Location of Salomon's temple

I've been stumbled upon some video.
I'm not the type to person to watch every thing, that says "Urgent", "Watch me" or uses whatever phrases to catch attention.
Now a while ago I watched something like that, tho. I guess mostly before I got bored.

Here's the link now:

They basically state, that what we consider "temple mount", has been the roman camp.
And the temple has been build in the city of David.
There's a whole playlist with a few Videos on the temple location.

So what do you know where the temple location is?
What do you know about it?
What do you think about it?

>Being this retarded

Only the most highly contested spot on our planet.

In reality though, the real location of temple is in the Hebraic mind.

Yes, they also build them like the twin towers.

Since I see barely any answer:
Read your bible guys!

In so many threads people argue with the bible, but now they are as helpless as I am.
I got to do the homework on my own and I guess you guys got to do some homework, too.

You don't need a temple to worship God.

isnt the ground cursed ? everytime they try building on it shit gets on fire yo

I think you mean to say are the people cursed

>So what do you know where the temple location is?
It's the temple mount in Jerusalem, where there's currently a mosque. What are you talking about? Just cause someone says the temple mount was a roman camp doesn't make it so. Both the first and second temples were built on the same foundation which is thought to be the temple mount.

They say more than such little.
So when you say IT MUST BE the temple mount.
How are you so sure? Because other people say it? Because there is probably millions of people, who think it is?
That doesn't make it right nor wrong.

1. Two temples.
2. Both on a hill.
3. One in the old city, and the other is the new citt.
4. One made of stone and gold, the other made of stone and wood.
5. The one of stone and gold to be set on the mo t i. Jerusalem, the one set of stone and wood to be set on the mount i USA!
6. A third will come down after, as to where no clue but no dout it will also be a hill mount lol!

It’s not about worshiping God, it’s about fulfilling Biblical prophecy and ushering in the End Times

>How are you so sure? Because other people say it? Because there is probably millions of people, who think it is?
True. My reasoning is also shaky. Perhaps it's not on the temple mount. What's your hypothesis? I think it has to be in Israel because that is where the king Solomon ruled. Also, during his reign Jerusalem was the capital.

Julian the Apostate tried to rebuild with the help of some Jewish people. An earthquake occurred and balls of fire issued from the fissure. Nobody would go back to work, and it was halted permenantly

the real red pill: that wall jews are always humping was actually a roman bathroom

From some sources/Videos it's talking about a water shaft. Flowing water makes sense for a temple (cleaning themself, and so on)
Interestingly whether KJV nor Luther 1545 mention a water shaft in 2nd Samuel 5.
NIC does that whyever.
However it mentions that he took over the Jebusite fort and called it "City of David".
Need to Research where the Fort is/has been.

1st Chronicles 21(starting at verse 18)
David is told to go up and build the altar at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
I haven't done too much research yet.
Since I barely know where to start and where to go.

Thats why I asked for opinions :)

The Temple of Solomon did not exist. It's a fiction.

The Jewish Temple built with help from Cyrus and the Persians in the 5th C. BC is the first "Jewish" Temple,but there was surely a Semitic pagan one on the Temple Mount, perhaps to the god Sin, which was the Semitic moon god-- hence Mount Sinai. (Allah is not a "moon god").

The Jewish Temple was on the Temple site on the mount and the Roman Fort was where the Dome of the Rock is.

Romans destroyed the Temple in 70AD. Hadrian built a Temple to Jupiter on the spot in 135. Constantine later destroyed the Temple to Jupiter and built a church. When the Muslims arrived they destroyed the church and build the two mosques.

>Thats why I asked for opinions :)
Good luck with the answer user. I hope you determine it. Bump.

Why is Solomon revered by so many religions? He was a degenerate who worshiped Moloch.

Because he's real.

I claim the temple was in the south Nile, that's why they call them the mines of king Solomon.

Because the LORD communicated with him, at a very young age he prayed for wisdom rather than riches, and in his prime, he was the wisest of the wise. Granted, his desire for strange pussy ruined him, he was a great man. One of the greatest, really.

>implying it wasn't wise of him to breed with the Queen of Sheba

It's in your head

Isn't the western wall the remnants of Solomons temple?

The whole point is they incorrectly claim it is. The accounts are pretty clear that the temple was completely and utterly destroyed, and other writings about it don't match where the dome of the rock is. Accounts of Fort Antonia and the temple to Saturn do match though (the temple to saturn was being built over as a cathedral when muslims invaded and used the foundation for the dome). The western wall is a wall of the fort. The 2nd temple was 200m south of there.