Americans are dying of heart attacks because eating meat causes cholesterol plaque to build up in your arteries. how long do we have to wait before the FDA bans this poison?
also vegans please leave. you take things too far because your theories are based on feelings not facts.
Americans are dying of heart attacks because eating meat causes cholesterol plaque to build up in your arteries...
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It definately has NOTHING to do with the absurd amount of sodi pops you yankees consume.
technically that sugar water is evil as well, but that's a different issue
When will Sup Forums take the vegetarian pill?
Hitler didn’t eat meat.
Meat doesn't cause the plaque, it's the sugar that causes the plaque. The cholesterol is a symptom of the sugar problem. Sugar which is mostly what a vegetarian will eat in all their bread, potatoes, rice &c.
I'm unabashedly a meat eater. I've been poor as fuck for the last few months and have been surviving on little more than bread and peanut butter. Finally get to splurge on "good food" and am treated to a high end steak dinner. Suffer from cramps and severe gas for 12+ hours after meal, explain this shit.
Yet Hitler died at age 56. Vegetarianism kills.
Hitler is also dead.
Checkmate vegans.
you went from eating relatively light to eating a rich meal. it's a shock to your system and it forgot how to digest it properly
non-vegans are ethically-retarded philosophical-subhumans who are a cancer and need to be removed from a free-willed existence & subjugated, be it through total fascist domination by a an unstoppable technocracy, mass imprisonment or mass extermination.
no, it's entirely related to carbohydrate consumption. meat itself is not the issue.
This. Your gut biome will need to adjust to your new diet. If you really want to fuck things up, drink a beer after a year of being low carb and grain free.
Same happened to me in college. Go from eating light low fat meals to a rich hearty one and you'll get diarrhea. Your body needs to adjust. Red meat is great when you enjoy it consistently
If you ask any doctor the link to a person dying of a heart disease is going to be caused by obesity in most cases. While existing on a meat mostly diet isn't a good idea meat is not the main cause of cholesterol build up. The actual issue is Americans think carbohydrate rich foods like cereal and bread are good for you because the government told them it was 30 years ago. They turn into walmart monsters when they're 60 and die at 65 to 70 its not meat its this country's infatuation with carbs and high fructose corn syrup products that make them fat then make them die of heart disease.
sidf gtfo. A war on burgers is a war on freedom.
I hate to suggest, you know, reading a book, but if you want to look into all the bad assumptions in nutrition science, hit up my boy Gary Taubes and his book Good Calories, Bad Calories.
It was one of the first books that seriously red meat-pilled me.
I was a vegetarian for 30 days just for the fuck of it once. I decided I liked meat.
>how long do we have to wait before the FDA bans this poison?
Never. It's natural selection at work.
buy some eggs man.
Disease is caused by sin.
Jesus said not to worry about what you put into your mouth, but rather watch what comes out.
Firstly, without sugar, fat is one of the healthiest things to put into your body. It is only with the introducing of sugar into a diet does your bodies ability to process fat get interrupted.
i hope you dont think bread is good for you because it might be the worst thing modern humans eat rn
While the vegan shit is indeed based on feelings I can't help but feel like I'm a hypocrite for eating meat and at the same time feeling sorry for the way the animals are slaughtered in large scale sometimes without any kind of respect for them, I watched some documentary a while ago that started with some good points about health and meat consumption but inevitably changed into vegan and animal feelings stuff later on but even still the shit they showed with the slaughter houses man... I can't deny it had an impact on me
What are the Jews selling?
>Liquid Jew
>Cheap Jew grains that they turn into "healthy" breakfast cereal.
>Yogurt smothered in sugar
>Ads telling you "vegetarians are cool, goy."
>Orange Juice, goy?
>How about some more processed cheese?
I lived in France for 5 years, what are they selling?
>Raw cheese
>Fresh meat from local Pierres
>Bread with zero additives in it.
>Fresh market twice a week from local farmers.
Oh, what was that? The French are some of the healthiest in the world?
It's not even close, Anons.
Can you tell me if it's pro-vegan or not? I'm not wasting my time reading more vegan propaganda, these fuckers will lie to your face to save animal feelings.
Read the book.
(Here's a hint, the Good Calories is the butter.)
