What's your excuse for not having a BASED black conservative gf?

what's your excuse for not having a BASED black conservative gf?

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My white wife would be bothered by that to a degree as to initiate divorce, which would be reasonable.

What did she mean by this?

Because black women are simply unattractive. Stop promoting this meme.

her harline

Don't like her facial features.
Sorry, not personal, really.


Because Im not attracted to apes.

I am not into beastiality


You don't have to be so bitter just because you can't score a hot sexy black chick.


I have a BASED black, educated, professional, military vet, conservative WIFE who HATES black males with a passion.

audibly kek'd

White nationalist virgin alert.

she's had too many tight weaves

Negro Bed Wench.

Blacks are fugly.

I'm not attracted to black features.

90% of the time I legit can't tell the difference between black men and women.

I have a white conservative gf.

If she’s really conservative, she’ll marry and take good care of a black man.

There are no based conservative black women.

You can't get enough of them white guys. Just profess your love to them and their pink dicks

i am white


I’m not into bestiality

fuck I almost choked


I'm not attracted to brown skin.

Choke on my dick you massive faggot

You're into virginity.

She lost her hair due to chemotherapy and now she's wearing a wig while it grows back again.

Kek it's true.

But in general I can't tell blacks apart. It's kind of a problem for me. I can have a full conversation with one and not remember him the next day.

I do not want mutt kids. Want them to look like me. Many black people on this earth, same goes for asians and poos. white people not so much. Now what, baesd jewmerican?

Nothing more sad and tragic than the Negro bedwench. Filled with so much self hatred that she willing accepted a life of being the white man's whore. Nothing more than a fetish to be exploited sexually. And no matter how much she degrades herself by kissing up to whites, putting down her people, and allowing her white husband to call her a nigger whore as he nuts on her face, she will never be seen nor accepted as white. To the whites she worships, she nothing more than a domesticated sub-human, but she's so lost that she can't see what's right in front of eyes.


>western beauty standards BTFO
deal with it


Africans have the shittest hairlines i've seen on humans. Head hair graduates all the way down to their eyebrows sometimes, from the back of the head down the back and across the jaw to the chin.
You think dark-haired Greek or Italian women have issues to deal with? Black people and their hair/skin is a nightmare, no cultire has ever valued ashy skin and a poorly defined hairline.

Hey, maybe one of these days your little white dick will have the opportunity to dip in some vaginal juices.

Until then, keep up the hope. Every once in a while a white nationalist does get laid believe it or not. Hitler did have sex with women even though he prefer black dick up his ass.

>self hatred
Conservatives in a nutshell tho.

i dont think it matters, i can't get any gf

She is dumber than your average Republican which says a lot.

Let's just get rid of democracy. Or do it Roman style: only land or company owning white males over thirty who have children can vote.

SHUT THE FUCK UP you ugly white nationalist virgin loser.

Go outside for once and talk to people you mouth-breathing VIRGIN.



tits or gtfo

Because there are two dozen of them that exist

triggered virgin alert




just look up some tits on Google you dumb virgin.


False meme. Keep stroking your tiny little dick with tweezers virgin.

She's from shithole land. Who the fuck voted for her?


Lenin was only one quarter Jewish and he didn't even know he was dumb fuck.



Stalin was not Jewish you retard. Neither was Yezhov.


Many of those people starved to death were Jewish.

Listen you retarded Western European faggot. Nobody in the Soviet Union outside of a few retards cared about identity politics.

I realize you're upset about your tiny little white dick and you're insecure about white women loving exotic men but you don't have to be so bitter about it. Also, don't blame your problems on the Jews or any other minorities.

Pick one.

Also sage


Stop with the memes and try to read a book. It can help you develop an adequate attention span.

Leave the Soviets alone. They were all glad to have invaded Berlin and have their cocks penetrating the hottest Aryan sluts.

I'm not into bestiality.

She'd smell like shit and i want no baboon babies

>fetish to be exploited sexually
this is literally all women want to be


Italian women love black cock.

I always wanted my kids to look like me. If you marry black or Amerindian your features will be swallowed up. I don't think it's a moral issue, but it is something to consider.

>tea party conservanigger who's only mad at Trump cause muh heritage in shithole country and otherwise votes for his rich bitch shill agenda
>ruined a white bloodline
>is from a state with few niggers cause white Mormons have been racecucks since 1978

left girl is pretty bangable


If by bangable you mean the bang of a gun then yes.

that meme ugly white dudes post to feel good about themselves lol


Enough with the fake Sup Forums memes dude. I realize you're one of those dudes who likes to hit himself with a belt after a day of witnessing white women holding hands with non-white women.

Calm down man.






her voice was quivering talking about trump today. she's the candice owens of politics.



Because I'd like my children to actually look like me. My aunt has a half black daughter and she looks NOTHING like her at all.

I do, and the slave/master roleplay is fantastic



This thread just reminded me that I had 1 black conservative friend on FB and I hadn't seen her posts in months. I just checked and she unfriended me. I lost a lot of friends this past election, especially with other cons who hate Trump.

because my children will likely be democrat voters if i do that

Because I don’t want AIDS

FPBP and get'd

>ding ding ding
Nice job Satan, is there anything you don't know about fucked up shit?

*sniffs* you smell like Ebola

Inconsistent thicknesses, densities, and even color. This alone is a clear downgrade and why it's so easy to spot mullatos even if they look like a tanned white person.
Very thick skin, but not necessarily tough. Small wounds easily scar. They sweat a lot, and apparently secrete far more byproducts than the rest because it smells like they shit through their skin. Also dries out skin and makes it ashy if they're not diligent on hygiene.

>what's your excuse for not having a BASED black conservative gf?

concubinage only

I was gonna give it a chance until...

Came here to say this.

There are like 50 of them in the entire country user, plus if you want kids you've got to deal with regression to the mean, like you'd have to send those kids to the middle of Idaho to a private school to make sure they never encounter thug culture. Even then they listen to one NWA song and that's fucking it you just raised a Trayvon.

I'd consider it, in all honesty. Conservative black women know how to be women much better than white women. They like to fuck and suck dick. Not bad.