Greatest minds of all time

1) Issac Newton
2) Leonardo Da Vinci
3) Aristotle
4) Adolf Hitler
5) Nikola Tesla

Special mention to Slobodan Praljak, though his genius will only be appreciated long after we’re all dead.

Other urls found in this thread:


Newton, by far and away. He wrote the book on optics, created the calculus, and mathematical mechanical physics. Da Vinci pales by comparison.
Aristotle? Seriously? He made shit up as he went along.
Tesla was bat shit crazy and has a bunch of crazy fan boys. Tesla even wrote about his delusions and Loved a pigeon.
Hitler? uh... yes.


Da Vinci is overrated


Steve Bonnell

Good post OP

Check this too cunt

>4)An insane neurotic who didn't learn from Napoleon's mistakes and ended any chance to create his dream world

this. run

1. The mind that gave us autonomy and the ability to sort out knowledge, the ligh bringer...
2. The one that gifted shoes.
3. Nikola Tesla.
4. Albert Pike.
5. Issac Newton, I mostly admire how he dished out revenge. So noble and just!
6. Leonardo DaVinci I think he was one of a kind, above most even though I ranked him on this number.
Infinite numbers down the rest




begone satan worshipper

>Thomas Jefferson not on this list.

Martin Luther
G.K. Chesterton
C.S. Lewis

Spengler > Hitler
Edison > Tesla

Deal with it.

How many of those men had wives and kids since reproduction seems to be so important on this board

This, all but hitler were very bright but Newton was like a god damn alien he was so ahead of his time in everything. I would say Tesla was close as he did produce some amazing work.

>not james madison or ben franklin

What about JS Bach, Fritz Haber, Mozart?

how could I be forgiven for forgeting to llace bacon the beacon of our society the the top.

Tiny Tim
de Botton

ITT: brainlets

fuck em
>not Tchaikovsky

Jefferson is better than the both of them, he was a true polymath with a variety of achievements in different fields.

They were too focused on furthering the human race in other ways to deal with thots and their baggage

baked alaska
andy warski

You forgot moot, the god who walks among us.

bruh you can't just dismantle your navies and armies

full retard

1- Isaac Newton
2- Leonardo Da Vinci
3- Martin Shkreli
4- Albert Einstein
5- Michelangelo

G.K. Chesterton is a GENIUS


Elon Musk

lel putting all these guys in a list with shkreli is an insult to shkreli 2bh

hes on another level of greatness, he shouldn't even be counted as human.

elon musk is an utter faggot who got cucked by that amber bitch

> created the calculus

You’re an utter fucking faggot

Must I write it again, indeed given I have unintentionally butchered his great name.

Francis Bacon agreat mind indeed.

George Washington Carver

Musk, Trudeau, and Marx even being mentioned leads me to believe that you lot are either trolling or absolutely fucking retarded.

wow great retort brainlet


oh my god lol

Well played.

fuck off with ur einstein shit, einstein never had an original thought in his life. he stole all his shit from others, typical jew

wow, who would have ever thought.
hitler was a god damned genious and was literally the third coming of christ. hitler haters out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>call someone a faggot
>get called a faggot for the stupid comment
>get mad that they didn't spend 40 minutes deconstructing your in depth response of calling someone a faggot

What’s the problem here? I don’t follow


Friedrich Nietzsche
William Shakespeare
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
George Lincoln Rockwell
Julius Evola
Adolf Eichmann

He’s a meme at this point

bill nye the wise guy

Only people who don't understand his work, or never even read him, consider him a meme.

And none of them Americunt.

Feels good man.

Why are right-wing white people the pinnacle of intellectual ability?
No matter, it must be stomped out in the name of diversity all the same.

Bill Nye the wise guy
Bill Nye the Racist Guy Blames Jews for Anti-Semitism
Isn't it really, really time for this guy's 15 minutes to be up?
February 23, 2015
(((Daniel Greenfield)))

REINER: But you can understand it. There were German Jews that lived in Germany during the Second World War and that was their home. And, you know, at a certain point, you

know, if your live is in danger, you want to go to someplace where you're going to be protected.

NYE: So, what do you do about it? I think you get to know your neighbors. And it's gonna take, what, does it take a century, something like that?

Settle down you fucking retard.

Einstein was a thieving hack kike faggot.

Gauss wrote the formulas used in modern electronics, before electricity. Advanced human comprehension of math post mortem.