>Sup Forums unironically thinks this was a win
Sup Forums unironically thinks this was a win
>cia unironically believes this psyop worked
You unironically made the same gay thread for the 378th time.
>Sup Forums is one person
Eh, bad PR or not it was part of a crescendo of exposure of white Euro descendant nationalism in America, which is now mainstream.
>people unironcally think the opinion of Jew press matters
>now mainstream
There are literally more people openly into vore than white nationalism.
well I'm gonna need a source for that or else Hitchens' Law and shiieeett
It was a success tho. They showed the public they are able to conduct violence and with that being said pushes the country a step further to all out civil war.
IDK about you but considering that whites in America are MINORITIES in 20 years and put in MASS GRAVES by the United States of Shitskin Bean Pickers within 40 years I'd say its fucking warranted.
Yeah, VSP copt oppressors dead, fat bitch dead, nigs get their nogs smashed like a pinata, all you fags calling us keyboard warriors get BTFO'ed James Fields is going to walk. We met each other IRL, We are going to fund our future with lawsuits against the city of cville until it's broke. Never again will a city stand in our way. We sure blew that one. I GUESS WE"LL JUST HAVE TO GO BACK AND TRY AGAIN!!
Do a google search for each concept. One has a much more active community than the other. The ironic thing is the only exposure white nationalism is getting is complete obliteration in the zog press.
Well to be honest a right winger ran over a lefty* and then liberals basically started to distance themselves from antifa. If thats not a win, i don't know what one is.
*or gave her a heart attack.
What? White nationalists have to be spread across more websites than vore enthusiasts. I would bet my life on it. 4dicks/pol/ alone gets millions of unique visitors in a month, even if you assume 25% WN it's still over a million. Calling bullshit again.
>Sup Forums unironically thinks this was a win
>cia unironically believes this psyop worked
>Sup Forums is one person
>people unironcally think the opinion of Jew press matters
>now mainstream
Sup Forums has become unironically irrelevant.
Here's the Virginia State Police punishing us for being white by drilling for oil with their whoppity wop. We failed.
I watched deandre get beat up in the parking garage live on YouTube
It was fucking amazing, my favorite part of the rally
I like how theres hardly any white women.
Most white women were on the SJW side...God i love being brown, so many white girls to get with!!!!
C-ville was a massive defeat for the right. The PR optics were terrible. That fat bitch "getting killed" by that fucking moron (i.e. falling on her fat ass and going into cardiac arrest) allowed the left to further paint the right as the ones who are quick to resort to violence. If Fields had just marched normally along with everyone else, C-ville would probably have been a win. Also, all those assholes marching around with swastika flags and sieg-heiling don't help the cause at all. They need to be smarter than that and realize how it looks to normies.
Admit it: C-Ville was a major setback for the New Right.
>millions of unique visitors in a month
Finna need some data for that.
Rather, I'd be surprised if there was more than 100k regulars here, period.
Well you're still butthurt about it even now so yes.
Here's Heather Hambeast beating fascism by having a heart attack in protest of white supremacy, White men lose again. Tsk Tsk.
This is the most popular board on the website
K/D of 1/0 so I'd say yeah.
Tiki torches is just going to scare the normies.
Imagine the smell, even when she was alive. Blech.
Posters go up January 21st at night on campuses & public spaces
Bonus points for feminism related areas
Don’t vandalize or do anything illegal
Translations are available for over 25 countries
Only use posters from the official website:
regulars != total unique visitors
Plenty of people lurk and don't post, but read. Anyway I suggest the same thing to you: search engine that shit and see all the articles about "22 million visitors per month, etc" about Sup Forums. Sup Forums is basically old Sup Forums and has 100k posts per day, and should be at least 20% of total traffic. It's not hard to imagine it reaching a million people who are WN sympathetic.
Nobody showed up for this on Friday night..we lost.
>>cia unironically believes this psyop worked
That was most definitely a psyop. You really have to ask the question: how did these people organize this so well? how many were bused into this area to fill crowds?
This stint was made to turn the so called "alt-right" into a boogeyman for the left. "Alt-Right" is such a newly coined phrase and I doubt this many random people would show up at such an event that would even identify themselves as "alt-right"
The Phrase "alt right" was coined when people wanted to support Donald Trump and not the Republican Party. The Republican party are being run by the same people that control the left, most Republicans don't even support Donald Trump either . So they try to push Trump supporters off as "alt right".
