“Crushing Internet Fascism,” and how to do it. Apparently


It almost as if they think they're being subtle

I have some

>place that is regularly shilled by intelligence agencies
>some butthurt Trotsky wannabes think they've got a Grand Strategy

wat do we do when no longer are we permitted to peck words into threads?


And they failed so fucking hard. Antifaggots can't make supersoldiers, I guess.

You can’t subvert a board whose main pastime is trolling each other anyway. That takes real dedication.

do trump cucks over in the /tardgeneral/ still larp about this sharblue shit?

I can't tell if this was created un-ironically or ironically.
I can't tell anymore, man!?!
I... I just can't tell. *sobs*

I'm glad my life isn't so pathetic that I watch the news cycle of other countries

>You can’t subvert a board whose main pastime is trolling each other anyway. That takes real dedication.

This. Being a bunch of slaves of an authoritarian ideology, they can't comprehend the basic idea of an unstructured free-for-all like Sup Forums.

Total lack of skill and subtlety aside, all their "plans" are guaranteed to fail from the outset, because they by definition cannot understand how this place works. If they did, they'd be /ourgoys/

But it's fun to watch them try and I hope they never stop

Sup Forums is dead, why would they waste the energy trying to shill here

Don't ever change Antifa, Pls.

>throwing commies from helicopters,
>running them over,
>giving them heart attacks,
>cutting off their gibs,
>Making them cry,
>or felling them with a single punch to the face

our lives would be boring and monotonous.

I don’t know, but they do.

lold a lot

Antifa think they can disrupt chaos. How cute.

pissing in an ocean of piss


It's not even working because these fags don't even understand how Sup Forums works. They also haven't accounted for our offline meetups, which have grown in size and influence since 2016. These retards should just kill themselves or join us, as resistance is futile. National socialism is the future of all peoples. Antifa will submit or be crushed.

This is a false flag image made by Sup Forumstards.

Shut the fuck up and let us enjoy the LARP, asshole.


Donald's impeachment is only 2561 days away. Just give up republicants.

This is pointless, these lefties realize we would slice their heads off right?
