This girl seems like she's got a good head on her shoulders. Is there any reason why I shouldn't start watching her videos, or is she right on most issues?
This girl seems like she's got a good head on her shoulders...
and shes qt
She should be having babies not posting on YouTube.
I agree with that.
I agree with that too, but she's still young. Probably about 22 or something.
never rape a woman you know
She will birth the star child one day, so you can watch her stuff.
>Young for children
Herein lies the problem of the West
This. old roasties keep telling millennials they are young still as they push past 30 and then they realize it's too fucking late.
She's 19 you fucking niggers.
She's 18 you fucking faggot nigger kike Jew nigger wetback leftypol faggot
She should make a video of how to properly make a baby to motivate western men and women.
hi lauren
Where do you see this? I can't find anywhere where she mentions it.
Her 10K video
OK thanks. I've only just discovered her and I'm trying to figure her out.
How racist is she?
Go watch her latest interview with Millennial Woes. They talk about her age.
where is she?
i fucking love her.
She doesn't like Jews, she doesn't like Blacks and she thinks sex outside of marriage is downright fucking disgusting.
i cant believe no one knows this. and you call yourself fans - shame on you all
>she thinks sex outside of marriage is downright fucking disgusting.
I'm not a fan I just jerked off to her this one time. I like to see how she's doing from time to time though.
She’s a fake.
Her political compass test video nigger.
thanks faggot
She's too good for us.
I like her.
I don't like many youtubers.
Don't post about her though, triggers the /r9k/ crowd.
Where does that leave you then, hypocritical faggot?
another roastie fooling you goys for patreon shekels. kek
who is correct here?
Another e-thot cryptofeminist.
Not a Patreon in sight mutt. She's the 1488 tier virgin qt real deal. There's a reason Dr Murdoch chose her over Lauren.
She hasn't posted anything for a while.
I am, Hans. Go watch her latest interview with Millennial Woes. They talk about her age.
What happens when you assume?
The problem of the west is immigration of brown people not birth rates
She'll grow out of it. Just an edgy phase. That is, when she gets exposed to the real world, much unlike you troggs ever did
>to young for children
I actually hope so, because I like Ben Shapiro, and I'd like her to move a little more towards the center to where she's still firmly on the right, but not so much.
her twitter page was shut down 3 days ago
>tfw you know she's sucked cocks
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
>I actually hope so, because I like racist jewish-supremacist traitors
What did he mean by this?
Been awhile since I saw a proper LR thread
>tfw you don't but post it anyway
>implying that 22 is not a good age to have children
You are both retarded, she's stated multiple times she's 19
She should do both
It's a great age, but it's still really young in our culture.
You can pack that in potato nigger!
Whats her feet game like?
>open video
>quick intro that sounds interesting
>casey neistat editing
I can barely handle that fucker doing that editing style, not going to bother with the countless other unoriginal fucks that copy his bullshit editing techniques. Girl is cute, but if she's using that style than she watches Casey's vids and that guy is an incredibly lefty faggot. She'll move to the left on a feather.
Not reading this thread but she's good. Milo was useful but we need people like her to take it to the next level. Support her, the more people like her we get the closer we get to electing people like us to public office.
Support Lauren Rose.
Shes from NY just like him. In my 30 years living here I have never run into a native NYer who was red pilled like this girl so this is a little eyebrow raising.
she is obvious, no one would pay attention if it was a guy saying the same thing
>tfw when you're a blue-pilled cuckold but you pretend not to be
Keep worshiping the pussy, gimp.
You know whats funny about the whole #metoo movement
20years ago or less that was used don AOL when someone said they had a porn picture of some one famous in a chatroom first one guy would say send me the pic and add his email and then 600 other guys would reply with #metoo
lol shes no NY native, she's a student.
At the sametime desu
Hi Lauren. More threads about yourself? Sage all plebbit tier ecelebs threads
You can’t interact with any of her twitter content. It’s all been blocked by Jack.
>everyone must exist within my own primitive framework
Keep being a cuck.
sauce on orig pic
dunno. she just posted that today
L.R. Ultra .... exposed the minute she her chose twitter handle.
I wuv her and people who bully tradthots are jews who don't want qts spreading white nationalism on the internet.
She's 19.
Her videos aren't monetised and she has no patreon you dumb fag.
I'm smitten. I was enthralled as she talked about nihilism. I just want to have deep discussions with her for hours.
how about both, faggot? why would we care how newfags get hooked?
What the fuck does this mean?
That jews are freely allowed to censor whatever they want.
The U.S is becoming Britain
you can do both
that blonde in the belly of the beast girl is engaged, planning on having kids, and she makes some good vids
She is my Waifu. Absolute dream woman.
Too bad I'm a poor as fuck student.
She's qt but I don't take opinions from women, the only reason men watch her is to masturbate to their fantasies of a qt right wing girlfriend. Anyone denying this is lying.
And don't thinks is good to be promoting her channels around here
Manly skull
>i have to ask the hivemind before i get permission to view this yt channel
Neck yourself
She is 19 and is actively looking for a husband.
WifeWithAPurpose has six kids and still has time to make vidya.
HOLY SHIT Girl Hitler looks like it actually could be Lauren and Dr. Murdoch's kid.
She has no Patreon.
You're just mad she's not getting Muslim'd like EU girls.
She is actually smart instead of the brainless meme parroting from Southern and Goldie.
This is why so many guys like her.
Smart momma=Smart babies.
Well, at least she doesnt look like some abhorrent bimbo like Southern, but it doesnt change the fact that women have no place in public life and any reactionary movement should work towards abolishing of their right to open mouth outside bedroom and kitchen. Should we be on a way to achieving this goal, I wonder how much time will pass till all these jewtube parrot thots turn 180 and start talk against evil misogynist nazis?
One digit off from truth.
Volkmom and Blonde Buttermaker, Wife With a Purpose, and Helicopter Mom are great ethno nationalist podcast types, they focus on raising kids, being a wife domesticity, and the female role in spirituality. Absolutely. no reason to be mad at them.
>women have no place in public life and any reactionary movement should work towards abolishing of their right to open mouth outside bedroom and kitchen.
enjoy your dead sausagefest movement then