>got everyone fearing the white man again
>got the media fear-mongering retards propagating mass fear for the white man
>drew the line against the reds, queers and feminists and they didnt cross it yet
Yeah, that's a victory right there.
it's really not about normies, though. it's about politically aware whites. if you are spending your time trying to convince people who only hear about what's going on third hand on facebook, you're retarded.
Very convincing with your meme flag and all. You're right literally nobody had heard of the Alt-Right before August 11th.
what is vore?
what is google?
>Very convincing with your meme flag and all. You're right literally nobody had heard of the Alt-Right before August 11th.
But I am a real life pirate.
I believe you.
Deandre Harris and 3 other negros and their Antifa pals stalked members of a Southern Whit Nationalist group then attacked an old man, then attacked another white person and that's when they got they fight they wanted. This time only beat with sticks then let him go after the point was made, without serious injury, Next time it's not going to be so nice.
Weirdos with a fetish for being eaten alive.
A vast majority of people are sheep.
SJW, actually, is a tiny group. But their autistic screeching is heard cause they are fucking aggressive.
Sup Forums is among the top 100 most visited websites in the US and top 200 in the world, and Sup Forums is its most visited board.
Kind of hard to get excited over such a huge number of newfaggots, but at least it means white nationalism is becoming very popular among our youth.
>if you are spending your time trying to convince people who only hear about what's going on third hand on facebook, you're retarded.
Hey man, even the NSDAP needed a plurality in the Reichstag before they could do anything. Like it or not, today's normie is tomorrow's one-of-us, but if all they see is some out-of-shape fat fuck in BDUs throwing up a Hitler salute, they're gonna get turned off too fast to let the redpill settle in. Hence Identity Evropa and those types. They know about optics.
I'm not going to google something if it might be dodgy.
Antifa will always try to attack us or anyone to the right of (((Karl Marx))). They're an annoyance to be trampled over in the end. The police were corrupt in Charlottesville. That's all there is to this. In other events when the cops did their job, no one got a scraped knee. The youth love edgy shit. Rebranding aside, we aren't going to ever escape this understanding either among ourselves or in the media. When you own who you are, you disarm the enemy seeking to defame you. Charlottesville was a PR victory long term. We showed the normies that we are relevant and powerful and willing to stand up for our future. People respect strength more than moral right on a subconscious level. The center is collapsing and we accelerated that no matter if we held our speeches and if the cops betrayed our rights or not. We learn from every event. The biggest takeaway is that the city hated us and had to be forced to uphold our permit federally. They never intended on doing so. They found a way to create chaos and force us together. Again, the city trampled our rights and refused to let the cops police the city and set the security up properly.
I believe you /t/oo.
good thinking, who knows what might be illegal viewing there
the average voter doesn't even know about charlottesville.
the guys in pic won, they got antifa to attack third parties
Ha, we all leave a paper trail though. I've been using qwant.
Neither does the average voter know about the redpill.
Yeah dude, we're gonna win with 10% of the white population. Get real, we need as many as we can get.
We have the eyes and ears of the next generation of voters. This is what we are building, boomers and other sports cucks are a lost cause. We have created the moral framework to refute the last 50 years of Frankfurt School indoctrination. Our ideas are better than our ability to project political and physical might, but show success in all three areas. Alt-Tech is our next frontier with media, technical assets, and financial systems to support our movement's growth. You have already lost and the jews behind you are afraid with good reason. The goyim know and they are really angry. Do you feel the anger.?.
The American revolution was won with 3% of the population and defeated the most powerful military of the day. Build for the future by capturing the next generation of whites and securing their future, it's not any more complicated than that.
dubits confirm
if you think it's about "as many as we can get" you really don't know what you're shitposting for.
Oh my friend, we have such wonderful things to show you...
>Sup Forums has become unironically irrelevant.
Sup Forums has never been mainstream so when was it ever relevant?
>4dicks/pol/ alone gets millions of unique visitors in a month, even if you assume 25% WN it's still over a million
I think you underestimate just how few people here are white, and even fewer among those are white nationalist unironically