Buddhism >>>>> Cuckstianity
Buddhism >>>>> Cuckstianity
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delet dis
Sanatana Dharma is more redpilled
Somebody isn't a native speaker
Is this achievable natty?
He doesn't even eat meat. Of course it is
Worshiping Hitler >>> Buddhism
I feel like if I finish watching that I will be 10 times more autistic
It's pretty great, found out about him from Survive The Jive. He's dropping huge redpills about a certain people somewhere in the middle. Basically he's fed up with the degeneracy of the modern world it seems like.
neck yourself
Lmfao jokes on you
Buddha was an Aryan though
Pic related found in Norway.
>Be christcuck
>Die if hung
>Be Buddhist
>Hang yourself as a form of exercise/meditation
How long do you have to be a buddhist to learn to levitate?
It says in the Pali Canon that it completely depends on you
How long tho
I don't think why you need to find some obscure picture just too prove that unless you are some retard who have no idea about the topic of what he is talking about
They are the same religion.
It's just that I'm a few month away from walking on water and I don't want to change religion where the perk of being religious is not even a certainty.
>Catholicism is Christianity
I can do this for 10 seconds. How cool am I?
>"Buddhism in Light of the Bible" Baptist sermon preaching against Eastern Religion
a couple months ago, i saw a group of 3-4 orange-robed monks (shaved head, non-white, the real deal) at fry's electronics in vegas. they were checking out hdd/sdd and spoke flawless english. i was just fucking confused
best chad meme in a while
Isn't there some theory that the missing years of Jesus' life was spent studying with Buddhists?
>Pro race mixing faggot who is racially a Jew
Spy vs. Spy was good shit
>t. in denial retard
What does that have to do with his post you autistic faggot
was implying that Catholicism wasn't "real" Christianity. I was saying that he was in denial about that because Catholics are real Christians(the main ones in fact).
The meme was just to mock bibletards
You should inquire the shop owner if anything was stolen, the Buddhist are no better than gypsies.
Or because c*Tholics follow man instead if Christ so they aren't Christians
I am a convert to Buddhism. Christianity is a soul less dead religion that offers nothing on the modern world and is socially outdated.
With Buddhism i lerned to rely on my inner self, not some priest or disconnected God. It is easily the superior faith
>calls the jew out without hesitation
Fucking based
>Calls out the Jew
>While promoting their “one race” bullshit
>i lerned to rely on my inner self
Buddha says your Sangha is just as important as the teachings. He says it is half the value. You need community
stop larping, kid
Buddhists are great in my book, they remove kebab.
i can do it for eleventeen seconds, clearly i am superior.
the virgin jihadi
>hasnt had sex yet, puts the pussy on a pedestal in paradise
>has to kill people to get laid
>is full of anger only hurting himself
>blows his body up to go to heaven
the chad buddha
>had so much sex he got bored of it
>helps people to overcome sex and find higher way of life
>is empty of anger and full of smirking amused compassion
>blows his mind to reach nirvana and lives long life after