Hunt your own meat. You will not only have a conscience free from the guilt of participating in factory farming but you will feel a kinship with the animal that provides you sustenance.
It's not pro vegan. It's based on science, not a cult.
I bow hunt elk, user. Best thing any man can do.
>also vegans please leave. you take things too far because your theories are based on feelings not facts.
So why eat any cholesterol
That's what vegans have been saying all this time
There IS NO CHOLESTEROL in plants
ALL animal foods contain CHOLESTERAL
If its based on science it's probably about the benefits of Ketosis. Ketosis is the natural state of the human metabolic system.
I hunt with gun and bow. Made a pact a year ago that my family would eat only meat we kill and met that goal just before Christmas last year.
The lowest LDL cholesterol levels ever found in man were taken from a Masai tribesman who ate nothing but fatty cuts of meat and drank only buffalo blood and raw milk. The Inuit, prior to the introduction of bread and sugar, lived on nothing but the meat and fat of seals and fish - yet suffered no cardiovascular illness, or cancer, or diabetes (as documented by western-trained doctors in the 19th century). Veganism is at odds with the diet mankind experienced through the vast majority of our evolutionary heritage. Your advocacy of a diet diametrically opposed to human metabolic function contributes to diabetes, cancer, tooth decay, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and every other misery that kills millions each year. You are, quite simply, a millstone around the neck of humanity. Cease your prattling.
Here's a small example. And counter-intuitive. It's anecdotal.
When I was a poor user, I had to get some bread. SIgned up for healthy male drug studies. HAd to lose weight to make the BMI cutoff. Went keto.
They did my bloodwork, and a nurse came up to me and asked what I ate because I had the lowest LDL levels in the study.
Sausage, Eggs, Steak, Broccoli, Fish...
Her mouth was on the floor.
This user knows what he is talking about, and it perfectly explains my bloodwork.
Better start eating Cheerios.
Cheerios are vegan and healthy, right?
And these as well?
I'm a healthy vegan.
Lol definitely the meat not all the candy, potato chips, french fries and milkshakes
Evil meat!
all of it has to go but meat will go first. it is most dangerous
Sage all fields. Israel should sign the nuclear dissarmament treaty and open its borders to black muslims
This. Fucking great post. Raw food is the way to go. Ditch the processing-Jew.
Pretty sure it's the chips, soda, and buffets, not eating meat lol
meanwhile tons of people live long healthy lives while still consuming meat
don't be a fucking worthless fatass and you're good
my diet is extremely low in fat and sugar. Someone I know has a diet that is extremely high in fat and sugar.
So we will see how this pans out over time. I feel great all the time and I'm thin. my friend is getting fat and feels miserable and hungry all the time.
No, americans are dying because the government subsidizes the hell out of sugar and soy. It can be fixed if subsidies when to foods based on their nutritional value, of which sugar and soy have none.
Fuck off, pinko bitch.
Keto flu and sugar detox retard.
>uh uh uh I just been poisoning my body with uh bread and sugar paste uh then I stopped and uh uh I feel sick in my tummy uh and uh uh meat is ebil
Detox of carbs you idiot, just did the first week into keto and feel a thousand times better. Your body is like a hybrid car, and you've been running on the cheap fuel forever. Eating chicken eggs and broccoli is like switching to premium from diesel.
Another one of THESE threads...
Welcome to the America, anything that isn't sold filled with preservatives in a "superstore" is filing for bankruptcy unless it doesn't have competition.
>pic related
It's basically the future of humanity.
OP is a faggot, test-marketing "meat equals cigarettes" arguments again.
Do you honestly believe that your body just pasively legs in macromolecules without digesting it? If that were true there would be carbofatties with sugar rumors and loaves of bread growing out of their heads. ZERO of the cholesterol in your body goes into your blood without first being digested down to basic monomers and rebuilt into what the body needs. SUGAR (blood glucose levels) signal hormonal reactions on what molecules to build, namely more cholesterol for the cellular membrane of those expanding fat cells, used to STORE CALORIES BROUGHT IN BY SUGAR!!!
Their problem is the sugar, not the fat. Their body will spend all its time trying to metabolize the sugar and have no time to burn the fat, storing it instead.
When a body runs on fat, it burns it first and foremost and never stores it unless you eat way over maintenance.
