Guy has basically sabotaged himself and completely let down his own base of support over the past year through constant inaction. Why?
What made Trey Gowdy cuck so hard?
Is it true that he didn't support Trump in the primaries?
He has seen all of the evidence and just gave the fuck up as he realizes how massive and all encompassing it is. All of his hopes and dreams were destroyed by that realization.
>We sent the FBI screenshots of twitter LARP and nothing happened so we dreamt up another LARP
No one on congress did except sessions
Because he's in balls deep with the russians too. He is just trying to keep out of the spotlight and praying not to get swept away when the rest of them go down.
wait and see
He supported Rubio
This. Why does some random on Twitter think he knows what qualifies as "actionable"? He's probably just an edgelord.
Doesn't change the fact that Gowdy has suddenly become a swollen vagina now that the GOP is in charge of everything. This is the definition of a traitor. Someone who, at the very moment action is required, inexplicably fails.
I can’t wait until all of you faggots are hanged. Political shilling—like many other form of shill—should be illegal. You’re also too fucking stupid to read his Ethics resignation letter where he points out he’s going to focus on his other committee seats including Judiciary and Intelligence.
>opinions should be illegal
Gowdy's a hayseed showboat. Nothing ever got done despite the theater he produced, and he totally fucking sucked at the Hillary hearing, arguably helping her to escape prosecution.
He had also been pushing the "Comey will prove to be a good guy in the end," which means he is either stupid or corrupt.
member jason chaffetz? and how odd it was when he announced his retirement? and how we said "at least we still have rowdy gowdy"? and then how he proceeded to do fuck all for the last year?
Sounds like I hit pretty close to home there, princess. Keep on crying, little snowflake.
lul what with Assange appearing too that's gonna be fuckin wild
Wow another shareblue hit on Gowdy.
You need some sage on that.
>We sent a US congressman an unsolicited email with a bunch of conspiracy-theory-sounding crap in it and nothing happened
What is this world coming to? baka
Gowdy doesn't have actionable abilities you fuckwits. He can only bring shit into the open and HOPE someone in DOJ does something about it. He can't even force compliance on his subpoenas.
TP has been way off on a few things lately. Not sure if he's comped or running disinfo on behalf of whitehats, but he's not infallible.
That's the truepundit bro isn't it?
There’s an interview where Trey Gowdy says “history will look back and thank Comey” or something along those lines. He also was one of the first to call out Don Jr for meeting that Russian bitch in a hotel or wherever they are.
I don’t think Gowdy is “a good guy” or “a bad guy” but maybe just a politician.
Politicians don’t give a fuck about you or your family.
Yeah, good old chaffetz, Mike Dukakis's son was really /ourguy/
>Muh "Russia conspiracy"
You faggots seriously should kill yourselves. the Clintons and the Podestas have more ties to the Russians than Trump.
I think even John Podesta tweeted something like “when they say they’re leaving for family, it’s never about family.” I’m sure his tweet is out there.
Bullshit. Contempt of Congress is actionable.
"Congress Has a Way of Making Witnesses Speak: Its Own Jail"
This is where inherent contempt comes in. From the Republic’s earliest days, Congress has had the right to hold recalcitrant witnesses in contempt — and even imprison them — all by itself. In 1795, shortly after the Constitution was ratified, the House ordered its sergeant at arms to arrest and detain two men accused of trying to bribe members of Congress. The House held a trial and convicted one of them.
In 1821, the Supreme Court upheld Congress’s right to hold people in contempt and imprison them. Without this power, the court ruled, Congress would “be exposed to every indignity and interruption, that rudeness, caprice, or even conspiracy, may mediate against it.” Later, in a 1927 case arising from the Teapot Dome scandal, the court upheld the Senate’s arrest of the brother of a former attorney general — carried out in Ohio by the deputy sergeant at arms — for ignoring a subpoena to testify.
The Congressional Research Service issued a report in July that confirmed Congress’s inherent contempt powers. It explained how they work: “The individual is brought before the House or Senate by the sergeant at arms, tried at the bar of the body, and can be imprisoned in the Capitol jail.” Congress can do this, the report concluded, to compel them to testify or to punish them for their refusal to do so.
yep i remember it
I didn’t say anything about Don Jr being a Russian Shill. I just said Gowdy was first to jump down this throat about it like it was bad for Don Jr to do it in first place. Which made me question Gowdy.
Gowdy is trash.
Not really.
Rand Paul needs that intel
Gowdy was just a political opportunist at best.
My bad.
Not showing is hard to enforce when the rats keep rescheduling or delaying, stating they'd have to go retrieve the information requested and delay the fuck out of that. As with many political scandals, simply insisting on a vague or deflective answer will get you through the day.
Effectively, nothing gets done. These hearings are mostly masturbatory.
Lol that fake as Hell photo of Rubio. Lmao
“Look at me, I’m so American I love football!”
Least he could do is log on Sup Forums and spread some red pills, instead of being a little faggot / why doesn’t he just shitpost a little bit?
No, user. It's easy to enforce. You're part of the problem, desu.
It’s ok, I don’t like people attacking my President either. Great things have happened to my pathetic self since he’s been in office.
I’m a little pessimistic on Hillary and Obama ever getting justice served to them. But I am hopeful.
