Why did California became a shithole?


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>half naked
she was also half clothed


>>half naked
That's not unusual for 'murica.

Lots of foreign voters, Jerry brown, silicon valley, globalist, women, cucks, shit in the water that makes the friggin frogs gay.


If she was wearing a swimsuit, she'd be more than half naked.


Reagan gave amnesty for illegals. Permanently turning the state to Commiefornia.



good fuck google


Off topic but since we're talking about shitholes...does anyone have that cap about Minnesota and the Super Bowl

California has one of the lowest state IQ in the US.

Beaners, nogs, and jews.

Minnesotan here what happened?

t. abdul bin aziz


When Reagan granted amnesty. If you think about it, Reagan fucked up our morality way more than Obama.
>started the amnesty trend
>first to allow no-fault divorce


She probably suggested that men & women may be biologically suited to slightly different types of tasks, or maybe she didn't boo loud enough when Trump was on TV, so they obviously had a nazi on their hands that they had to deal with.

An user gave a breakdown of the leadership of the local govt, its ties to Somali terror networks, and how it could be one gigantic shitshow at the SuperBowl. The main pic was 4 Minnesota politicians breaking ground at some construction site.


THOT Status: Patrolled.

dead whistleblower maybe

so much for google's do no evil screed

They’re like a parasite. They ruin everywhere they move to and try to turn it into California.

great insight

lmao that's what you get for slaving under jewgle thot

well i'm confused. was half of her naked and they found the naked part?


t. concerned norvege

>being a tripfag

No one cares who you are or what you have to say

boomers sold us out

One word: Democrats

An user gave a breakdown of the local politics of Minneapolis and how its full of Somali's and how there are a bunch of terror networks in Minnesota and that the Super Bowl could be one huge shit show

ho lee fuck if somalis blow up the vikes @ the superbowl and stop us from our first chance in a century it might be enough to seal us off forever

Good riddance

>Poor minorities
>Ultra wealthy gated white liberals

= Shithole.

This is the model they are trying to push on the entire country.

Bullshit. I believe it but it’s dae bullshit way my budah

because california is in debt
stop over spending money you don't have

There was a good cap with a bunch of info on it about this. Thats all I'm looking for.

When you think about it, people are always naked on the inside unless they eat socks.

It's basically what Brazil is now. Dystopian as fuck.


burn the google pay the corpse found half naked in sanfrancisco bay toll. Empowering women was SUCH a mistake.
women should never have been allowed to vote.
letting them drive was a huge mistake.
putting them into the military made sure all of the people who would have taken it seriously instead view it as a shameful joke and never join. they crippled the military with their stupid shit. and look at this dumb bitch.
is THIS who you want in our fighter jets? Does this 4th grade teacher really seem like a trained killer to you? She is just another big brown dried period blood stain on our dignity as a nation.
women are not equal to men, in many cases are not equal to pets or even certain shirts.
disgusting penis envy, pitiful female mind.
This is far far far too much power for her extremely limited judgement. Get them away from the tools we defend them with or they will just leave us defenseless.
when war comes she will be taking selfies and shopping in her jet while she flies it to Israel to defect instead of fighting for our nation and the people who gave her a trillion times more than she could EVER deserve.
retards, blacks, women, full orcs, blind pigs, these are all that you ever see in promotional photos like this.
you tell me Sup Forums how far did the standards have to be lowered for women like this to pass as fighter pilots? How much did they have to lie about her performance and abilities?

Atheism, degenerancy, kike propaganda, etc.



then againcan't really blame hi, if I become president and then get shot by a """"lone gunman""" I'd rethink my views pretty fucking fast too

Liberal degeneracy.

Southern California from 1949 to 1965 was a literal paradise. A time that will be famed and longed for for centuries to come
it h-hurts too much


Reagan also brought no fault divorce to the United States, forever weakening the nuclear family favored by whites.

The bigger question is what did she find out?

Probably nothing, maybe one of these people killed her for having a conservative opinion. I think it was fatneckbeardguy, should we ask him on twitter about this?

Clinton emails, obviously.

Lost for now but we could return to a white paradise .
We got so close to Eden

Thank you for your insight Denmark.

>state economy revolves around propaganda and taxes
like you i wonder, OP

She swallowed the diversity meme and got niggered.

She probably identified as a "large ornate fishing schooner" and went for her maiden voyage and almost immediately came to the cold harsh truth of reality.

Oh dear what a shame

she was probably swimming and looked like a sea lion

They're more like a fungus, commifornia is ejecting spores across the nation because of how mismanaged it is. All the little idiots settling down in other parts of the country don't change their ideology as a result of this management either, they just turn wherever they go blue.

Leftist value systems implanted by (((them))). It's the perfect society to control. Weak, self-hate, herd/mutt, anti-masculinity, you name it.

I hope it was an illegal immigrant


prop 187

google doesn't hire illegals

doubt that.

though I meant I hope it was an illegal that killed her.

Yo if true, that dude missing the final tackle might make sense. He fucking whiffed something ugly. It was almost like he did it on purpose...

>tfw nowhere near as successful as working at a big corp like google but still alive

Well atleast I have that going for me. Thanks for oddly cheering me up in a strange way OP

please go back

How a person answers the question of whether the rape victim was half naked or half clothed reveals a lot.

The Mestizo Menace


Which half? I want to have a full picture.

She knew. (((They))) shut her down.

>Google Employee
Let's not blame California for once for something someone had coming.

>Why did California became a shithole?

the feeeeels

t socal


In ‘65?
They were all kids.

I bet they hire undocumented citizens instead.

it hurts me so much this happened in new zealand

>the fuck does google employment have anything to do with this?

Nothing of value was lost. Liberals continue to reap what they sow.

I told her to stop spamming craigs list and running seo scams.

Its not the jews its the fags

>burn the google pay the corpse

That is true seen it here in washington

They actively make it hard for law enforcement to be meaningful and outright ban them from doing things like asking if they're here illegally or not. It's not really that hard to figure out why they're a shithole.

SF bay in particular became a shithole due to WW2 policies of importing niggers and the poor to help with shipbuilding. Oakland and surrounding areas became BLACKED and all the whites began to move out to the east bay/livermore area. Then the spics started encroaching in from Modesto since farmers wanted cheap labor. And the final nail in the coffin is the current the massive imortation of H1B poos to serve as IT drones for the software industry.
Also the russians and the chinese have been constantly enroaching in the area since the '80s because they want to steal IP from the semiconductor industry.
t. former sfbay/cali resident now living in a much better state.

>danish education

Thats what the hiring agencies are for.


>google employee
This is important how? Would the story change if they were not a google employee?

Short answer?
1) weed
2) immigrants (illegal and legal)
3) faggots in hollyweird

Brazilians are child molesters.

>>half naked

Holy shit holy shit



The predator aliens got another one.

Is that slaanesh?