Think long and hard about the person that bullied you and made you hate life

Think long and hard about the person that bullied you and made you hate life.

What race was he?


>made you hate life
i hated him not life.

Didn't get bullied I was friends with chads

a white guy and a black guy, the two evil races of this planet

You mean my dad?

was fat mexican/greek poo.
he died in a car wreck like sophomore year and i laughed at his mutt siblings.

white, he was poor though and stupid

I don’t think I was ever bullied exactly. Some people made fun of me and called me gay but it wasnt relentless and it never got physical. Also, I was fairly good at not giving a fuck.

I think a lot of people mistake just casual meanness for bullying. It’s not abnormal for kids to verbally fuck with one another just to see how they react. It’s shit testing basically. Bullying is really only when it just becomes relentless and all focussed on one specific person.

black. H-he made me lick him down there at recess every day, until one day I snapped and I told on him.

White, he was a neo-nazi yet he only fucked with his own race, what a piece of shit hypocrite, he's in county jail now

To be honest I did not get bulied, I did have someone say a word in but quicly delt with them in a very powerful way! I was always peacful, and when I wasent I was always just!

I was the one bullying people. But not periodically, just occasionally, not sure how I feel, although tattletales deserve it desu.

ITT, Reddit attempts to psychoanalyze Sup Forums


a dirty rat chink
he probably took growth hormones otherwise how would he be two feet taller than me, I wanted to kill him and feed him to the dogs

he's the reason why I have no friends, disgusting rat faced soulless tiny dick

Poor white trash, black kid and Mexican kids stuck up for me


Thank god he wasn't white.


He was human
That is why I hate you all

He was Le 56%


Chad bullly here ama

this fucking faggot outgoing blonde kid with blue eyes . He was very tall and skinny . i could have beat him up FUCk . he was so loud all the time . But girls loved him

i lived in a white neighbourhood

Lol. I don't Reddit to analyze that I'm a self-hating autistic oussy

I never got bullied

Bullying is part of a rich white heritage.

White, such a compassionate and non-violent race. I would just sit at lunch and he would steal my food or push me on the floor, I wanted to kill myself, I did nothing to him nor anything bad to anyone, why did he pick on me?

Well. kill yorself nigger

Literally every one of my bullies was gorgeous chad tier i dont know why

I'm not black.

For the short time I had a bully, he was a fellow White.

nobody ever bullied me. people who made fun of me were immediately attacked. i wasn't popular, it may have look like tard rage, but once someone tries to make fun of someone and is chased around school campus by a maniac with a hammer screaming and swinging at you then you learn a lesson or two.

because you let him

I was treated like a Chad because I was taller, then I just got socially awkward. Closest thing to getting bullied was me getting into a couple fights with this one guy in middle school.


I don't recall having any bullies, I just remember being alone.

white bitch, probably of English descent. She had sex at 15 and got herpes. Deserved it.
Everybody else who bullied me, but still played a big part, was a white girl too. Always with dyed hair, makeup, and/or a choker.

i didn't get bullied at school
i stuck up for the retarded/autistic kids though, feel free to pat me on the back for that

Everyone who ever bullied me was white.

They were probably hitting on you, but you're a turbo autist.

>Think long and hard about the person that bullied you and made you hate life.
Nobody bullied me. That's because I was never a pussy. Libtards don't understand why bullying occurs or what useful purpose it serves.

Sean if you are reading this, I want you to know that I am sorry. I'm sorry for the 9 years of hell I put you through. I'm sorry I stole your pokemon cards. I'm sorry I got the bus to laugh at you when your mom died. I'm sorry I broke your glasses. I'm sorry I changed your grade in English to a D- when the teacher left the computer on. I'm sorry I used to prank call you so much. I'm sorry I got your dog put down. I'm sorry I used a laser pointer to get a tard to attack you in the bathroom. I'm sorry I used to make fun of your religion. I was an asshole every day - I'm sorry I can't remember it all. I was going through a hard time, parents divorce and all that... and I guess I took it out on you. I hope you made it out alive and happy.

didn't have a bully.

Suck his dick to make it up to him.

Pacific Islanders.

I was the bully.

If betas carried guns to school there would be no bullying, boom problem solved.

Tis a weird feeling knowing the guy bullying u is getting tons of pussy just for the way he looks. Not fair. But also kinda turns me on

I don't remember any bullies.


Niggers were actually pretty chill if you didn’t start shit


White. A lot of white people. In fact in hind sight a lot of people who stuck up for me in the darkest times were actually black. My bro KP who could have sided with the other jocks was a good friend and never once said anything bad about me. A lot of black people in my life stuck by my side when others would have left me to rot.

but not the Asians.. they never said anything nice or stuck up for me once... Black protect from yellow for yellow will kill a white fellow if given the chance.

How does it feel to be doing God's work, boy?



what useful purpose would it serve you if I crept up behind you, kicked your legs out from under you, then jumped on your head knocking your teeth out ? is that useful in gaining an academic education ?