isn't cucked.
Who's shawn gayboi?
Lol how is Nick like Cernovich at all? #teamtradthots. If you betas weren't spending all your time symping on thots you'd be a lot more useful.
nick is a shameless self promoter. it's sort of endearing but it's also rather annoying. he won't go far because he is burning every bridge he can.
Literally way smarter and more charming than the beta cucks in "the movement" now. I'm not alt right and even I like him (I'm just pro-white, not anti anyone else).
Nick is kinda like a boomer 2.0 atm. I like james better when it comes to videos.
How is he like a boomer at all?
Yeah I'm not with him on the Catholicism but he does admit that the current Pope is a heretic. He wants The Church to be what it was a few hundred years ago and can't acknowledge that the same hierarchy he busts nuts over is made up entirely of cucks. He's still at least got some fresh takes on things. Quite a few times I hear the analysis come out of him first, people shit on him, then Spencer comes out with the same analysis a week later and it becomes accepted.
How many shitty dominos pizzas is nick sending for you to white knight him
He was right on Trump and right on the Thot wars what more could you want.
Nick is a petulant beaner, replace him with Matt and the show is back on track.
Hahaha. That's actually funny. No I just think he's actually a good leader and not a fatboi like Allsup.
he sucks the constitutions cock and thinks simply voting republican will fix anything. he is just a kid. he will be great at what he does in about a decade.
I was just getting ready to type that they look like a couple of down syndromes
Which matt? millenial? Maybe if he loses the hitler haircut and gay lisp.
The constitution is a great thing, but it's a document intended to govern a country of white people. How is that controversial? I mean if you're full blown NatSoc you're just dumb.
Nick sounds a bit more savvy as to how politics works in the background. This makes him appear a bit cucked for those who are more balls-to-the-wall but politics, even in a dictatorship always requires out maneuvering your opponents and this requires feigning compromise.
Better than a conservicuck spic.
Pretty sure he's got the same position as Cantwell which is duke it out in the primaries then hold your nose and vote straight R. Weev has also made a video about how electoral politics is how fascist governments are most likely to be put into place and is basically the only option for the U.S.
But I guess when Nick says the same shit as Cantwell and Weev he's a cuck.
Have you ever watched him speak? In what way at all is he a conservacuck? Watch matt on his show. He fucking wrecks him and basically Matt admits he was wrong all along.
Thanks, I'm glad my humor is ironybro approved
I don't get why these trs guys and richard spencer hate nick so much
I think they just hate christianity
Both cantwell and weev are literal brainlets. Hating Jews and Blacks does not make you a capable leader. Like yeah it's really cool how you say gas the kikes race war now, but that doesn't make you effective at anything but virtual signaling to idiots who think that unless you publically advocate for genocide you're a cuck.
spencer is a fag. trs is just edgelords thinking that being skinheads and literal nazis makes you cool. Also they're old and stale.
i've been listening to spencer's podcasts lately and he literally advocates for gun control and universal healthcare and shit like that. he's like the stereotypical racist democrat that conservacucks always warn about. and the trs guys like to be edgy but they all came from libertarian faggots.
I think the only people who have a problem with nick are the more socially liberal alt-righters
>Valid criticisms of Fuentes exist
>Ignore them
>Make invalid criticisms
>Double down when you're called down
Need to check yourself bud.
Lol there are socially liberal alt righters?
>calling someone a "conservacuck" qualifies as "valid criticism".
Nick Fuentes is pretty good at finding a reasonable compromise between civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism for mainstream politics. But I don't know if the improved optics will make up for a lack of purity once the real culture wars begins. Either way, I'm glad that he's found an interesting political niche.
yea dude, what are you a newfag?
even mike enoch has said on his show the alt-right is basically the homosexual wing of the far-right
I just wish these faggots would leave people like nick alone.
Why haven’t these racists been arrested for hate speech yet? America explain yourself.
Calm down nick. Your beaner blood is running a little hot.
What is purity to you exactly? And in what way is Fuentes not pure?
Allsup is an actual White Nationalist. Fuentes is not. Fuentes can be our ally, but Allsup is explicitly pro-white and therefore /ourguy/.
important reminder regarding nick fuentes
Are you stupid? Have you watched any of Nick's content?
TRS is explicitly anti-gay. That's why Ghoul and Greg Johnson were purged.
Nice D&C, leftypoz shill.
sure lemme just watch this 3+ hour video real quick. not.
Allsup literally fired nick today and they're tweeting at eachover. How am I D & C ing gay boi?
Not leftypol but even worse, ironybros
Well I respect Nick going his own way. What I can't respect is biting the hand that feeds you. Allsup prompt up Nick and this is his thanks a back stab by Nick Fuentes over the Thot Wars
maybe they are now but I remember all that drama with nat danelaw and the ironmarch guys
they had a damn gay furry doing podcasts on their site for a while. mike enoch had a jewish wife who did tranny drag shows ffs. I'm not saying they're a psyop or anything but they came from libertarians and libertarians are fucking degenerate. and I think they hate nick because of their liberal baggage
Only his interview with Mike Enoch in which he outed himself as an opticuck. Look, I don't dislike the guy and I wish him well, but he's much too wed to the current system for my taste. Conservatives who wish to negotiate with the system are fools and time-wasters.
