That thing was too big to be called a woman. Too big, too thick, too heavy and too rough. It was more like a large hunk of fat
That thing was too big to be called a woman. Too big, too thick, too heavy and too rough...
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give that fat slut some herbal colonics and maybe light drugs like anavar and clen and she will be fine
wtf happened to jazz :(
> thinks its a she
who this is?
How the fuck do you wake up every morning knowing you have to be a parent to that thing?
parents are jewish
google image search, she has tons of stuff
is she pregnant?
Jazz is too fat to cut off his micro penis.
Let's discuss this.
>can't even grip the spoon properly
and that's just the spoon I'm not even going to nitpick the entire room she's in. door against the wall? shit paint job? rnadom bottles and jars on the table amongst other trash? poor lighting.
Women in the kitchen? Please, get them the hell out of there if this is what they intend to do. Clearly cooking food was a man's job as only a man can create a meal while a woman can only muster a snack.
someone post the webm of the Jewish mother laughing about the idea of another man shoving a big dick up her sons shithole
Clearly this is the perfect image of a person in good health just like the David scultped by Davinci.
A person who is mentally stable.
is she pregnant?
How much longer must I wait until the world is bathed in nuclear hellfire?
Were you always autistic or did the /chans turn you into one?
Also agreed. She depends way too much on her body rather than sticking to the fundamentals of a good photoshoot.
Give it until 2020. Check back if Sup Forums isn't shut down by then.
Give sauce or name you double niggers
Who is this thot?
fuck off faggot
Honestly I'm drinking and fuming over the Vikings moving forward. I'm 3 gin&tonics, 1 cosmo, and currently on 2oz of moonshine with 2oz of navy strength rum and some ginger ale.
So, with all that said maybe it's a bit forward of me to ask if you want me to slide my girthy member into the snug saloon you call your anal cavity.
What a chad
He got fat and depressed after the doctors diagnosed him with a micro penis.
That's a very kind offer you've made, but I think you should sleep the alcohol off before making decisions like that.
Big guy.
for jew
I bet your asshole is winking in anticipation
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
No, the offer stands as it is. Feel free to agree to the girth and I'll let you snuggle your steaming shithole with trump tower boyo.
>my 600lb life
like pottery
Fat Nigger Jew Hilarious
well put
The family is jewish, look at Jazz when he/she/it was very young, it looks very feminine. So it might just be a psyop to brainwash the goyim and Jazz has actually been a girl this whole time, maybe the gullible tranny goyim will think that they can become just as ladylike as this thing? Ofc it might also just be that Jazz was an extreme soyboy at birth due to hormone-disruptive chemicals and so on. But I honestly think it's just a jewish psyop.
hahaha my sides the mutated jew still walks like a man. Broad ass shoulders the boy still looks like a boy.
On the other hand I see why serial killers love killing gays.
You're a psychic genitallands.
My sides hurt.
holy fugg you can tell her ass is super fat under that dudeweed tarp. yours lying to yourself if you say you wouldnt atleast once for the fun of it
>tfw no braphog gf
yes she is
pregnant with the future
You just articulated what I've been noticing about many things in our current pop culture.
Thank you.
>large hunk of fat
I bet he wishes he had that where his baby dick is.
>psychopathic blabbering
kys anyday now
>melodramatic cunt
Fuck off, all parties are happy with what they're doing, there's no unwilling victims in this scenario, nobody doing what they don't want to do, there's no 'horror' apart from in your twisted mind.
fucking low test faggots
why is their a soccer net in the apartment?
no it wasn't 'well put' at all.
faggot jew spotted jump in acid kike.
it won't be nuclear, but there's just a little left to go
>psyop to brainwash the goyim
being this autistic, having this weak a conception of theory of mind
Than it's settled I'll be plowing to your penthouse with the girthmobile and you'll be squealing to the shitter as my semen suppository settles into your darkest corners.
The moms are sitting atound wonderi g hiw many inches of dick Jazz can take in her pussy made from her bowels because chemical abuse gave Jazz a micropenis. This is horrific
that is absolutely on the nose
we are watching a very trendy ritual child sacrifice
Found the 2% T britcuck
Funny thing is his new trans doctor made him fat so he can turn his penis into a pussy and lied about what he was giving him
How long till he kills himself?
Nee doctor wh is trans put him on medication that makes his fat ass hungry all the time so his dick and get thicc
This isn't a poetry board for gay little niggers. Fuck off.
I give it 3-5 years.
I can't breathe.
im gonna take a creative writing class one of these days
When I'm done plowing your poop mines for nuggets of crusty gold you wont be able to stand let alone breath in the bulk of braps that'll be shooting forth from your shanty town shithole as my semen shell explodes in your stickling stank cavern my crusty cum carouser.
>that webm
>mocking their child's suffering in such a way
I cannot fathom how a mother can simply do such a thing. She is simply without humanity.
Lets give hormones to children.What can go wrong. Has a micro penis. Pfffhht. we will use his colon. It smells like shit and is 4 inchs deep?
Adolescent boy is given hormone drugs before he hits puberty to turn him into a girl, which is impossible and irresponsible to do. Boy's penis never matures because of hormone "therapy". Boy thinks its a girl, but still has dick & balls. Starts talking to morally reprehensible doctors who apparently don't understand the hippocratic oath. Doctor tells him "well, we would normally have done your SRS by filleting your penis, turning it inside out, and making an open wound that weeps pus for the rest of your life, but it turns out giving you hormone "therapy" so early caused you to have a babydick, so now there isn't actually enough material to work with to give you a fake vagina".
Boy weighs his options. Continue living life as this half boy half girl freak of nature, have babydick turned into fake vag that can only accommodate other babydicks, use part of his anus to complete the fake vag in a much more risky surgery, or begin seriously contemplating suicide. Later shot of freak of nature's mom chuckling with another mom about her mentally ill son's potential babydick vagina only being capable of handing a 4 inch cock at maximum. Both have a good sensible chuckle about it.
Then you show up.
>there's no 'horror' apart from in your twisted mind
Yes. The people who see a fault with any of this are the ones with twisted minds.
you know his two jewish parents were grooming him for sex since birth and got off on dressing him up as a girl, right?
These people are demons in human form that need to be put down.
Bad people deserve bad things to happen to them.
imagine being so truggered by decisions that dont affect you that you lie on the internet
>My 600 lb life
More like a 600 lb existence
Stay mad nigorleans
kill yourself
They're insane. They set up a soccer net behind the couch for obviously no reason. Plus look at their kid. Just look.
Why do I suck at everything
.....just pottery......
She looks like the Asylum Demon
How does a 17 year old jew boy have the body of a 80 year old mexican grandmother?
Laughed and loved the reference
Man waist, man shoulders and man walk makes it all look worse. A woman at that size wouldn't look as bad. Look at his mom, she's about the same size and you wouldn't think of her as being very fat.
>Those biceps, and shoulders
Hormones I guess.
who wore it better?
These "people" are goddamn monsters desu
They should be sterilized and put in jail.
oh I'm a Packersbro faggot I don't give two shits about anything beyond that and the entire NFC can sink into a pit along with the AFC for all I care I just don't want some other shitter from the NFC North doing anything in the playoffs beyond losing like a sack of faggots in a creamy sauce on a Sunday.
god has forsaken us
kys boomer technotard