I was just watching a feature on 60 minutes about this city. Anybody want to give their 2 cents about it? 60 minutes guy just interviewed some Antifa guys, then some civcuck spokesman afterward
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rains all the time. Sun only 3 days a year. Makes you suicidal because lack of sun. Meth heads everywhere...not much to do except stare at some small mountains and lush green plants everywhere. Gets old after 3 days. Throw in some yoga and hippies and that about sums it up
I just saw it, too. I thought that "White supremacist" who killed two people on the train was actually a Bernie supporter?
isn't there some major net companies there, now? I mean I don't know anything about it
Also it said lots of homeless. Mayor is talking about some restorative justice stuff, basically bringing in more diversity
I don't know but that civcuck that was talking about triggering antifa was cringy
They really need a does of race realism. I don't mind if they are "weird", but for their own survival, they must realize that importing ((((((diversity)))))) will only destroy what they built.
met some hippies there once.
all they did was drugs and "poly"
shit got old fast.
there are plentyof jobs though.
do you mean "molly"?
I've lived in Portland for a year and the weirdest thing about it is how ugly everyone is and how few minorities there are.
portland is the frontlines of the immigration genocide. Lot of white people, a thriving manufacturing sector, affordable housing. . .so the liberals are hell bent on turning every white person under 30 into a complete fucking faggot.
portland's unironically a great city. just typically very liberal.
it's a small city that's growing fast.
get us to seeing BLM signs in trendy white-collage neighborhoods, and commercial areas.
DO NOT engage in political discussion with people, and you'll be great.
seems to be a great deal of antifaggotry going on there
The Loyal Legion Pub downtown is a good place.
It's full of able bodied teens and twenty somethings panhandling. Half are trust fund LARPers and half are simply strung out losers. They all are annoying.
Been there several times. The whole pacific Northwest is beautiful. Downtown portland is very very shitty, bums and trash. It's a shame because physically its a nice city on a beautiful river. Suburbs are nice and there are few really rough areas because of the lack of nigs
Oregon woods are half unironic hippie communes and half unironic nazi compounds. Take you pick, user.
Bumping because i may be moving to Eugene Oregon in the summer.
its literally a wannabe Seattle that has much fewer rich people so the entire place is a shithole.
I went to take a huge dump, but I'm back now. While I was on the toilet, I was thinking about that (((news))) segment.
What was the point of the segment? To showcase the city, or were there ulterior motives? It accomplished four things:
1) blame the murders on a White supremacist (not a Berni bro)
2) link murder to White Nationalists
3) link White Nationalists to Trump supporters
4) normalize Anti-Fa
Mission accomplished, you kikes.
Ground Kontrol is a nice arcade if you're into pinball and video games from the 80s and 90s. And then there is this... youtube.com
You're thinking of Seattle. A real city.
Worked there for two years before moving to Wyoming to be a remote developer.
Let me give you the gist:
>office based out of old Town
>company is like 80% liberals
>every morning homeless people piss and shit in front of our doors, power washers have to be used to clean the sidewalks
>walk to get coffee, only a few blocks
>step over homeless people asleep on cardboard
>two old beat cops I routinely see pick up used needles
>see/hear people randomly scream at the air, birds, etc
>constantly asked for money, lift weights though so people don't fuck with me when I say no
>bought a homeless guy dinner once cause I felt bad for him, it was a cold night
>liberals won't even make eye contact with the problems they create
Oh, and people do shit on the sidewalk. I've had to step over it multiple times.
DC here, tired of blacks and crime, planning on moving my wife, daughters, and mother to Portland area pretty soon. How quickly is the area getting taken over by Latinos? I am worried by the time my daughters are ready for high school Portland will be the next LA.
It's getting more expensive by the year. It's still the whitest big city in America. There's some decent music venues.
Kek, the only shooting I remember seeing on the news for Portland happened in a majority black apartment complex.
The dirty secret is that they are gentrifying nigger neighborhoods aka pricing niggers out of their homes. Lucky for me they're moving to my city :( it's getting riskier by the day getting drunk at the bar and yelling nigger
I moved out to Portland from Pittsburgh PA when I was 19. I thought I was a hippie when I left for the west coast.
Fuck that place and fuck all leftists. I became a conservative within a year for the disgusting hypocrisy I became part of.