I eat high fat, low carbs and sugar. Anecdotaly, I have the strongest boners I have ever had in my life and I’m pushing 30. Like steal rod. On top of that, I maintain that hardness no matter how many times I fuck my wife.
When I was low fat and high carbs/protein my dick was flimsy, especially if I came earlier in the day.
I know nobody asked, just saying.
>Hitler didn’t eat meat.
he also lost.
>eating meat causes cholesterol plaque
This is false. Cholesterol only causes plaque if you eat sugar. Cro-magnon has a diet over 80% meat, no evidence of heart disease.
Nope. Eating fish is perfectly healthy for you. Dietary intake of cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. Its not 1970-1995 anymore... dunno how you still hold this silly beleif.
What foods are good sources of fat user?
A mostly meat diet is literally the diet our bodies were designed for, the sad part is we are just too damn overpopulated that the majority of humans will have to live and die by the carb menace. But it’s not too late to be the elite minority who know the truth. Laugh at all the fatties wasting their time at the gym and never losing weight while you sit on your ass eating steak and eggs and burning fat.
Cholesterol doesn't build in arteries from meat, or saturated fats, or CHOLESTEROL. You sound like some faggot from the 1980s that just read a nutrition text book.
Carbohydrates, Sugars, refined sugars, refined hydrogenated OILS...are what make the body USE cholesterol to patch up arteries in response to inflammation.
Your body also makes cholesterol daily, no matter if you eat it or not. And when you eat more, your body makes LESS. Your body always regulates cholesterol.
Get educated you fucking QUEER
I just typed pretty much the same thing to OP, the useless faggot Boomer, and saw your post.
He sounds like he dusted a nutrition text book from 1982 off the shelf and decided to fagpost on the 4Chins.
>Olive Oil and Butter
But user, I was told that if I eat boxes of these, I won't get fat. lul.
Still should lift while eating steak and eggs. But yea. Big reason people are fat is because of shit diet info out there. Steak and eggs are great for your metabolism but for some odd reason someone created the big saturated fat/cholesterol scare and led fat people to beleive that meat and eggs make you fat(wtf?) I dunno how people could be so dense as to think that their fat issues would be cured by switching from high protein low carb food full of nutrients to high carb low nutrient food. Eating that high carb low nutrient shit makes you cranky and mentally fatigued. Thus you eat more shit aggravating the problem worse. And then people try to jog or do the treadmill hours on end trying to "burn calories" to loose weight when actually there getting themselves more fucked up with mad amounts of cardio workouts. They go all out with cardio for one week then start crying over how difficult it is. Well you dont need to do any of that shit to lose weight all you need is the right food. Then a simple weight training routine for short amounts of time. Main thing is diet. But people like to over complicate things in diet industry so they can sell you shit.
>meat causes heart disease
>animals eating tons and tons of Bt-corn waste loaded with roundup ready and B. thuringiensis toxins, being turned into super fatty meat that clogs your arteries because it causes spikes in TMO, because it's fucking up your internal gut flora
Sure is Monsanto shill in here.
>TMAO, rather
kesein and gluten are way bigger causes of that though
^^ what they said.
And... High carb/sugar consumption actually thickens your blood to a more viscous, syrupy consistency, making it difficult to efficiently travel through your body, especially in and around your heart.
The common belief that carbs are fine stems from the low-fat fad that everyone obsessed over in the late 80s through 90s. Everyone bought things labeled low fat, but everything was packed with sugar, so the average person's health declined and weight increased, and Type 2 Diabetes became more common.
The real solution here is to educate the public, especially the 40+ crowd who have bad old habits, and the younger generations who haven't developed habits yet, and teach them that low carb, and an otherwise balanced diet, is healthier.
Meat is not the problem. Never was.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not knocking excercise, but I went on keto and lost 40 lbs. and never changed my physical routine, people at work would absolutely refuse to believe it, they think I had to have spent hours on the treadmill and was lying. Exercise is great for the body and everyone should do it, but with the right diet you don’t need to do as much of it as you think.
