>Conan O'Brien announces he's taking his show to Haiti to prove it isn't a shithole
What will this do to liberalism if he is mugged and murdered there?
>Conan O'Brien announces he's taking his show to Haiti to prove it isn't a shithole
What will this do to liberalism if he is mugged and murdered there?
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itll be a ShitShow
Will the Haitians bake him cookies?
We need to get pics of his military escort because that's what it is...also find out the names of slums then ask him to come there...we need fake Harian Twitter accounts
im sure he'll have armed guards off camera so his propaganda is damaged
>more security than actual spectators
Can't wait!
Will Conan O'Brien eat a mud cookie to prove Haiti is not a shit-hole.
fucking hell, does trump have support from any talk show hosts?
He might eat mud cakes instead of mud cookies
He's going to go there while being surrounded by guards and paid black actors to pretend they're Haitian.
Dude this is moronic. All someone needs to do is capture video of the huge amount of security he'll require and the whole thing will be immediately BTFO. What an idiot
This is great.
Conan has become a sad, hollow little man.
The jews fucked him over big time and he's still sucking kosher cock. What a disgrace.
no, and Conan is the least annoying of them, which is saying something.
Nope. Sad to see Conan turn into a cuck. I know he’s a Harvard liberal, and usually he’s nowhere as obnoxious as Colbert et al, but this is a bitch move.
Even if Conan realizes it’s a shithole, as a good liberal he can’t admit it.
People need to ask Conan on Twitter if he will eat mud cookies in haiti
Like when Michael Moore went to the hood in LA to prove it was safe and cops were just racist. Walked around a busy intersection for two minutes in broad daylight surrounded by camera crew and escorts and the fact he didn't get instantly robbed was supposed to prove blacks are great people.
oh boy.
>does Sandals count as part of haiti??
When I saw him performing in ads for fucking Lineage II's on mobile I knew his career had gone to shit.
He might get Ebola when he goes to Haiti.
Haiti is truly a shit-hole and needs to purge all it's niggers.
they really did a number on him
Yeah, but who among us is gonna draw the short straw and go to fucking Haiti?
He dated Lisa Kudrow for years and she never let him inside that Jewish pussy, was saving herself for marriage. That's probably what did it.
dude was swallowed whole by the moving picture jew. shame, really. he was appointment viewing at what, 1:30? now he's on at 11 with a massive ad campaign and all he's got is signaling nonsense. the only funny thing about haiti is how shitty it is combined with the outrage of people who can't admit how shitty it is. original conan wouldn't have touched this. original conan was better at his original job. new conan is shit at his new job.
if you could make 500k for ten years to do your thing, would you give it up to make 10 mil a year to do what they say?
i can honestly say no, they wouldn't even be able to make the offer.
what say Sup Forums?
What!? No way!!
Reminder that Conan is secretly Jewish
Doesn't realize he would be throwing more shit into the hole.
Conan. Right.
at least my government doesn't lie.
Type in any country to see the warnings and sitaution
He delivers himself into the Trump Curse's maw. He'll be ground into meat.
this apu is adorable
Powerful. Sure his staff are happy.
Indeed we get the liberal idols to sacrifice themselves to prove their own progressiveness. We get to see that they either become a statistic in the newspaper or are completely outed as hypocrites. Either way they are done like dinner.
Will probably be in the richest part with a dozen or so body guards.
Everything appears safe when you have a 20 man armed security team paid for by Turner Networks
I would laugh if this somehow lead to Conan discovering what the Clinton foundation did to Haiti
are there any frogposters in haiti? do we have user from dominican republic we could send on conan recce?
If it's not in Port au Prince, these he's just virtue signaling.
Travel warning for Haiti: monkeys may throw feces
They don't even need to go to Haiti, all he needs is to go to Miami to see how bad Haitians are
I was genuinely afraid.
Thank god we're not lying too
this is from the australian government.
honestly I hope him and his crew get murdered
can we meme ISIS into blowing him up?
This just proves you're going to see alot of jacked black men with ear buds and sunglasses around him to look like the warm inviting natives!
how hope a bunch of his crew members are murdered
I think Conans fall from grace and consequent forced leftist alignment is what's upset me the most out of all the celebrity's I once liked.
He had such a following on Sup Forums many years ago ;_;
His massive security detail will merely prove Trump correct
the media is delusional, how can you disagree with their own governments travel advice, every european country has probably got the same advice and warnings!
this is from the US!
>What will this do to liberalism if he is mugged and murdered there?
We should crowdfund a shadow camera crew so we can show the violent, gun-toting security detail they need to travel anywhere and how hypocritical that is compared to what they try to show on their faggy network channel
She friend zoned him since they were in their 20's
This is like going to the moon to prove it has breathable atmosphere.
