This has been proven.
African adults have the emotional maturity of a white 11 year old kid.
African IQs are (on average) at the mental retardation level for whites (literally).
See below.
The most interesting action starts at 3:00.
This has been proven.
African adults have the emotional maturity of a white 11 year old kid.
African IQs are (on average) at the mental retardation level for whites (literally).
See below.
The most interesting action starts at 3:00.
Other urls found in this thread:
im not sure exactly how or why to be honest the end result is all that matters but a abnormal portion of blacks have a learning disability. this makes people act fairly stupid because they are. its not all of them so the cause could be many things and there is no real evidence of anything specific so no hope of fixing it for future generations of blacks
side note some in a few african nations who have dealt with genocide a lot say its because of whites who did something to them or their food .though their vocabularies are limited and dont have any real explanation as it what the whites allegedly did and the foreign aid food is long gone obviously
Niggers are all about excuses for their poor behavior, their poor performance, and their shithole countries.
>The Golden One beating up nigs
Fucking based
I wonder what the story was?
It looks like he stepped in when and where he was needed, took care of business, then departed in control.
Surprised they know who is on which side.
It's because white racists like you made them that way by destroying their communities through capitalist oppression.
>blacks all looked the same to other blacks, until white people taught them the difference.
Absolute are fucking kidding me
>through capitalist oppression
No one is that stupid, user.
Blacks live to think that whites need them.
>Protip: whites are better off in countries with no blacks.
So if all blacks decided to go back to Africa, America would celebrate
old argument is old, ivan.
what's this about? they made her put a phone on her head before murdering her?
I love this video.
That lady turns into a tree when she gets tased.
oh child
Blacks are like children.
They test every boundary.
Hence the tasing.
Haiti IS a shithole country.
they are unironic jungle primitives
even people who thoroughly accept the red pill often do not truly realize just how much of a lower level these people actually operate on
I fucking love GRSE. It draws out so many abstract feels
I hope that poor frightened bastard doesn't do any time for that.
My favorite part is when all the nigglits start calling him gay
It's this weird thing, where they think life is a game. It's just all fun. Look at any civil war in Africa. It's like they think they'll just respawn when they run into gun fire and just spray bullets everywhere.
blacks are niggers
those aren't nogs bopping the nog. what's this supposed to prove
>when all the nigglits start calling him gay
Liberals must suffer from severe cognitive dissonance when they see this kind of thing.
On one hand, they support worthless niggers.
On the other hand, they love homosexuals.
Blacks are the niggers of race.
Niggers need to either,
(a) be in constant control and supervision of their betters, or
(b) left completely alone by all civilized peoples.
i am do kek
Yea, children that will kill your ass!
Those are nogs abusing that sad looking nog woman, user.
Not sure why he would, he didn't do anything wrong. He's a patriot and should be celebrated. Trump will pardon him in the off chance he's found guilty.
Niggers have no decency. And no proper upbringing.
I'm surprised that nigger's homies didnt try to gang up on the white guy when it was clear he was winning.
not after he rekt the alpha
>not after he rekt the alpha
It is like The Call of the Wild.
I'll get called a pussy for this, but I just feel so bad for those kids. They can't help but feed off/emulate their sheboon mothers, but their primal understanding and resultant cries of fear when the mother gets (rightfully) dropped makes my stomach turn.
Jawan and Dante visit a SC waffle house with bad intentions.
Dante is in pic related, in his cap and gown. Clearly he a good boy.
See video in link, below.
A lone white man decides that he is not going to be robbed or killed that day.
Pulls his legal weapon and removes one of the threats. Family upset at the white man.
>Nineteen-year-old Dante Williams' family said there is no doubt he entered the Waffle House in Chesnee back in January of 2012 intent on robbing it, but they say he didn't have to die.
>FOX Carolina obtained surveillance video from inside the Waffle House that investigators said shows Williams and his accomplice Jawan Craig come into the restaurant. Deputies said Williams is the one seen pointing a gun and demanding money.
>Sitting at the bar area of the restaurant was Justin Harrison, a concealed weapon permit holder, who was armed the night of the robbery.
>"They're yelling 'everybody get down, get down' and I'm not getting on the floor. I am not going to be a victim," Harrison said.
>Harrison said while the men terrorized other customers and staff he was deciding when to act.
>"This was the only time," Harrison said. "If I am going to fight it was that one time. He was approaching me and I saw that as him engaging me."
>The above video shows Williams, gun by his side, walk back toward Harrison, who stands up and fires several shots killing Williams almost instantly.
Infuriating. Really really surprised the dude didn't put that animal down
For $5 we will show Mumba da whey.
She is a shitty mother, it is clear. It is obvious from the way she behaves in front of her kids (and any kids who may be watching). It is also obvious from the horrid way her kids are behaving.
My bad. Wrong webm.
>*overgrown chimps
A brick can kill. It can maim. Glass shards can get in eyes and shatter on kids. If there were kids in the house, a whole lot of people in many states would have reacted to her deadly force with deadly force.
She is lucky, and will never know it.
Holy shit, I remember when some user posted that on Sup Forums a few days after it happened. I can't believe it's been almost 4 years.
>sheboons attacks home and calls her white bitch
>white woman calls her a nigger bitch
>white cucks husband tells her to stop with it
hahaahaha the apsolute state of white amerimuts.
i'll give you wog or poo, but that is not even close to a negro
>I can't believe it's been almost 4 years
4 years, huh?
Time for some nigger university to award Dante with a degree, then,
Pic related.
After all of the gibs we throw at Africa, they still cannot feed themselves and they still hate us.
Why the hell do posthumous awards even exist...
WHERE are the teachers to protect that white girl?
Observing and enforcing diversity.
Please understand. That nigger never went to a single class.
Niggers are just trying to make him look more respectable or something.