Yea. You can lose massive amounts of weight just by being red pilled on diet. But no one beleives you ever. When you tell people you eat a diet high in fat, cholesterol, buttery eggs, red meat, liver and onions they wont beleive you. The diet bullshit from the 70s to 90s still had a strong influence. People look at nutrient labels of say cashews or something and see 20 grams of fat and they freak out like its going to make them 600 pounds while their already 300 pounds. Or they find some snack cookies or something that are FAT FREE OMG! Like its a dream come true i can eat shit food and still lose weight and they chow down on some "fat free" low nutrient high carb shit. Its so fucked up. I just dont know how people stick with this bullshit. They just want to beleive that eating a fat free labeled item is going to do the trick. And that their treadmill is going to help them lose weight. Takes hours upon hours to burn the cals from one shitty doughnut. But they keep rationalising their shit choices by saying they will burn off the doughnut with cardio..
Is there anyone in this thread who has been on Keto for a long time (years) and still has high amounts of energy and health? Also you can't cheat on the diet either. I need to know if Keto is a long term disaster.
People also want to beleive your 40 lb weight loss could come from a magic diet pill.
Leafy here gets it. Metabolizing sugar comes with it a lot of free radicals, which can oxidize cholesterol. Add on that sugar raises blood acidity and fucks up blood vessels, guess where that oxidized cholesterol goes?
It tries to patch up the broken vessel wall, but oxidized cholesterol slips right past and gets stuck. Rinse and repeat and you have your heart attack.
You have to put yourself in their mindset, I was the same way for years, would go out and walk or jog the reservoir everyday and never seemed to get anywhere weight wise. It wasn’t until I changed my diet up did everything change. I also believe different people have different body needs and what works for one person chemically may not work for another. The biggest change in my life was discovering I was gluten intolerant so not only did giving up the wheat devil make me lose weight, it also cured my acid reflux, joint and stomach pains and breathing issues.
False, it provides necessary proteins that have allowed for Nords and Germanics to grow larger. Nords are bigger than Anglos simply because they never relied on a largely wheat-oriented diet.
Not to mention the US has always ate a TON of meat. But only very recently started to become a heart attack epidemic.
Sugar and grains are unhealthy. Meat and veggies are fine. Stop being a faggot, OP.
>Hitler didn’t eat meat.
Who won WWII again?
Nice source.
>a special gift for you faggots
Eating yourself to pure bliss, we're truly in Rome 2.0
It's a very drastic change in diet when compared to our overall evolutionary timeline. The food we see today wasn't the same even a decade ago, let alone half a century.
I wouldn't place the blame on meat, but rather the new stuff we've introduced that wasn't in our diets a long time ago.
Too many calories is too many calories. It's not what we eat, but how much.
doesn't stress tend to cause physiological distress? maybe proper americans are just more upset about the invasion of our country.
that said, i really can't wait to see that budget crisis.
and that said i'd rather take up arms now than pass this on to my kids.
and that said i will properly develop my compound such that my kin will call it homebase even when i'm gone. it will have a bunker and firearms as powerfujl as allowed by law
hitler also declined into weakness as the war started going against him.
he werent perfect mang.
reminder that this is shilling intended to make us weak and to diminish our masculinity. don't even reply to this garbage. sage
eat whatever feels good to you and makes you feel healthy. go with hard science and read the scientific reports.
>whatever feels good
Just use horseradish with your meat when you can. The problem with meat is digestion and horseradish fixes that.
Mankind has eaten meat since the beginning of our existence. Meat isn't bad for you at all however it's the processed meats that cause cancer, avoid them and eat organic meats such as beef, lamb or chicken then you will be fine.
Non hydrogenated (shelf stable) ie fresh animal fats are also good. Preferably grass feed/ free range
why is this? i just got into horsey sauce so this is good news
>doesn't believe in intuitive eating/ knowing one's own body.
i don't mean hedonistic pleasure.
>calcium supplements literally calcify your arteries
>still blaming meat
'odd reason' no. The lie was created to support Ancel Keys' research career.
Related the movie "the Road to Wellville" is a comical look at Kellogg and his quackery
Enjoy your saggy skinnyfat body. For a true manly physique you need to sweat.
Also has a scene with John Cusack and Matthew Broderick, who until the moment I saw that I assumed were the same person.
antibiotics in meat can also trigger a huge die off of the shit in your stomach if you havent had it in a while
Oh god I love America
Shit like that makes me feel physically sick, how can such shit be classified as meat? Most importantly why would people even eat it?