What did they split over? I don't follow e celebs
Oh shit, it's true.
This retarded shit helps no one except the lefty SJWs, Nick seems bent on making enemies of literally every close ally he had. Not a winning strategy.
Why was Fuentes trying to get ironybros to like him? Pretty pathetic that he ended a friendship over a bunch of virgins tbqh
Seriously none of them even think about Nick, other than when he acts like a brat he's irrelevant
>watch none of his content
>knows all his positions.
Ironybros have disproportionate influence for some reason. See: Metokur and 8ch.
He has a big ego that he needs to feed
Why do you say boi like some leftwing faggot or a nigger? Are you a leftwing faggot or a nigger?
No he's an ironybro
you've already outed yourself as a brainlet. Now you're analyzing "winning strategies"? sad.
James is God tier compared to that beaner kid.
Allsup lost a bet about Trump cucking on DACA, and so he had to read the milkies copypasta live on air. Instead of doing that, he decided to break up with Nick.
Wow all James had to do was read the milkys pasta. I loved there bants. Some of the best. Won’t listen anymore. Sad!
I don't have an issue with Fuente's positions. I hold similar political beliefs: paleocon, libertarian, somewhere between civic and ethnic nationalism. The problem is that it's hard to perfectly reconcile liberal conservatism with ethnic nationalism while also understanding the rise of corporate neoliberal globalism and how it destroys nations. How exactly do you describe the synthesis of Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party, John Stuart Mill, and fascism? I don't think anybody has a robust answer for that yet. I like to pretend I'm a civic nationalist while hiding behind "socioeconomic realism", but that's not a particularly elegant solution.
>Chink or Spic
>Allsup is a beta faggot brainlet
James has gathered a huge following and was nice enough to even give Nick a platform. Nick has done nothing, but be a subversive spic. James helped nick get off the ground and all nick has done is talk shit behind his back and act like the child he is.
Nick "the spic" Fuentes has No future
>Pic related
Its Nicks sister
I'm out of the loop.
All I know Nick left America First Media James Allsup start up network.
Don't know if it was in good terms or bad.
Was Nick Fired or he left
I know James and Nick are no longer friends
The last thing needed on that show is another lisp
Moar of Fuentes sister?
>debating a little retarded kid
she looks kinda fat. Yeah I never understood this mestizo nationalism to be honest. I do like his opinion though even if he isn't white.
Sam Hyde age here (32).
You're all faggots and nobody above age 24 gives a flying fuck about anything you're saying or doing. You're irrelevant outside of the sub-22 age bracket, be aware of this fact.
Its clear enough that OP is Nick.
Nick does not care about this movement. He was explicitly against us, just 6 months before Charlottesville. Someone link the article of him talking about destroying the alt right
You're not Sam Hyde you larping faggot.
Speak for yourself faggot Sup Forums isn't alt right
I'm his age, dipshit. Laurne Southern, Destiny, and "Fuentes" fans are all people in the irrelevant age bracket who will grow out of it. Good luck in your maturation stage, and good job if you grow out of it quicker than your dumb peers.
Ah, so this is why Nick is a civic nationalist
Dude your gay generation never did shit, kill yourself old fag.
Fuentes is kind of annoying desu. He countersignals everyone and thinks he knows best in every situation.
His ideas are actually boomer-tier when you look into them. It's basically a return to 1950s America but 70% white instead of 90%+ (because he doesn't want to kick anyone out, just have more Europeans immigrate here) with a bit of paleo-conservatism and Catholicism on the side.
I understand why James ditched him.
Here buddy.. Nick is a fraud and the sooner you people realize it, the better. All he cares about doing is sowing division
He's a civic nationalist because he's a spic. He wouldn't be let into any white ethnostate
Dude he is not in anyway a civic nationalist watch his content. His whole take is demographics matter.
I like Fuentes the most
I'm glad we can agree on one thing
>not kicking anyone out
He want to deport all illegals and daca. What's your plan? Full blown shoah? Real edgy kid. Sure lots will support that.
And whenever people attacked James Nick would side with the attackers instead of defending the person who helped get him on the map
Because Nick is hostile to them. Spencer was friendly with Nick at first, but Nick sperged out on him during a debate and started using ad hominems.
It is.. There are more black guys on her Facebook.. That's her boyfriend though, they have been living long distance since she went to college
James Mason was right about faggots like you. We need real men in this movement.
lol I mean it's not his fault if his sister is a ho can't control that shit. My sister is a hardcore liberal but at least she's married to a white guy lol.
spotted the coalburner coddler
>hurr Sup Forums isn't something because I say so
Sup Forums is part of a movement. "Alt-Right" is a name for that movement. If you have a better name, go ahead and suggest one.
also his sister looks like a real beaner.
He's the Religious Right if they became woke on the JQ and race.
Sup Forums is an imageboard where anyone can post. Anyone claiming "we" "us" or "our" is a major faggot.
Oh fuck.
This was literally a few weeks ago lmao.
>I want to save the white race
>REEEEEEE fuck off white women! You're a bunch of sluts!
Sup Forums isn't part of any movement you down syndrome troglodyte.
And finally I present to you
Nicks first and only Ex-girlfriend..
Not going to post her account because she seems nice and Nick was really abusive to her, but she is Half poo in the loo and half Jewish..