>before moving to Wyoming to be a remote developer
How is that working out for you? I'm thinking of doing something similar. I grew up in a rural area and would love to be able to do that again but am concerned about working effectively when net access most places is spotty.
Yeah, the "soyboy numale" meme applies to a lot of people here. They have that kind of style and look to them. Hmm...
Yeah, it's a pretty nice city in a lot of ways. Good transportation system for example. Cleaner than a lot of bigger cities, not a lot of Mexicans, too many homeless fucktards
and heroin junkies though.
Yeah Downtown sucks ass, you can't drive or park anywhere either. The river is polluted as hell btw you can barely swim in it.
It's a pretty cheap place to live though compared to other big cities, there's no sales tax.
There's not that many Mexicans, most of them live out in Gresham, Woodburn, Hillsboro shitty suburbs.
I saw it. Already assumed it was hypocritical libtard place
I fucking love it man. I get 60meg cable for 39.99 a month, haven't had an outage yet.
I have a lot of discipline so working remotely isn't a big deal for me. Wyoming also has no income tax, so I got basically a 10% raise moving here.
All pros, no cons man. Long as you can hack it in a small town you're fine. Amazon prime makes life a lot easier, too.
Is Beaverton the nicest suburb?
So you're saying even Portland has a black problem?
all port cities are degenerate, first stop for the drugs also all of them have shit weather
No. Lake Oswego, West Linn, but those are richer areas.
Probably meant polyamory. That's real popular there. Easy to get laid. Hard to find a woman you'd want a relationship with.
Portland barely has any blacks, they're mostly confined to one part of the city or section 8 complexes and are getting priced out.
Downtown Portland has a lot of homeless drug addicts and faggot liberal hipsters. Metro area is heavily liberal, most people are not from Oregon. The rest of the Portland area is pretty typical America, even split between conservatives and liberals.
Liberals in Portland will talk about how much they love diversity, but they all moved here from SoCal or Brooklyn or some other major city. Portland is the whitest major city in America.
The only good part of the city is OMSI, move to West Linn or Sherwood. Nice, small, white towns
Exactly. Portland used to have more black people in North Portland, but all of those areas got gentrified into trendy artsy neighborhoods. Blacks have been forced out in the last 10-20 years.
>I moved to Portland when I was 19
You and every other retarded liberal child in the country
Come home white man.
I bought my TREK mountain bike from Sellwood Cycles.
Lake Oswego, West Linn and Happy Valley are the nicest suburbs. Hillsboro has some nice areas but old town Hillsboro sucks
We need more Sup Forumstards here. Please move. It is Lilly white. Niggers typically kill each other. Extremely liberal though. You can't tell women you voted Trump.
We're 100 miles inland, friend
I'm wanting to buy, but my family has had some pretty bad experiences with it. The home here on the East coast my mother owned for decades suddenly became an El Salvadorian neighborhood seemingly overnight. A lot of MS13 activity around her. Sold the house for very little to get her the hell out of there. If you look at a demographics progression map by decade, it looks like Portland will be the next city Latinos capture as they spread up the West coast.
>So you're saying even Portland has a black problem?
Any place there are blacks, there are problems.
We don't need more people here at all. They're starting to move to Idaho instead of Oregon finally. The last decade has been out of control with every Midwestern or Californian asshole moving to Portland
>West Linn
Worth moving there just for the chance to bump into Chael Sonnen
There is almost zero gang activity in Portland. One or two shootings a year tops
>Blacks have been forced out in the last 10-20 years
Where did they go?
Portland needs more diversity!
End Portland's White supremacy!
Make Portland BROWN Again! MPBA!
Portland has Nike, Adidas, Weiden + Kennedy, and Amazon just built a big ass tower downtown
>Portland barely has any blacks
There are a lot more than you think. Maybe less than most other cities but they're still not rare.
I live in Portland and have a love/hate relationship with it. I like the typical city stuff, the culinary offerings are top tier, great beer, proximity to some of the most beautiful nature in the US, and you can enjoy any sport you desire here. On the other side, the availability of drugs, prevalence of bums who shut up everything they are near, housing prices that won’t stop going up until the earthquake wrecks our shit entirely, hyper-liberal fuckwads, and a government that will either decriminalize everything or prevent the police from enforcing existing laws makes the place near intolerable. I would never raise kids here, I’ll move to Oregon City or some other smaller town away from here for that.
