Oprah's cousin says she lied about her poverty stories


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A total shock, she'll regret running since it will show her darkest secrets.
We find everything.

*sigh* stop thinking like you're helping

Seal pretty much destroyed any chance she had at running.

Oprah has been lying all her life, you got to be an idiot to believe anything she says.

>dressed in potato sacks
only people that grew up in the 1870s would believe that

They might have been a poor black family but it wasn't that bad....

You could always find some sort of stray dog or cat to keep as a pet.

Next she'll say she grew up in a concentration camp or plantation. \

What BS.

muh soggy knees back from the dead!
question is: has current year feminism been weakened enough that oprah could even be hurt by any of these published facts?
don't forget the +1 for perpetually overweight black woman
and the +3 for being beamed into ever house in america for over a decade giving shitty cars to an all female audience.
>trump had a show where people worked just to get a job
>oprah had a show where she gave out free cars
i'd need to crunch some census numbers, but my hunch is she's got a lead on trump and it's more due to stay at home "moms" than it is to nigger women.
that said, i doubt she runs as she's practically mother theresa at this stage. trump was basically bullied into fucking the media's ass. oprah will only run if she has a savior complex oh fuck she's gonna do it.

>Oprah Winfrey

This isn't uncommon. The rap scene is flooded with niggers that didn't half the shit they sing about.

>wearing potato sacks
for fucks sake even homeless people have clothes she can't even make up a good lie

Madam Va jay jay.

The Russians are working quick this time, good too, Oprah would have gotten back all those Obongo voters.

She was a slutty teenage whore who couldn't help but Fuck anything. I hate white people

Not surprised.

She was chosen made into a huge media star by the media and entertainment lords. It's all a controlled game. Her "muh poverty" backstory is one her management assigned to her. To boost her cred among viewers and consumers, so people can point to Oprah and say "See, shes black and went from rags billionaire," and other shit.

Imagine the lords picked Jeremy Meeks (felon mugshot guy) to be the next big huge media personality and gave him and trials and tribulationd and overcome story to attach to his image to boost him cred and image, assigned management and companies to him to build products and brands to sell the masses and make money for the lords and companies. Same shit with Oprah. She's (and other celebrities) are just as much the products as what they sell.

I literally cackled out loud.

A reminder
Jeremy Meeks the felon Model, pissed off the big Jew Thief who stole from UK pensions
By banging his manky daughter.

Truly the BASED one.

This is from 2010

Get it all out now so she'll be fresh in 2020

Im sure it was that Jew that made him millionaire model, and he probably gave him his daughter.

No lad, extensive reports showed that he was mightily pissed off.
Remember (((They))) keep their lines clear while encouraging others not to.
BASED Meeks.

>Oprah wuz spoiled lil keyd cuz her momma akshully fed her ass, she ain't digging round in duh mud making mud cookies n eatin worms and cigarette butts like the rest is niggas. She spoilt lil queen.

It's the pot calling the kettle nigger.

does anyone actually believe the potato sack bullshit?
it's fucking insane

The other little googles were jealous of her sack dress. It wasn't used shit handed down from white people.

>No lad, extensive reports showed that he was mightily pissed off.
No extensive reports don't. He called it just a "holiday romance" at first, then when he saw that it was more he welcomed Meeks and said that "he wants his daughter to be happy so she gets what she wants."

>Remember (((They))) keep their lines clear
No they don't. Not always. Many Jewish people race mix.

The left are about to find out how much the moral high ground is worth it didnt do shit for repubs


Well he's not going to publicly say
>I hate niggers for ruining my daughter
is he?

Not really.
Many of the key architects of the conspiracy YOU allude to actually don't
Look at migration policies for Israel from people advocating migration for Europe.

oprah winfrey, negro woman of the south

This. She has a ton of bad shit in her background. Oprah is the definition of a meme candidate. She will never actually run, her job is to play the character of "President" in the alternate universe currently inhabited by 30 percent of the country. It's like when they made The West Wing so they could fantasize about having a President they liked.

hey redditfag, it's not 1995. Oprah is not nearly as influential as democrats think. Her job is to keep the donors from fleeing the sinking ship while they figure out a new way forward. Dems know they're getting gutted by Trump right now.

She never talks about political corruption despite be able to reach a large audience. She will be a status quo president I’m sure the Deepstate will want.

Of course she did like tons of other celebrities, such as Rowling.

>hey redditfag, it's not 1995. Oprah is not nearly as influential as democrats think.
that's honestly true
I bet altright pewdiepie gets higher daily ratings than Oprah

>telling people when you laugh