Hurrrr I want a sex doll xD

>hurrrr I want a sex doll xD

pro tip: go look for a video of one of these in action. your desire will be forever extinguished

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make some webms then you faggot

They don't know how to fuck like I do. They also don't set them up in sexy positions.

>The pinnacle of male betaness is here, get it now for only 9999$!!
Come on in goys, come on in!

Dumb fin, this is the most alpha thing man can ever achieve

Fucking kek

Sad to admit this, but the fin is right. 10x more alpha to just get a white gf to bang. Which isnt hard.

Actually it's only 2k

I want a 2B sex android gf

>women are sex objects
>sex dolls are sex objects

i don't see a problem fingook

at least if youre gonna shitpost have the decency to post a video

having one of these is sad as fuck.

All you have to do is go to xhamster and type “real doll” lol it’s not hard

prepare for the most pathetic shit you’ve ever seen

Video please.

Aussie gets it. It's basically a low maintenance woman, hold the stds.

I want to get one and practice power bombing it. It would be a sweet boxing dummy.

I followed your advice and check a video in pornhub. Yep, no way that can replace a woman.

I'm not really interested until they can kill a man.

Is it too much to want robot wars sex dolls edition?

Getting a white gf is beta as fuck. What kind of man would associate with a whore prostitute. What kind of man would spend so much time, effort, and money wooing one with flowers and chocolates only to get cheated on. Instead you can just pick up a thick sex doll to fuck whenever you want. The Chad's libido can only be satiated by a sex doll. The beta virgin doesn't have a sex drive so can wait years to wait for a roastie to court that will put out every birthday, new years, and labor day.

>The beta virgin 3DPD vs the alpha Chad sex doll

why dont you post a video faggot? youre getting banned 3 days regardless after that thread 8900 brendon

actually I'm disgusted at the fact you know how much it costs you pathetic loser

>knowing you can't hurt your object's feelings while you destroy its ass by telling it her mom was better
it just isn't the same

Righto Mohammed. Fucking chill

Fuck off roastie
>actually I'm disgusted at the fact you know how much it costs you pathetic loser
I bought her so I should know how much they cost

>What kind of man would spend so much time, effort, and money wooing one with flowers and chocolates
>flowers and chocolates
beta faggots like you who need sex dolls, that kind. welcome to 2018, sonny

nice digits, who tf is brendon

X hamster videos/realdoll-pov-sex-1622193

Eat your heart out

post proof of purchase user

Projecting much you dumb woman loving cuckold faggot?

The secret is to create an intricate system of ropes, pulleys and counterweights and then choreograph how she moves to music.

>paying thousands of dollars for a rubber corpse
Why don't they embrace the "robot" part and make sexy robots instead of glorified fleshlights?

how bout post the video you're talking about

>mecha milk
Gave me a giggle.

>muh projecting
you projecting about my projecting? kek sad faggot tricks are for kids, not men. You just are what I say you are. Simple

One takes artists, the other takes scientists.
Guess which group is more plentiful and cheap?

A video of this meme doll is exactly what i've been looking for

>trying to use “woman lover” as an insult
We’ve reached peak autism

Thou best post proof naive. With accompanying timestamp and your hand.

I'm trying to find a fake ass that BRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPSSSSS!!


Forget robotics. Just dedicate an entire room to a sex puppet

Fuck You Nigger Idiot

Why not just get a pocket pussy and some porn?
Hell, drop the porn, take the cyberskin cunt in the shower, and fuck the shit out of it while spraying your nads with warm water. Use poppers for better effect

Trying to justify your pathetic existence much?
Just take 5 mins to ponder your situation. You are on the internet arguing with anons about how great it is to spend money on overpriced rubber for you to cum on.
Even most incels would pity you

I did, there was an interactive one at last Ars Electronica, it had a stumulation reacting watering pussy and mood changing schedule. Im sold on it as soon as when I have the €€

ich liebe binlandia

>Find a silicone ass and pussy.
>Cut a hole in the ass.
>Put some shit water in a balloon
>Blow up the balloon
>Attach balloon to ass

Now BBBRRRAAAAaaaaaPPPTS as much as you want with this simple lifehack

This. Sex dolls a shit. There's nothing you can do with them that you can't do for free with your hand or a cheap fleshlight.
A robot could (theoretically):
Talk dirty
Dominate you
Physically abuse you
Embrace you
And all the other things that would normally require a partner

Hell, you could even get a lamia or spidergf robot.


All possible in the future when crypto billionaires pay for the R&D.

Fuck off. Why does the possibility of me finally having sex trigger you so much. Why are you so emotionally invested into shilling against them. Who do you work for?

>Talk dirty
>Dominate you
>Physically abuse you
All shit.

It's the face that ruins it. Tie it in a garbage bag and pretend she's into asphyxiation and you're good to go. You could also pretend you're both old and don't like to kiss so you fuck in the dark and sort of pant over each other's shoulders. This is what most people do anyway.

Imma writing an exploit atm that will hijack the servos in the fleshlight and squeeze toight while it makes the voice processor say
>Plz deposit 1000 dollaryoos in btc wallet 00100001010010 and you canz haz your benis back...

exactly what kind of man's cares so much about what another man puts his penis into, a fagget that's what.

>Sexdoll set to autolube and thrust
>Get behind it and start going at it
>Lube falls on the floor
>Slip on the lube
>Sexdoll falls ontop of you
>Sexdoll is too heavy to lift
>Live off of lube for a few days
>Corpse found a year later

I wonder how many NEETS are going to die this way

>actually using flowers and chocolates
I would bullshit about absinthe and drinking, brought toilet paper to the first date because she thought I was memeing, etc. you’re a fucking shit that these dolls were made for

>>Sexdoll is too heavy to lift
>too heavy to lift
Fucking Boston Dynamic's actual robots are 165lbs or less.

That, my m8 is a fuggin keeper. Cheers.

>dominate you
>physically abuse you
>only other appealing options are dirty talk and embrace
You’re a quintessential cuck that just sold out what he beats his lonely meat to 3 times a day


Yup, all these women worshippers are on high alert now
It's actually a good work out. My model only weighs 107 pounds (much lighter than the average roastie if you ask me). But yeah, killer work outs ahead of me, also killer nuts too.
You think I know what dating is like. Hell no. That's what they do in the movies though. What do you even do on Valentine's day anyway. May as well be Halloween where you get free candy from the teachers when you were a kid.
>you’re a fucking shit that these dolls were made for
A match made in heaven