>trusting politicians
>Here Rand, the only politician in DC who actually cares about the people, hold this target
A second term will send the message that everything hes doing is fine, and you want him to proceed with the investigations.
remember all the fuckery Obama got upto in his final months of his second term?
Now imagine Trump with that same freedom.
Why do the shills have it in for Gowdy?
I think the problem with taking them down is that so many other people would be taken down in the process. Instead of it being too big to fail it's too corrupt to jail...
Have you actually watched the things? Even the simplest of accomplishments can take years.
You're part of the problem if you can't admit the system is largely ineffective at that level.
God I hope you’re right.
I’m waiting for the last two of this 8 years in office where he ends welfare illegals.
I honestly see very close people to the Clintons going to jail, like Huma even, but I don’t know who else.
I dont know if Huma is really wearing a tracker either. I can only imagine all the shit Trump knows and can’t talk about it.
You're the problem for giving these seditious spineless faggots a pass.
>wearing a tracker
she's not. same people shilling that whopper have basically claimed the podestas have been arrested 14 times each and are in Gitmo after having thir plane diverted five different times.
>I can only imagine all the shit Trump knows and can’t talk about it.
I think about this every fucking day. Absolutely tantalizing.
Give evidence that Gowdy has displayed seditious behavior? Sending him documents and not hearing anything public doesn't mean shit. How do we even know those documents weren't some LARP bullshit?
I don't know if you're just a crazy fuck off his meds, but I get the impression you're not completely bolted down upstairs. Shits rattling a little too loose.
Lol I don’t know why this made me laugh.
No wonder he downs 6 diet cokes a day. They probably tell him crazy shit in the White House, he politely excuses himself and goes to a vending machine to get his soda.
And he just stands there, probably thinking 1,000 mi an hour on how he’s going to screw over every traitor to America.
Question should be what does he know?
And is it Trump and the GOP getting btfo.
He's either jumping from a sinking ship or his life is being threatened
Gowdy supporting faggot Rubio is evidence enough for rational patriots.
Shareblue has arrived. Kill yourself, faggot.
No, Gowdy has always been controlled opposition.
Why would Shareblue defend Gowdy, who has brought up many of Obama's and Hillary's scandals countless times? I thought they wanted those two in good light.
You're not making much sense, user.
Because they use Gowdy as a D&C play. Watch, next they'll accuse someone of being Jewson Goodman.
That is counter intuitive, irrational and probably the most paranoid thinking I have been witness to.
Not really.
This shill might not be shareblue, but he does this every night. It's easy to track.
Gowdy is not part of the swamp. He simply is vulnerable to blackmail much like Chaffetz
No one has a perfect past
Maybe. He comes across as a faggot, desu, so it's probably something sexual.
Thomas Paine is 95% bullshit.
You'll notice he doesn't say jack shot about the Lad Vegas investigation
He is somewhat legit.
>still believing in the Russia conspiracy
kill yourself you niggerfaggot
People like Gowdy are intended to make us satisfied under the spotlight while he ensures nothing happens. Words are cheap, and our enemies know most people are stupid and are satisfied by words.
I doubt talk of the ongoing investigation is permitted. He likely wouldn't be able to address any problems concerning it until after it's been concluded.
Gowdy was on the house ethics committee. What exactly is he supposed to do on this neutered committee?
Him resigned may mean he has something more important lined up and soon.
Kys larper scum
Gowdy is a yapping little dog just like Chaffetz. Barks for the cameras and accomplishes nothing. Keep in mind he ran the Benghazi probe.
He stepped down from The Ethics Committe
>Since 2017 and the resignation of Jason Chaffetz he chairs of the House Oversight Committee.
He's still chair of HOC
just calm down
Yet he somehow never called out shitlery or any other (((fact witnesses))) on the cia gun running in benghazi, thus letting based patriots die in vain while tacitly calling living based patriots liars.
>Spamming this in every single thread
Whatcha doin' rabbi?
As part of the Ethics Committee, he also didn't take action against House pervs.
Fuck all of you retard fucks who fell for the Gowdy meme. The fix was in for the Bengazi hearings from the beginning. General Ham had the goods on Obama and HRC but was never called to testify. They took a closed door statement of selected questions that swept under the rug. Gowdy is a traitor like the rest. Rope.
Gowdy's yet another self-important faggot that likes to put on a good song and dance show so it looks like he's doing something for his base but then quietly shove everything under the rug. Remember all his cringeworthy IF ONLY YOU KNEW HOW BAD IT WAS fox news appearances that nothing ever came of? I got off the train when he and (((Chaffetz))) (another fair-weather antitrumper) held a guy with info on Hillary's server in contempt and then literally never did a single thing with it, didn't even pull him in, just let it disappear into the wind. Fuck them, they're all actors.
Trey gowdy is nothing but a career politician and I can't believe anyone fell for his grandstanding moralfaggotry. Actually I can. I really can
>the only defense for gowdy is a dumb fucking larper
No, fuck you, shitbag. Gowdy has done NOTHING.
I think the diet cokes are probably related to his paranoia about consuming unsealed food and drink
Let's see... trust Gowdy or a Twitter LARPer... HRMMMM
also sage