How do we fix Detroit?
How do we fix Detroit?
Take a picture of downtown Detroit and put it in the photo too. I don't want to defend Detroit because I avoid it like the plague and can vouch for what a shitty and decrepit former metropolis it is, but you've got the most vibrant parts of every other city with professional photography and then for Detroit you've got what's likely an abandoned industrial plant taken by an amateur photographer who's trespassing there.
On a more serious note, the segregation or removal of the blacks and the return of industry are how you can undo Detroit, because the domination of the city by blacks, white flight, and the outsourcing of the automotive industry are what caused the decay.
Also remove kebab. Formerly Polish Hamtramck is being Arabized. I can't say how bad it is but it does not have the same reputation it did when I was a kid.
Isn't New Orleans super dangerous outside of the core/tourist areas?
That's sad. I hope Trump's statement about shitholes can open up people in the USA to realize that they're being invaded by a occupation force, like Europe is.
That's true for every city that's majority black.
Gentrification. There is no other way. We need rich people (regardless of race) to move in.
Deport niggerz
All major US cities are shitholes and will be majority non-white by 2020 or some shit like that. Massive reform is needed on all levels of the US
Bring back Motown!
Seattle is pretty dangerous despite being one of the whitest cities in the US.
Speaking of which, how is it that a mostly white City like Seattle end up with so much crime? Is it because heroin is white people Kryptonite?
I don't think there's going to be physical conflict until it gets much worse. Whites can still just leave when their communities are invaded and apparently that's what the Poles did, and now there are 12 mosques in the city.
That would lead to more race mixing. I'm currently gentrifying Inkster, I guess - I'm "gentry" compared to the niggers here in that I'm not on welfareI guess - but I'm huwoke on race. I would never raise children here if I had them and you'd have to be retarded to willingly raise children in Detroit when you're not from there.
Deport them to California, I say.
I wonder if using the military to suppress gangs would be an option. It should be treated as a military conflict and there should be no qualms about killing them.
I don't know anything about Seattle. Ask someone from Washington. That's a world away from me.
just fucking drop one of those nukes
I know you faggots dont like this word - it is pretty kikey. But here me out;
Take all the housing. Empty housing where not even the niggers live and turn them into green houses: grow hemp, marijuana, psycolbyn, eggplant, jackfruit, kale, mangos, cactus, pineapple etc and teach "inner city youth" how to grow food.
Alas democrats are too busy filling their pockets with nog's tax money to do it.
I'm fucking LMAOing right now dude. Chicago? Las Vegas? LA? SAN FRANCISCO???!!!
All of those cities are piece of shit shity-shit holes my man.... and yeah Detroit is also a shit hole.
Welcome to mutt land you fucking mutt.
get those democrats out of power
Been to LA it looks like mexico, everythings run down and garbage everywhere.
An extension of plantwarfare described last year
Get rid of niggers.
1. Doubble or perhaps even tripple the police force.
2. Create slecial policing units/solutions.
3. Introduce developments, construction it will weed out concern areas as these sites woudl be active. Perhaps give grants to automated factory production facilities that would have great interest in coming on Board!
4. Data inquiry projet, survay areas of concern, people who cause disorder and based on the date restructure everything by directing the new task police units to action!
5. Influx of new caliber of citizens, perhaps retirment heavens... Research facilities acompanied with grants, then i troduce education institutions that are economic and substidized student living and tuition costs which in turn would revitilize local businesses to supply the populace. Down the line bring international students they can be monitored easier and participate in the economy, families would start to buy homes and setup more business make the home buyers for the first timers especially economical and 20 years down the road you have a superb city!
Detroit will never have the population it once did, it is too spread out. Use eminent domain and clear our the lightly populated areas. Focus on a central core, build more modern housing projects which foster a sense of community, not stacked tenements.
Old vacated suburbs should be bulldozed and forests and wetlands inatalled.
You don't.
At this point is would be easier to raze the city with the nogs inside than it would be to wipe them out then attempt to fix their mess.
>3 Detroit threads all of the sudden
Hey, Rabbi, whatcha sliding?
That's Greektown. It's nowhere near Downtown.
Bulldoze the shithole and start from scratch.
But what you would you segregate?
You can't separate blacks from blacks, they are all degenerate.
American cities are sprawling shitholes. Seriously SF? THat place is garbage.
At least Detroit isn't choked with congestion and smog like LA.
Nukes, nukes are the only legit answer.
Thats only a tiny part of downtown. If it wasn't for Coamerica park and Ford field, that street would look like the factory pic too.
Michigan should shift it's resources and invest more in Grand Rapids- based af city. Detroit is a lost cause.
I know. I couldn't find a decent picture of downtown as easily though, and I know Greektown is pretty decent so that's what I went with.
It actually is Greektown like the other guy said.
>How do we fix Detroit?
Subtract brownness, user. That is the only way.
Didn't we just have this thread?
In fact don't we still have a previous thread going?
Mods deal with this shit!
Two options.
1) Cut property taxes by half at least, and cut state income taxes.
2) Nuke it all and start over.
>build more modern housing projects
Yup, more socialism is what we need.
Why not consider cutting taxes to a fraction of what they are now?
Why am I not buying and rehabbing houses in Detroit? Taxes.
>Seattle is pretty dangerous despite being one of the whitest cities in the US.
You're joking, right? Show the crime stats if you can back that shit up you fucking retard.
Greektown is right next to downtown, tard
Detoilet elected a white mayor to clean up their mess.
true for Philadelphia too my man