This is true. There are hundreds of homeless that are young and capable. Makes no sense.
Drives up property values so much and where all the progressive libfaggotry came from.
Portland has a far lower hispanic population than most major cities and there's hardly any gang activity here. They usually just stick to california. Hispanics are growing a bit in the inner cities and poor suburbs but the better off parts are like 95% white. I live in Eastmoreland neighborhood in Southeast Portland, the only time I see spics are when they mow some guys lawn.
>Antifa guys
larping faggots is the term you are looking for OP
I lived in Beaverton from 2002 - 2015
It's going downhill at a rapid pace. Too many homeless subhumans, potholes everywhere, people are limp-wristed faggots, and Californians keep moving in. The old Portland & Seattle are gone.
I avoid politics whenever possible but it's fun to challenge Portland liberals who have no real beliefs and just parrot what they're supposed to say.
How is bend, Oregon?
>obviously has options
>considering moving to Portland
Why may i ask ?
Don't raise kids here, jesus fuck. I was raised here and went through the school system. It got real bad by the time I graduated HS a couple years ago. The schools do force a certain agenda down your throat a bit.
I lived in Portland for about 3 months
Homeless EVERYWHERE got offered drugs at least once a week, niggers on crack every where you look too same with the white trash. Faggot so many faggot
I lived their on two separate occasions, between 1997 and 2012, totaling 9 years.
It WAS a great place to live -- cheap, easy to get around, fun atmosphere with fun, creative people.
Now it's a shithole -- and I don't mean in a Haiti way. I mean all these fucking transplants that have infested the place -- Californias and other out-of-staters barely-Americans, as well as Chinese who live outside the country, who buy up the real estate, knock down perfectly good vintage buildings, then put up abominations in their place with no trees, no foliage, no parking, and costing upwards of seven figures.
If there ever comes a "Purge" style cleansing of the city, I will return to Portland so goddamned fast to join in the slaughter. I would absolutely relish dragging these yuppie fucks out of their houses, shooting them in the knee caps, watching them squirm in agony, and then feeding them feet-first into a woodchipper and seeing how far in before they finally stop screaming.
west of mcminnville reporting
logging, crab, trout, beer, venison, open roads, gun clubs, urban sprawl laws, cool cops, dick state troopers, small towns where you either get away with anything or can't get away with shit, good rednecks, bad rednecks, bigfoot (probably)
portland = muh:
traffic, craft brewershit, random ass markets for specialty water & antique condoms, traffic, cutesy urban renewal projects, homeless, dispensaries, people who aren't gay but pretend to be because it's cool, overpriced housing, overhopped beer, "art spaces", 5,000 independent coffee roasters, traffic, people who spent 50,000 on a college education & still, incredibly, have literally no skills, weed
fuck your shit
how's the weather
where's the best pizza?
the exact same fucking city man it's incredible
>twenty somethings panhandling
>hundreds of homeless that are young
Cool! Thanks for the scoop! Now, I'll roll in with my $ and "support" (wink wink) so many teen girls who need some $.
Pretty nice, small but fast growing area though. It's pretty far away from Portland. It's good if you love the outdoors.
Almost all Portland city business investment efforts have gone to attracting tech companies. Liberal city government wants a town full of 20s and 30s single people who make $100k or more and rent luxury condos downtown. Portland government makes it extremely difficult for small businesses to thrive
Mid tier restaurants that think they’re in NY, junkies, bums and cucks that still don’t know that Bernie sold out.
Enjoy your hepatitis
Oh God, I forgot to mention that in my post. The schools have gone straight to the dogs. I graduated in 2013, and I still remember how shitty everything was. Bad teachers, crumbling ceilings, and a lack of modern technology/books
>ever notice during the summer your homeless numbers drop then in the late fall they bump back up
>your fucking city busses them to boise
>my state is too spineless to not block the buses
>only bit of spine is to ship them back in the fall
Californians have fucked our states hardcore, lets ship these fuckers to san fran and be done with them
Once you get into Clackamas County you start seeing the redneck rugged shit and the stuff you described. You can get that an hour drive away. I know a guy who lives in Molalla and it's wide open country there and only like an hour away.
