I ask this because whites have a pattern of importing blacks wherever they go, why is this?
Can whites live and thrive without blacks?
whites were surviving for a long time without blacks
>whites have a pattern of importing blacks
Plague almost wiped them out, when they stayed to themselves.
Blacks prevent bubonic plague? Sounds a little tarded to me
it's worth a try, no? OP?
Without other races, whites turn on themselves and start destroying their own people. This is what Europe was like until they realized other people exist.
can you at least try for more than 2 posts?
I'm not saying that, I'm just stating a correlation between a major event and whites not dealing with outsiders at the time. It is true that africans taught them about the connection between being unsanitary and plague.
>inb4 we get into a debate about defining african and black.
because melanim=power. Look at eastern yurop, no blacks, no money
>whites have a pattern of importing blacks wherever they go
Untrue for Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. None relied on importing blacks at the start and for many decades thereafter. It was only under the sway of progressive ideologues and the lie of (((diversity is strength))) that blacks were imported. This is also true for western Europe; blacks weren't imported in most places until after WWII.
White South Africans and white Rhodesians didn't import blacks though they did make use of the ones around.
im pretty sure that it was nostradamus.
i also dont remember seeing examples of black hygiene throughout the ages. If black taught whites how to clean themselves they must have forgotten how to in recent times.
no.. it's rather no gibs no blacks
This tbqh. Then we’ll get a few very curious whites who seek these women out in their respective countries and breed. Thus, history would repeat itself.
If 1.6% of whites import blacks, does that mean white people import blacks? No.
You can say the same thing about the Arab slave trade that's going on today.
Can Arabs live and thrive without blacks? Can they OP? Caaann theyyyy?
Yes, we have tractors now.
>jews excluded from country club
>orchestrate white flight
>country club needing more members, not enough whites left to join
>suddenly mr shecklestein doens't look so bad
Dreadlocks are literally the result of not combing and washing their hair. Check and mate, rayciss
They are cheap farming equipment.
Literally the only reason shitskins are imported is so that white people DON'T live and thrive. Another thing too, all you nigs worship white women but ruin the supply by knocking them up then leaving. Nigs are literally a societal virus.
I’d say that sage and probably hidden, OP.
dreadlocks are black you leaf
once the chinese stops exploiting your ancestor's land and raping it completely clean of resource i will be supporting their holocaust purge of you darkies.
hurr we waz kangs
kill yourself OP
Thread has been up for an hour.
No redpills.
>I ask this because whites have a pattern of importing blacks wherever they go
We imported cheap labor. And they weren't always black, how do you think all of those Indians, Chinese, and Malays ended up all over the former European colonies?
This also isn't unique or peculiar to whites, almost every empire that ever existed utilized slave labor from the far reaches of their kingdoms.
So, in other words, your presumption is wrong in all fronts.
But that's just factually incorrect, whites never imported Blacks as slaves until around 1500AD, there were no blacks in European antiquity, medieval times nor the renaissance. Only the age of exploration and beyond.
Chinese spread the plague to Europe so no we weren't isolated
while it was deadly it was about 30% which compare to native americans 80-90% and the middle east 60% we did alright
thats besides the fact that bathing doesnt do much for fleas and it was stopped simply by quarintine and body burning
>No redpills.
That's because his statement is so blatantly false and stupid that anyone who is even basically historically literate knows that he's uninformed and doesn't know what he's talking about.
1. Whites didn't bring Africans with them everywhere they went, that's just simply untrue.
2. Sometimes the labor they imported weren't even from Africa, but rather from China, India, and Indonesia/Malaysia, so what the fuck is he talking about? Whites ALWAYS imported blacks? What about all the times whites imported other groups of people instead?
3. What about all the former European colonies with no historical African presence? New France (Quebec) was full of Catholic white people without a negro in sight.
So, what is there to redpill him on, exactly? If he could back up his claim with shit he read somewhere, then yes, we could redpill him. But he can't back up his claim that we bring Africans with us everywhere we go because it just simply isn't true. It's a-historical and false, and, for whatever reason, he believes it to be true.
whites living without virtual signalling lol
I wouldn't mind an ethnostate where we have imported Ethiopian women and shit like that
>t. Jungle boi
Call me what you want faggots but we all have our types of depravity
>being this retarded
The Negro is the Jew's Rat
Because third world immigration is the lifeblood of corporatism and there is a never ending supply from the most shit tier places in the world aka anywhere where blacks live.
