Leave your entry-level red pills for normies below, e.g. nog crime rate and race realism, the 1% mostly consisting of (((them))), etc.
To be followed by going full fash later down the line, of course
Leave your entry-level red pills for normies below, e.g. nog crime rate and race realism, the 1% mostly consisting of (((them))), etc.
To be followed by going full fash later down the line, of course
Other urls found in this thread:
the final red pill is the word, numerology and the occult. get familiar with it for it is your light to this world.
Satan is also called the "prince of the power of the air" in Ephesians 2:2. He is the "ruler of this world" in John 12:31. These titles and many more signify Satan’s capabilities. To say, for example, that Satan is the "prince of the power of the air" is to signify that in some way he rules over the world and the people in it.
You know how you can’t leave your doors unlocked at night anymore and how it takes 2 incomes to raise a family now a days? Those things are on purpose.
>entry-level red pills
Feminism is doo doo.
SJWs amirite?
>leaving doors unlocked at night
this is darwin award tier behavior regardless of societal status. if you get robbed by a guy looking for unlocked doors, insurance won't cover the robbery's losses
Logic is not based on opinion and there are actually rule to argumentation.
There is a carefully crafted illusion, which puts groups against groups. The soul intent is to keep everyone from getting along.
It's all been a trick from the beginning to maintain control.
Humans are the resident planetary superanimal. We are capable of several magnitudes of deeper thought, however the illusion overpowers us and we are distracted by literally everything and anything.
If you start to get along, we start a new war of one thing or another.
Finally, our religions have been manipulated into something that they were not.
Hermeticism, proclaims that God is All Good.
Tengriism is a Heaven worship religion that states the Son of God sits on a Golden Throne in Heaven.
Christianity is a personality cult of Jesus, however Jesus himself was a follower of the personal development religion praising the Heavenly Father and the Brotherhood of Man, something that very few today actually follow.
Fascism has nothing to do with racism.
In fact, fascism is against racism, considering race to be a feeling more than a reality.
The real problem the world had with fascism is that it attacks personal liberty in favor of strength through unity, which is reality. Your personal liberty is just a meme meant to make your nation weaker.
Similis similii gaudet
Was anyone in that Hawaii thread earlier with over three hundred replies about Hawaii’s EAS accountability procedures?
OP found government docs proving an EAS message has to be approved by 3 to 5 higher ups before it can be sent out or something to that effect. More anons jumped in later too with additional sources. OP and others also found a Coast Guard bulliten about missile testing happening on January 12th. So essentially proving a mistake by one person wasn’t made, but something strange happened for sure. The media is telling blatant lies.
Also one of the last replies was from OP revealing that they were a girl and everyone needs to get it together and stop replying to shill threads about sex and porn content with no political significance, and to stop hating white women and instead research into government protocols and procedures. Could be a LARP but I kek’d
Holocaust was always used to refer to a Sacrifice burned completely. Since WWII its a synonym for Genocide.
Was the Holocaust a Jewish sacrifice? I don't know this answer.
>DayQuil in the morning
>NyQuil at night
Things were much different in the 80’s/90’s in rural communities. We’ve adapted to the degradation accordingly but the fact that you think this is odd behavior says all anyone needs to know about the state of the world today.
your solar system is a derelict space craft infested with jews
fake news
immigration when economy is struggling
the economy being rigged, debt bubble
destruction of middle class
decline of the west
and just ask the question "ok, but how are you going to make this happen?"
Big problem that people have is that they believe anything is possible, nope. They are techno-utopians, when really we're heading for a techno dystopia.
yes, many sources say that the jews should be killed to advance the greater goals of international jewry. It's basically a great cover, a human shield.
Fomenko was right
>entry-tier redpill
Hitler was a homosexual and was (((controlled opposition))) to justify creation of ZOGlands
>universal consciousness tier redpill
the kikes dindu nuthin wong
Ibuprofen alters testosterone metabolism. Some plastic containers aren't reusable. Processed foods are carcinogenic. "Mental hygiene" is a thing. Domesticated animals are inferior and that applies to humans too. Violence when needed is golden. Nuclear family is one of the most important building-blocks of a healthy nation.