Mud cookies laced with ebola will enter Conan's mouth.
4d chess syndrome
This reads like Johannesburg
Get to it guys
>Reconsider your need to travel
>What will this do to liberalism if he is mugged and murdered there?
Oh, I know this one! Blame Trump.
I hope it happens too, Conan a shit.
That was back in the Late Night days. Conan got to meet the Finnish president because she looked like him
I love how they will do anything BUT admit it is a fucking shithole which is what it is.Just fucking admit it. The first step of solving a problem is to admit there is a problem
Conan was always likable but not particularly funny.
Now he is neither.
He also had a huge opportunity to rescue the Tonight Show from Leno, go more serious like Carson and make it comfy again. Leno was the opposite of comfy. But Conan went "Ill bring goofball shit to the masses" and that's why he failed.
Bulgaria, these marxists are persistent in their insanity
>Inform local authorities you're doing a PR piece for their shit hole.
>They organize dancing children and security to keep the locals away.
>This totally contrived scenario proves this place is wonderful!
>Weeks later swarms of virtue signaling liberals inspired by Conan O' Brien decide to take their vacation in Haiti resulting in mass robbery, rape, and kidnapping.
If Conan really wanted to prove the place wasn't a shit hole he should walk from one side of the capital city to the other without security or prior notification. Just walk through dressed like a tourist and see if you can make it across town without being robbed and/or raped and/or kidnapped and/or murdered.
this special is getting canceled or he's sticking to that walled up fortress enclave.
What a good-hearted and well meaning thing to do. Except he won't actually do a show from Haiti. He'll do an "away" segment that will be worked into a regularly formatted show back in Los Angeles. And even then he'll be lying through his teeth about what it's like in Haiti.
Ever since Conan got bought by TBS he's been sucking globalist dick. No wonder considering it's owned by the same people as CNN.
I feel bad for conan, he recently did an interview with Bill Clinton where he droned on about how if we don't accept mass immigration we're all going to die.
I think he will go all out like he did with the north korea south korea border.
A screen cap of this needs to be tweeted at him
yeah, pretending everything is fine is making things worse in my opinion. When it comes to bad countries Haiti is the bottom of the barrel. I don't see how pretending everything is fine with it is making things better, if anything it is making things much worse for the people there.
>The jews fucked him over big time and he's still sucking kosher cock
Conan is Jewish goy. Bet you didn't see that twist coming!
>goes to club med
Anthony Bourdain did the trip and he ended up pissing people off. Did a show over there and ended up calling it a shithole. He ended up buying out some restaurants food and started a riot.
I wonder if his wife and kids will talk him out of it.
Conan goes to Haiti
Trump curse is real
Conan is pulled apart by an angry Haitian mob because he dissed their mud cakes.
UN officially designates Haiti as a Shithole.
imagine if they were mobbed by locals and stabbed to death.
>INB4 he goes to a resort to avoid the ghettos where all the shitholers are fleeing from
This is why American Liberalism is a cancer that must be treated with a heavy dose of chemo
LOOK HOW NICE MY TOILET LOOKS, GUYS. I swear there is NO gigantic turd anywhere nearby, no sir!
nothing will happen, he'll go to only the nicest part and then call it a day, faggot wont got near the 98% rest of the shit hole country
Conan Obrien will be slaughtered live on air.
This will be fing wonderful, watch him get dysentery on live tv.
>not shown on-camera: the enormous armed security detail keeping Conan ((O'Brien)) safe while filming cherry-picked locals
Moshi moshi
>Conan is Jewish goy.
He really is. Harvard; all those years around Jew comedy writers. Got his 40m and still Jews it up. He can get fucked.
Conan is used to be really funny. But like everything now, it must be political so he's pretty much unwatchable now. Wtf happened?
Can't wait to hear Conan got mugged by niggers with machetes in Haiti.
This is an issue for these upset leftist. There is large amounts of travel footage from many of these shitholes they can not remove or take back. Many of these travel shows are the ones who have shown how much of a shithole most of these please are.
this makes me sad, his old show remotes were so good particularly the civil war baseball.
I've honestly wondered what (((they))) have on him, must be something really bad.
Same with Eminem, no one ages ten years in a few months like he did or goes full apologetic.
Like Time Warner would let that happen
Exactly I can show you 5% really nice spot in Detroit...but I'd be lying if I claimed that the rest of it was just as nice and wonderful.
Seriously they're going to go all the tourist friendly spots and film there, the spots cleaned up for rich foreigners to play in.