If all blacks disappeared tomorrow, the white man is gonna start colonizing Mars in 20 years.
And blacks are only alive from plague due to white people. To be honest I don't know why Europeans obsessed themselves with niggers. Before it was just practicality and now its just autistic.
>Can whites live and thrive without blacks?
Observe: Europe.
The difference is those Africans are migrants trying to get to Europe, and can't pay the bill so get caught up
We thrive without you. You are nothing but parasites and you know it. I'd say you're trolling but we all know how dumb niggers are. For example, you claim that we can't go anywhere without importing you whereas in reality you enslaved yourselves and we bought you for a relatively short period of time and only imported you into the Americas, that's literally it. The real question niggers should ask themselves is can niggers thrive without whites, and the answer is undoubtedly no, not that you can really thrive anywhere
Whites killed their brothers for the benefit of the jew.
this is part of some faggy shit the brits thought up. its because they see blacks as dumb enough to not only throw their lives away when told to do so but that if needed they can kill them easily
also in america the goal is to keep the nigs from ever getting high enough on the totem pole to rival whites so instead of ignoring declines in black populations in america due to aids and violence they bring in more nigs from hati and samolia so the blacks will always drag the average for the nation down. if they didnt do this shit the remaining blacks would be in the acceptable range for standardized test of 3-7% fail rate with most of that being from northern states and florida. i dont even like black people and i know that the nigs are to self destructive to last and thus any black person thats not a full retard would be left standing when the dust settles if they didnt keep importing in full on nigs
I gotta admit, that looks like a fun ride.
The logic seems so clear. The whole white ethno-state seems like a huge waste of time. All the time hating everybody else, even though this is the way it will always be.
I have never needed blacks for anything in my life and barring some mad science Chinese gene manipulation see no future in which they are needed.
Jews imported and owned blacks.
Best kept secret at the moment.
This video displays the problem with the black. Meddlesome American mulatto trying to "correct" things that should be corrected.
Dominican Republic a country that keeps its head slighly above water and better off than Haiti because their mulattos decided to meme whiteness into the minds of the black and mulatto population.
Haiti is the opposite.
And Obongo's buddy tries to pass Haiti as being better than the Dominican Republic because they're more into being black.
*meddlesome American mulatto trying to correct things that should not be corrected.
Trujillo is "evil" for trying to "thread" a needle. If he would have adopted "we wuz kangz" in the DR, it would be shittier.
Slave labor.
Automation will make blacks irrelevant.
>1 edge of a country was at war with north african muslims who gained a small foothold
>hurr europe was black
If we look at it historically, things would be a bit different for whites now.
What you gotta understand is that niggers are literally build to pick cotton and harvest sugar. They have a high tolerance to sunlight and high temperatures, a nigger can work whole day in the burning sun without suffering much consequences whereas whites would collapse after 2 hours.
Honestly It would probably be easier and cheaper to pay some poor irish fucks to do the job because slavery is a pain in the ass if you don't have centuries of experience with it and aren't dealing with docile people. You need to buy a nigger, give him shelter, give him clothes, feed him, deal with his natural urges and if he dies, well you just lost money. Compare that to paying pennies to some irish fuck and not giving a shit about what happens to him.
After the discovery of America the trades with Europe were very important because they brought collosal amount of wealth to the european kingdoms, allowing them to expand, grow their population, grow their knowledge, improve their military technology, naval warfare tech made a huge leap during that time period. Even the organisation skills and technology required to pull this large scale trade at the time forced the europeans to make a 100 years leap ahead. It basically kickstarted the industrial revolution.
Could that happen without trading with the new continent? Sure, but it would have taken much more time, and who knows what the asians could have been up to during this time.
To be fair ethiopians are pretty hot. Too bad their empire got fucked when Muslims began their incursions into what was once a Christian empire (Aksum) that even rivaled China and Rome at one time.
>whites have a pattern of importing blacks
>automation will make blacks irrelevant
Jesus Christ. Pahjeets and Chinamen were picking sugar and cotton for thousands of years before niggers were enslaved to harvest it.
Mesoamericans were harvesting cotton, too.
There are other plant fiber crops like flax and such.
The south flooded the market with cheap cotton, undercutting the Asians and flax/linen competition.
Cheap labor.
Niggers are trainable farm animals, nothing more.
and the North didn't give a flying fuck about the cotton they processed into textiles. Wasn't even the major export.
They decided to free slaves over cheaper cotton. Main gist was that slavery wasn't necessary to keep cotton cheap. Then came the cotton gin.
