Things only Trumptards say...
Things only Trumptards say
Israel is our greatest ally
>I have pride in my own race.
Liberals are the real racists.
>Honey, I'm home!
Sure is great living in a country of white, European descendants with little admixture. Let's keep it that way.
there are only two genders
Well they are.
G-d bless Israel
Back to fagtown with you OP.
"this is a slide thread, fuck off shills. Sage goes in all fields."
OP is a faggot
I don't get it.
Spot on
Eternal virgin
i love the jew
Trump really drained the swamp when he hired corporate executives to fill government positions!
An oil baron has all the right qualities for a Secretary of State
It's supposed to be the other way around, he is sat up top taking a dick like a woman should be.
I have a job
What a shill thread by shareblue (or even worse, shariablue). DO NOT LET THIS DIVIDE US BROTHERS KEK IS WITH US!!! SHADILAY!!!!
Can't tell if serious or acting like a Tr*mptard
>Things only Trumptards say..
No I dont want to put my son on hormones and cut off his pecker
>not being proud to have pic related as a son
If by 'proud' you mean 'suicidal', then yes.
I know this dude irl. He's smart af.
I went to work November 9th with a smile on my face
*disagree with something trump does, present facts and they reply with "LEFTYPOL!"
"I would like to have a civil discussion with you, where we don't need to resort to ad hominem or attempting to destroy each other over differing opinions. I am actually being sincere."
Make America great again
God bless America
Other people shouldn't have to pay for my stuff
I feel you
>current events
It’s retarded don’t worry
"We won"
Boycott the NFL!... WOOOO we are in the conference championship!!!
You dont even get a peg, none the less a poke at a gal. Sad!
I like America
Democrats are the real racists.
You can't be racist against Muslims since Islam is not a race.
Jewish people are alright.
LEGAL immigration is fine, not ILLEGAL immigration.
We won the election.
We will win reelection .