Newberg/McMinnville area is gorgeous. Love driving that way on 18
Now add in all the illegals
intel corporation does major environmental damage in and around portland
Stop pretending that Californians ruined the NW. commies were infesting government long before the migration
fuck your shit as well
I regularly enjoy blackbird pizza before going to cinemagic, but hopworks usually has an interesting pizza or two.
>Californian defense force
go get an aids test faggot
You definitely played a role. A lot of Bay Area/LA people moved here once it got real expensive down there and brought all their shit with them.
Yeah excect our rent is skyrocketing because of Portland overflow
No sales tax will help my wife's business. I've seen the statistics another user just posted about Portland being the US's whitest city. I like rain and mild temperatures, and my great-grandparents and on were all from Oregon so it feels like a family tradition. I'd pick somewhere more remote but we need access to the shipping companies for her business so need to be around Portland.
The only equivalent we have here is Wilmington Delaware, shipping companies and no sales tax. We go there regularly and it's like Uganda, 80% black and has the nickname Murder Town USA for a reason.
tl;dr escape blacks, weather, and family business.
Is it worst than San Francisco though? Asking for a friend...
I stand by what I said. Yes, Californians aren't the ONLY reason Portland turned into an unlivable hellhole for anybody that isn't super rich, but they are far and away the main problem.
Yes, Portland had plenty of lefty, hippie types, but it was NEVER this Antifa/SJW/hyper-faggoted mess until about 2012, when that literal faggot mayor was at the end of his term and then that corporate cocksucker Hales took over. I mostly blame Hales, and he really, REALLY needs to be tortured to death for what he did to the city.
If that's what you are looking for, you'd probably be fine with it. If you have cash you can definitely snag a decent place for a good value in a nicer suburb.
It literally was Californians. Portland used to be cheap as fuck until tens of thousands of Bay Area and SoCal faggots moved here and drove up real estate
seriously, fuck charlie hales to death. I wanted to set that faggots house in eastmorland on fire so badly.
Hales/Wheeler prohibit Portland police from "harassing" the homeless, so they're powerless to do anything. Liberals are fucking cancer.
is boise the next go-to area for californians?
the useless types pretty self contained aren't they
can't change tires, can't navigate without a device, they stay on concrete. "keep P-town weird :P XD portland" stays in portland. suppose that's the one benefit.
definitely. the change from the valley to the coastal hills is beautiful. great weather patterns on the west side of the valley too.
1 californian carries the infectious power of three human commies
wtf do you do for fun in town other than the gardens & markets
and powells
"oh you live near portland that's where that bookstore is right????"
yes it is it was cool the first 40 times now i just buy books there next question please
remember when decently civilized hippies & scrappers & artists could cobble together a respectable living by growing food & bartering skills before everything got bought up by daddy's money so college kids could live in the coolest town ever
pepperidge farm remembers
What will really drive up the prices are if you have diversity hellholes that people want to avoid. That's the reason DC area is so expensive anyway, people will pay any price to get away from the crime. Creates tiny little pockets of livable space with insanely inflated prices.
holy shit... it's worse than I had imagined! Portland absolutely NEEDS diversity to survive!
Diversity is Portland's greatest strength!
I believe it is, unfortunately.
Since the mid 2000s, the Republican vote has been shrinking.
I caught the end of that 60 Minutes show. I've been to Portland twice. There's homeless teenagers setting up tents under the overpasses, shit tons of chinks, and almost 0 niggers. I drove from Portland, to Klamath, then up to Seattle. I counted 5 niggers I saw on the trip from Klamath to Portland and 3 of those niggers were cooking food at a Dennys. Oregon has no idea how lucky they are. Very sad to see their youth destroyed by drugs and laziness. I found myself wishing that they'd have the opportunity to taste true diversity, even for only a few days. They would quickly change their tune about being SJWs. Sometime, people can only learn about life through experience.
Yes indeed! It is NO coincidence that the land-rape went into overdrive on his watch.
I don't blame the homeless at all. I guarantee that a hell of a lot of them didn't used to be homeless six years ago. I respect any random homeless person in PDX over any parasitic out-of-state land "developer" faggot and their cancerous "architecture" that looks like an asymmetrical stack of septic tanks.
Have about 50k saved for a down payment, trying to find something for under 360k. Been looking around Beaverton mostly, but open to anywhere. I'll be sure to cross the no-go areas off the list people have mentioned itt though, that's good intel.