Because in America, niggers are accustomed to getting something for no effort.
>The subhuman torch.webm
Oh sweet God.
What did I just see?
debunked. it's an azn tribe that cuts all the flesh off their dead and leaves the skeletons out to dry or something.
4000 miles away from africa
Alright story time
>Be me
>Early-mid 20s
>Work in food processing factory part time
>Get to managing the pilling subsection for the sausage section
>Half a dozen people under me
>Haitian contractors (too unskilled to be employed directly, and we take people who dropped out of 9th grade for being too dumb)
>All of them are in their 30s, 40s or even 50s
>One sheboon decides to flirt with me
>The "if we go to my place it's straight to anal without foreplay" level of flirting
>Act dumb and ignore it
>Cunt was at best a 2/10
>Wanted to vomit for hours after that
Why do they think of themselves so greatly? Why are they incapable of understanding their place? Say what you will about the Chinese, Indians or Latinos, they at least know where they are in the pecking order.
Busy recording.
I hate what they're willing to do to us and one another, but I wish so badly that we could just stop this suffering, stop the violence, take care of them like the children it seems they are, and grant freedom to the exceptional ones. What a heartbreaking thing to watch. That poor girl.
You are literally not allowed to hold black students to human standards or to discipline them. King nigger actually forced a law against it.
Haitians come in two flavors: Godfearing, family-oriented, work their asses dry 24/7365 and cook delicious food, and subhuman animals in various degrees of predatory/whining. If I could, I'd like to be the Dr Mengele of Haitian immigrants and send the Type 2 straight to the gas chambers and give the Type 1 extra rations on arrival
>dat oxtail stew
And you know what, fuck it, there are idiots in every race, just more in some races than others. Anesthetize the worst of them, abort them, give them peaceful deaths, limit the rest's freedoms. Fuck me this is awful. We need meritocracy so badly, we need to keep violoent morons away from power. But how do we keep them away from baseball bats? Fucking Christ this world is a cruel joke
>King nigger actually forced a law against it.
Obama was such a Saul Alinsky communist. Just like Hillary.
1963: a few communist goals entered into congressional record.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
SCanon here. EVERYBODY thought that Harrison did the right thing.
The SJWs don't understand. We don't think that Harrison is a hero. The only people who celebrate what he did are children. He did what he had to do, it's unfortunate that he had to do it, and we just hope that he can move on with his life.
Imagine being her husband and having to watch this.
Agree with you on that. Hell even most of the ones I work with the issue isn't that they're bad people, it's that they're so dumb it makes the rest of us have to work harder to get shit done.
Boss actually gets us all together regularly after major orders to apologise for having to make us work with them because of all the stress and demoralisation it causes. And these are the well behaved ones that aren't African American tier.
The Africans were starting fights at a pub in Newcastle Australia. Those guys finished it. Our news did their usual bs.
Leaf what you finally have to come to terms with is that blacks and whites are two different human subspecies. We don't belong together. Do you remember the round peg square peg toy as a child. That's us we're too different to be held to the same standards. I feel bad for the smart ones but the truth is you just can't force a brown plague through a white whole without breaking the whole of society.
>I feel bad for the smart ones but the truth is you just can't force a brown plague through a white whole without breaking the whole of society.
It may be too late.
Anyone who isn't racist should watch this. I had lived with these animals for 10+ years and over 90% of them are like this.
In the South, she'd be dead. There would be no trial, no arrest. It'd be obvious self-defense under the castle doctrine. The woman would be taken to dead nigger storage. As for the homeowner...well, the woman's family probably doesn't have any money to pay for the damages, and so it'd be up to insurance if the homeowner decided to claim at all. More likely the neighbors would get together and help clean up, and that would be that.
So glad I went into a real profession. The only time I have to deal with minorities is when I'm ordering my lunch.
He was a red blooded commie traitor through and through. You hit the nail on the head. These people are the greatest enemy of the west and we need to start killing them. Brevic was right, but it takes more than one man. We are at the point where patriots need to start voting from the rooftops.
this is why cops shoot niggers first then ask questions later
Damn, I acutally feel sad for the guy who stepped into the water in the first place. Killed six of his own friends.
It's confirmed they have undeveloped or tiny frontal lobes.
Niggers are lobelets.
Family members.
And a white person saved his life in the end.
>Probably a white person, since he could swim.
No one with any sense is advocating violence, user.
Selection bias, OP. There are a ton of white drug addicts where I live. The majority of people are simply unexceptional, regardless of who or what they are. You, for example, are probably unexceptional, even though you're probably white.
This video upsets me whenever I see it. You know that kid is thinking his mom's dead. This is the future of a world without eugenics.
Eric Cartman was right about gingers
I guess you have something in common with them.
What's the context?
To cure the effects of learning disability your wise man have thought out affirmative action. Relax, everything will be OK.
One of my colleagues is from Haiti, and he kicks absolute ass. Works as hard as anyone could want. A few years ago I was having some beers with him and basically asked him why, and he said, "Because I don't want to go back to fucking Haiti except to visit, you have no idea, and I want to get my mother out of there as soon as I can, and I know my brothers and sister can't do it."
Guy's a great American.
What kills me is the kid who had to sit through this.
Tibetan sky burial probably.
HOL' UP! Motha fuckin Whitey use dis' white supremist Jewish boogey-man board n tink dat dey gon get summin up on us?
Sheeeee-it. Ya'll crackas gonna get out-done wit yo infantcy tactics n yo white girls gon get blacked when we rape them hoes LMAO!
Cheap ass honkey aint even pay fo my woman kids. What u think we gon do when we hold da majority? You aint gon be shit nigga. You da nigga den.
If you are smarter than the average black they will smack your head to cause brain damage so you fit in. This is whats happening in the video