What would spree killers do if they had no access to firearms?
What would spree killers do if they had no access to firearms?
Probably use a ton of throwing knives and other throw-able weapons but ultimately kill less people
Nice ID
Elliot Rodger = God
To answer your question Tim McVeigh
most spree killers don't use guns
bet you didn't think of that
drive a truck into a crowd seems effective enough
Most spree killers use a truck of peace
>What would spree killers do if they had no access to firearms?
Explosives, vehicular homicide, black market firearms
Have you heard of Cars? Knifes? Bombs? Gasoline?
Also making firearms is not hard, just getting or making bullets.
Truck of Peace seems to be the preferred method for the sand nigger spree killers
Use a katana
Melee and/or bladed weapons. Or even explosives. There is more than 1 way to mass murder people and we had no problem doing that for thousands of years.
Learn how to make bombs or use a vehicle. Well planned arson maybe.
In fact given the typical death count of a firearms spree killer they should be using these methods anyway.
But lets face it, the only reason they use guns is because Hollywood glorifies them.
Judging from the events, it is considerably more effective than guns by quite some margin.
They would take a sudden interest in chemistry and create DIY chemical weaponry to use in a crowded area.
Shitpost spree
Stab. Or use bombs.
Some Swedish boy attacked his school with a claymore, but he was white so police shot him dead before he could harm anyone.
Pressure cookers
bombs or emulate the truck of peace that is really popular in europe
>What are trucks
>What are bombs
>What are poisons
>What are knives
>What are swords
>What are hammers
>What are rocks
You could cut every mans hands off and he would still find a way to kill people.
In Europe they drive trucks into people
They'd use knives like the Muslim invaders of Europe.
He was so nice to stop and take pictures with them
reminder to post this whenever someone complains about shootings
However, indegenious europeans don't commit killing sprees, but all our muslims do.
Make their own with 80% kits like the Santa Monica Shooter?
What in America, you can buy throwaway guns from gangsters illegally you know...
Think he went to kill muslim students, but a teacher shielded the muslims, so he had to cut down and slay the teacher.
Muslims got cut a little and the teacher died I think. Then police shot the crusader.
And yes, the picture is from an article that tells he stopped to take a picture with two girls, right before the slaying.
Truck of peace down a sidewalk. The only way to reliably stop murderers is by killing everyone.
You could do a lot of damage with a pointy little sword like that.
Probably stab 10 people before anyone realized what was happening. No bangs to scare people running.
>stopped to take a picture with two girls, right before the slaying.
Alpha as fuck
You do that here and you get exiled. Muslims gets deported weekely because of this. If you carry a gun in Denmark you get banned for life.
Your so far left your still stuck in Utopian ideals
american made automobiles
He only got 1 person. He went for slashes instead of stabbing. He wanted to go down like a crusader.
Haha, just like at the firm grip on that girl. No hoover hand.
Kill themselves alone... or stay shitposting here.
How come fascist are stupid? Fascist actually wants to genocide.
Probably use knives, garrotes. Some would graduate to poisons (the smartest of these would be using largely undetectable poisons, making pattern hard to establish)
Thats retarded. Slashes rarely kill anyone.
Well, look at his mask and tell me he's not retarded
Depends if you know where arteries are. Stab twist is usually still more effective though
Fascist are stupid, Hitler was so blinded with winning Stalingrad he sent many young men to freeze to death fighting a hopeless battle. Stupid tactics with stupid motivations.
That was probably the closest he ever got to a woman
t. centrist
Beat people to death with giant purple dildos
Ay yo this aint grove street, CJ.
>sweden has daily grenade attacks
>germany has weekly car attacks
>england has hourly acid attacks
>french has daily stabbings
emus and petrol keep the aussies quite though
Except its not. Nice, Berlin, stockholm, NYC, and london. Thats 5 successfuk attacks for the 200 that left 1 dead and 20 injured. Hello
everyone can get firearms if they're determined
Bombs, chemical weapons, trucks
Here in the states only 5 states require a license or background check to buy ammo. Ny, Cali, NJ, MASS, and CT. A person from NJ can literally drive to the border into Pennsylvania and buy 1,000 rounds of ammo and 30rd AR-15 magazines without even showing a drivers license.
Get creative.
the liberal retardation is off the scales on this one
How many Successful mass stabbings, truck attacks, or Bombing attcks have you seen. Making a successful bomb aint easy and nowadays all trucks come with ABS system.
>truck attacks
You really must live under a fucking rock
They'd probably just make more bombs
Most people are too stupid to Know what those are and how to build them. Hell your average connecticut or New Jersey resident is too stupid to realize they can drive ti another state and buy standard capacity ammo and magazines.
idk, what did Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacey do?
>inb4 but those were serial killers, not spree killers!
>haha I win on a paper thin technicality my masters created.
You thought you could avoid the end for so long? Silly little humans. Suffering is what the Earth is best at. You will not escape with hope. There is no after life for you. This was your only chance to feel as Gods do. To watch a sunset silently. To make love under the stars. To love your family. You gave it away for iphones and celebrity culture. Nothing will fix it. Nothing you can do will stop the gears from turning. Only when every square inch of the globe is a hellish gulag will the last remaining ones of your generation realise what exactly they have done. And once they die, hope will no longer exist.
better question what if they had access to pussy.. would they still feel like mass killing?
This is one successful attack. Any idea of how many muslims failed during the process of similar ones dumbass?
Trucks of peace with explosives in them
Probably not
Instead of Mass murder if one does not have access to firearms one could go on a spree killing. Serial homcide is next to impossible. Say over the course of a week you drove down the Eastern seabord stalking college campuses and kidnapping and strangling or bludgoneing/stabbing one young female after the other. You could kill quite a few before getting caught or killing yourself. Very few people think of this. Christopher wilder did.
5 out of 100 failed attcks that left a few injured and 2< dead. You clearly dont do statistics.
what would people getting robbed do when they have no access to firearms?
build one on their own.
Any fucking retard can build a pistol or a rifle. This shit is not rocket science, it's actually High School Physics, Chemistry and Workshop knowledge put to work.
Anyone with a High School degree should be able to build one in under 1 day and upgrade that design to a semi/full auto version in under 3 days.
Truck of peace
What movie is that
if only he had pot
it's a shitty movie
Make bombs from house hold chemicals.
You autist, its a columbine documentary.
Zero Hour a Columbine documentary
They'd build bombs or make their own guns.
ABS makes it easier to brake and steer at the same time. Nothing to do with running people over.
How easily some forget Bomberman McVeigh...
Grenades like Swedistan
Knives and eventually go on to attacking softer targets like kids and places they are...because that's what fags do.
Use a car
Make a bomb
I'm not sure but I would use a bomb. With shrapnel. Maybe an explosive box of glass.