Don't forget that the US government paid a fuckton of money to teach niggers in Africa how to wash their dicks.
slaves let the cotton industry muscle out competing fiber products.
Because you can make cloth out of...
- flax (linen)
- banana (banana silk)
- cannabis (hemp fiber)
China and India were producing sugar cane and cotton without blacks.
Burger flipping bots are the white mans best friend.
The problem is they always need to fix things. This includes people. This bleeds into trying to assimilate others into a "better" way of life.
They don't understand or do any hard work!
So you think we should have went to war with Pajeets or China to bring cheap labour at the time?
You discover all this landmass, perfect for growing sugar cane and cotton but climate and working conditions are too harsh for white boi, you remember some guys discovered these man-ape like creatures that can work whole day in the burning sun what you do?
Your plan is to just buys sugar cane from the chinese? The point was to mass produce your own sugar and your own cotton. And it worked, it gave a massive boost to european economies.
Slave labour is bad economics.
It is far more economically beneficial to pay people to do the job.
they could have used "white bois" for picking cotton and sugar.
That's how the European economy worked. Most people were farmers.
They spent most of their time farming wheat, barley, pigs, sheep, grapes, and other stuff for their land lords.
People in the North were doing fine using whites to grow corn and such.
after the end of slavery, the landowners turned the slaves into European style sharecroppers.
The sugar and cotton farmers could have been sharecroppers from the start.
Sage goes in options and to report you click the arrow after the thread number.
Niggers are cheaper than horses. Niggers with proper incentive can shovel their own shit.
please refer to Europe from 500 A.D. to now
AIDS would have legitimately wiped out 90 percent of Africans if whitey didn't bring his microscope to the colonization party
That’s like saying you should pay a cow when she produces milk.
At the begining of the 16th century european economies were stagnating. There was a high demand for spice, it's even the reason why some madmen were looking for a way to cheaply import it straight from the source.
At first only the carraibean isles were really "discovered" and well known, nobody could even imagine that there was a whole continent twice the size of europe nearby. Naturally the smart thing to do is to give european nobility what they want, sugar. And it just happens that the carraibean sea climate is perfect for growing sugar cane. It's like you suddenly discovered a gold mine. Sugar was a big deal at the time and kickstarted european world domination.
>"wherever they go"
You mean the one time America enslaved the blacks?
i rather see more asians in europe, east asians that is, anything east of india. i tried to fix this buy buying east asian products (china town), but not sure if this actually helps, it makes for stronger relations maybe.
>Can whites live and thrive without blacks?
No. We would never survive without the excess crime, poverty and stupidity that is the black race.
we wouldn't survive without the memes
this, we had no niggers at all until the late 90s or so
We did for thousands of years before niggers, they were just useful for the time.
>What sports would you watch
>What music would you listen too
>Would cops have jobs?
They were already captive in africa. The colonials merely bought them
>What sports would you watch
the same ones that i do now
>What music would you listen too
the same music i listen to now
>Would cops have jobs?
there's still a percentage of whites who commit crime. but over all our quality of life would vastly improve. and we'd all get to keep more of our money which would lead to an overall crime reduction
You do in feeding, housing, upkeep, treatment for illnesses and the cost you have to eat before she is productive.
Slavery, especially chattel slavery eats more money than just paying Jerome for 8 hours.
There would be much less spots for cops and it would be much harder to become one. The US prison industrial complex actually turns a huge profit, part of the reason we are the wealthiest nation in the world is because we have the highest incarceration rate. It's essentially covert modern slavery.
Punishing people from crime is the same as slavery? Go back to your shithole country.
You can make anything a crime. Being in possession of a certain kind of plant, or having a child and getting laid off.
Nope you are being inacurate and incorrect.
Wrong again
yeah they will just find a new group to blame all there problems on.
op is literally a retarded monkey
Let me think about this, white communities are typically pretty good and black communities are typically shit.
So if we need blacks in our community for anything it is to show us what fucked up is.
Wrong again, the plague is carried by fleas on rats. It starts as a rather common infection and mutates.
It pops up from time to time still, most recently in a jungle village in south america.
As for africans being clean.
Bathing was rather common in europe for those who had access. The norse had a rule for thralls, those captured in raids that they had to bath every other day.
Eartern europe is the result of three wars, so you are wrong, again.
cheap renewable labor.
Moors? Are you sure those are not people from the sultans kingdom?